020-9 Wyo. Code R. § 9-4

Current through April 27, 2019
Section 9-4 - Mine Operations Plan

(a) The application shall include a mining plan which shall include the following information:

  • (i) A description of the nature and scope of the proposed operation, including roads to be constructed, mining technique, equipment, method of operation to be used, and a projected schedule for the operation;
  • (ii) A map showing the location of all activities associated with the operation including roads, mine pit areas, out-of-pit spoil piles, waste water ponds, temporary drainage diversions, settling ponds, stockpiles for topsoil, overburden, ore, product and waste, plant site and other processing facilities;
  • (iii) Typical cross sections as appropriate to illustrate the proposed mine area, oriented perpendicular to each other and showing the natural ground surface elevation, top and bottom of the mineral seam, the maximum expected depth of mining and the approximate elevation of the groundwater table;
  • (iv) A description of how topsoil and subsoil will be salvaged, stockpiled, and conserved for reclamation, including an estimate of the depth and volume of topsoil and subsoil to be salvaged on an annual basis;
  • (v) A plan for ensuring that all acid forming, or toxic material, or materials constituting a fire, health or safety hazard uncovered during or created by the mining process are promptly treated or disposed of during the mining process in a manner designed to prevent pollution of surface or subsurface water or threats to human or animal health and safety. Such method may include, but not limited to covering, burying, impounding or otherwise containing or disposing of the acid, toxic, radioactive or otherwise dangerous material;
  • (vi) A description of all waste materials that may be generated by the operation and plans for their storage and disposal. Only waste materials classified as Clean Fill shall be disposed within the mine permit area. Written permission from the landowner shall be required. Clean fill, for the purposes of this Chapter, means only uncontaminated natural soil materials, rock, hardened asphalt rubble, brick and concrete rubble with no protruding rebar. All other waste materials shall be taken off-site for disposal at an authorized disposal site;
  • (vii) The procedures proposed to avoid constituting a public nuisance, endangering the public safety, human or animal life, property, wildlife and plant life in or adjacent to the permit area. The plan shall include fencing as necessary to prevent unauthorized access of persons, livestock or wildlife and to protect the surface owner's ongoing operations; and
  • (viii) The methods of diverting surface water around the affected lands where necessary to effectively control pollution or unnecessary erosion.

020-9 Wyo. Code R. § 9-4