Ariz. R. P. Spe. Act. 2

As amended through December 6, 2023
Rule 2 - Parties
(a) Parties.
(1) General. Any person who previously could institute an application for a writ of mandamus, prohibition, or certiorari may institute proceedings for a special action. The complaint shall join as a defendant the body, officer, or person against whom relief is sought. If any public body, tribunal, or officer is named as a defendant, the real party or parties in interest shall also be joined as defendants.
(2) Victims. The victim as defined in Rule 39(a), Rules of Criminal Procedure, may institute proceedings for a special action seeking relief from an order denying any right guaranteed to victims under Arizona Constitution Art. 2, § 2.1, any implementing legislation or court rules. Such proceedings may also be instituted by the prosecutor at the request of the victim.
(b) Other Persons. The court may direct that notice of the action be given to any person. It may allow other persons to intervene subject to the provisions of Rule 24 of the Rules of Civil Procedure; or may order their joinder as parties; or may allow them to participate amicus curiae.

Ariz. R. P. Spe. Act. 2