Example. City A establishes a fire protection district under RCW 52.02.160. Prior to the formation, City A annually levied an amount of $200,390, which is equal to its highest lawful levy. In this example, the maximum statutory dollar rate of the city is $3.375 per $1,000 of assessed value.
First year levy. In its first year, the newly established fire protection district determines it will need to levy $57,000 and its total assessed value is $59,375,000 (the same total assessed value as City A). This levy amount is the equivalent to a levy rate for the fire protection district of $0.96 per $1,000 of assessed value ($57,000/$59,375,000(1,000)), thus the district is initially imposing regular property tax levies under RCW 52.16.130 ($0.50) and 52.16.140 ($0.46) in the first year. Therefore, City A must reduce its highest lawful levy by $57,000. City A's reduced highest lawful levy amount is the amount it will use when calculating the following year's levy calculations.
Second year levy. One year later, the fire protection district requests an increased levy amount of $74,000 and its total assessed value, along with the total assessed value of City A, has increased to $60,655,738. The increased levy amount is the equivalent to a levy rate for the fire protection district of $1.22 per $1,000 of assessed value ($74,000/ $60,655,738(1,000)), thus the district is imposing regular levies under RCW 52.16.130, 52.16.140, and is initially imposing the third regular levy under RCW 52.16.160 ($0.22). Therefore, City A must further reduce its highest lawful levy by the amount resulting from the fire district initially imposing the third regular levy under RCW 52.16.160. The additional amount resulting from the initial imposition of the fire protection district's third regular levy under RCW 52.16.160 is $13,344 ($0.22 per $1,000 of assessed value multiplied by the total assessed value of $60,655,738). City A must make a reduction of $13,344 to its highest lawful levy. City A's newly reduced highest lawful levy is the amount it will use when calculating the following year's levy calculations.
Subsequent year levies. In subsequent years, if the fire protection district's levy rate increases beyond $1.22 per $1,000 of assessed value, City A is not required to further reduce its highest lawful levy because the fire protection district had already initially imposed all three regular levies under RCW 52.16.130, 52.16.140, and 52.16.160.
Wash. Admin. Code § 458-19-090