049-11 Wyo. Code R. § 11-12

Current through April 27, 2019
Section 11-12 - Non-Privileged Communication

The JDC shall develop, adopt, follow and maintain on file written policies and procedures governing all aspects of a juveniles' right of reasonable communication in the form of mail, telephone, and visitation of a non-privileged nature with persons such as family and friends. Policy and procedure shall address:

(a) Mail (letters and packages).

  • (i) Mail shall be delivered or posted as soon as reasonably possible;
  • (ii) When the juvenile bears the mailing cost, there is no limit on the number of letters he/she can send or receive;
  • (iii) An indigent juvenile shall be provided with sufficient envelopes, writing materials and postage to send a reasonable number of letters per month;
  • (iv) For security reasons, all incoming packages shall be inspected;
  • (v) When mail is inspected or rejected, the juvenile or sender shall be notified of the reasons for the action and provided with an opportunity to appeal that decision;
  • (vi) Inspection, when deemed necessary, shall be completed within twenty-four (24) hours for letters and within forty-eight (48) hours for packages. These inspections shall be conducted by at least two (2) detention staff and signed and dated in a log; and
  • (vii) All first class letters and packages shall be forwarded to juveniles who are transferred to another JDC or released, provided that a forwarding address is available. If a forwarding address is not available, first class letters and packages shall be returned to the sender.

(b) Telephone.

  • (i) Juveniles shall have reasonable access to make telephone calls. The hours of telephone availability, the number of calls allowed and the duration of each call shall be specified by the JDC;
  • (ii) Telephone facilities shall allow for a reasonable amount of privacy; and
  • (iii) All long distance calls shall be made collect.

(c) Visitation.

  • (i) The JDC shall establish a visitation schedule for no less than two (2) days each week, one (1) of which shall be during the weekend. Each juvenile, except those restricted as a result of disciplinary action, shall have the opportunity for visitation at least two (2) hours of each week in two (2) or more visits, each of which shall be no less than fifteen (15) minutes in duration with special consideration and allowances provided based on unusual circumstances (e.g., hardships imposed on family; long distances traveled);
  • (ii) Rules concerning the number of visitors, the duration of each visitation and the necessary surveillance shall be consistent with the JDC's security requirements and the security risk of each juvenile. This information may be accessed by attorney and/or court;
  • (iii) Persons under the age of eighteen (18) when accompanied by a parent or legal guardian, may be permitted to visit the juvenile;
  • (iv) Visitation restrictions may be imposed in case of a substantiated security risk or in the event the visitor or juvenile refuses to comply with the visitation rules of the JDC;
  • (v) A visitor may be excluded if the visitor has a past history of disruptive conduct at the JDC, if the visitor appears to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs or if the visitor represents a reasonable danger to the juvenile or the JDC; and
  • (vi) The juvenile may refuse visitation.

049-11 Wyo. Code R. § 11-12

Amended, Eff. 11/8/2017.