037-8 Wyo. Code R. § 8-7

Current through April 27, 2019
Section 8-7 - Information to be Shown

a. The ditch, canal or pipeline must be shown in such a manner that its location stands out clearly, and the name must be shown. Sufficient detail of the conveyance system must be shown so that it is apparent as to how water will be conveyed to each subdivision.

b. On surface water applications, petitions, or enlargements, the location, as well as the name of the river, stream, or other source of supply, must be shown on the map; arrows being used to indicate the direction of flow.

c. The location and length of all tunnels, flumes, siphons, or other important structures or works, must be shown on the map.

d. Entire sections must be shown in all case3. When any part of a section is involved in an application or petition, the entire section, subdivided into forties and lots, must be shown. Where lots or tracts are shown, they must be plainly labeled on the map, and the entire lot or tract is to be shown. Homestead entries and mineral surveys are to be related to the nearest section to indicate their position in the township.

e. Survey stations along the facility line or reservoir high-water line may be shown on the map, preferably by small circles.

f. Certificate of Engineer or Surveyor must be shown. Examples in Section 1(a) (page 109)of Chapter XI, may be used as a general guide.

g. For surface water applications, petitions, or enlargements, the location and acreage of all lands in each subdivision must be shown.

  • (1) Such lands must be indicated on the map by symbols or cross-hatching.
  • (2) Lands under different permits must be shown by distinctively different cross-hatching or symbols.
  • (3) The map must contain a legend showing the kind of cross-hatching or symbols,
  • (4) Watercoloring wrinkles the linen and therefore must not be used.
  • (5) The lands shown on the surface water map must be the acreage of irrigable area in each subdivision,

h. For surface water applications, petitions, or enlargements, the map should also show the location of any existing water rights from other facilities in any subdivision in which irrigable acreage is described in the application. If such information is not available, it may be secured from the State Engineer.

i. Ditches or other facilities and reservoirs appearing on the map but not connected with the proposed work, shall be indicated by a different type of line.

j. Sufficient cross-sections of a ditch or ditches, or reservoir spillways, must be shown to facilitate a determination of the carrying capacities of such ditch or ditches, or reservoir spillways, at all key locations. Enough of the cross-sections must be shown to verify every capacity shown on the application. The scale should be sufficiently large to clearly show important details.

  • (1) All of the hydraulic properties of each ditch or reservoir spillway section should be indicated, including the coefficient of roughness, the hydraulic radius, area, velocity, and. slope used in computing the capacity of the spillway, ditch, or pipeline. In connection with the coefficient of roughness to be used, it is suggested that a figure comparable to 0.030 in Manning's and Xutter's formulas be adopted for ordinary ditches up to A feet of bottom width, and a figure comparable to 0*025 to be used for ditches having a bottom width up to 12 feet. This will greatly facilitate the checking of the application and map in the State Engineer's Office. (For pipeline hydraulics, see Sections 8 and 9 (pages 59 and 60) of this Chapter.)

k. The map accompanying an enlargement application for irrigation must shew the entire facility which it is proposed to enlarge or extend and all the lands entitled to water thereunder. In filing enlargement applications for uses other than irrigation, such as reservoir supply, industrial, etc., the lands entitled to water under the ditch need not be shown. If the enlargement covers an extensive area, an inset map on a smaller scale can be used to fulfill this requirement. The point of beginning of an extension or enlargement must be located by course and distance from a comer of the public land survey.

l. The map accompanying a reservoir application must show the contour of the ground surface to be submerged, at vertical intervals of not more than 5 feet, and the elevation of each contour line, (For detailed requirements on maps accompanying applications for reservoirs, see Section 1 of Chapter V, page 33.)

  • (1) The capacity table must be bracketed to show capacity of various storage, i.e.:
    • (a) Inactive Capacity = 00.0 acre-feet.
    • (b) Active Capacity = (Total) acre-feet.

      (Under this heading and included within the bracket for this heading, each use must be stated and the quantity of water to be allocated to each use must be specified.)

    • (c) Flood Control - 00.0 acre-feet.

m. The same base elevation should be used for the contour map, profile, capacity table, and dam section. Sea level datum should be used whenever possible.

n. The map accompanying a reservoir application should show the area of the drainage basin tributary to the reservoir if possible, or a statement of its approximate area,

o. The map accompanying an application for the enlargement of a reservoir, must show the reservoir as it exists prior to the proposed enlargement. (See Section 5 of Chapter V, page 37-) High-water lines of previous appropriations must be shown and identified in the topography view of the reservoir.

  • (1) The capacity table must be bracketed to show the capacity of previous appropriations under individual permits and the capacity of the proposed enlargement.

p. If a supply ditch is to be used to fill the proposed reservoir (enlargement) from some other source, all requirements of this Manual pertaining to filings for ditches and reservoirs shall apply.

  • (1) A cross-section of the supply ditch or lateral which directly supplies the reservoir and appropriate hydraulic properties, must be shown on the map to establish the rate at which the off-channel reservoir may be filled.

037-8 Wyo. Code R. § 8-7