Wash. Admin. Code § 194-50-170

Current through Register Vol. 24-18, September 15, 2024
Section 194-50-170 - Normative Annex W-Washington state participating campus district energy system decarbonization plan general compliance and reporting requirements-This is a normative annex and is part of the district energy systems decarbonization requirements of this standard
W1.Building owner notifications to the AHJ.
W1.1Notification to the AHJ by participating campus owners with a district energy system. By June 30, 2024, owner or owner's designated representative of a state campus district energy system shall notify the AHJ that they are developing a decarbonization plan. Designated representatives of a campus district energy system may submit to the AHJ a request to opt-in to the decarbonization plan process. Participating campuses must comply with all of the decarbonization plan requirements in accordance with Normative Annex W.

Provide the following information to the AHJ:

For participating campus:

* State agency name or owner organization name;

* Agency or owner organization mailing address;

* Campus name;

* Campus owner name;

* Main point of contact: Name, email, phone;

* District energy system utility name and whether they are publicly or privately owned.

For each building connected to the district energy system:

* Building name and associated gross floor area (GFA);

* Address;

* Parcel number;

* Commerce building ID - where applicable.

W2.AHJ reporting.
W2.1Summary report. The AHJ must provide a summary report on the de-carbonization plans required to decarbonize district energy systems in accordance with the clean buildings performance standard (CBPS) and Normative Annex W to the Governor and the appropriate committees of the legislature by December 1, 2025. The AHJ's report may include campuses that fail to submit a decarbonization plan or fail to comply with the requirements, including the implementation schedule defined within the plan.
W3. Washington state reporting requirements for participating campus district energy systems.
W3.1General compliance.
W3.1.1District energy system decarbonization plan requirements: By June 30, 2025, the owner of a participating campus must develop a district energy system decarbonization plan to provide a strategy for up to 15 years and submit it to the AHJ. The AHJ may approve a decarboni-zation plan that is based on an implementation schedule longer than 15 years.

The decarbonization plan must include:

1.Decarbonization: Mechanisms to replace fossil fuels in the district energy system heating plants to provide 100 percent of the campus design load, including a schedule for replacement:
a. A campus with a district energy system providing cooling only shall evaluate:
i. Addition of a district energy system heating plant, in compliance with Normative Annex W;
ii. Mechanisms to replace fossil fuels of the heating systems at the building-level;
b. A campus with a district energy system providing cooling only may extend compliance schedule in accordance with Section W3.2, where decarbonization of the campus heating system is pursued in accordance with Section W3.1.1(1)(a);

Exceptions to W3.1.1(1):

1. Fossil fuel or electric resistance sources may account for a maximum of 10 percent of:
a. A district energy system heating plant's annual output; or
b. Building-level heating system output when complying in accordance with Section W3.1.1(1)(b).
2. Decommissioning of the district energy system heating plant is an acceptable alternative if a life cycle cost analysis demonstrates implementation of decarbonized heating systems at the building-level saves more energy and is more cost-effective over the life of the measure, in accordance with Normative Annex X. If decarbonizing by decommissioning the district energy system heating plant, provide the following:
a.Decarbonization plan representing implementation of decarbonized heating systems at the building-level in lieu of decarbonization of the district energy system's heating plant, in accordance with Normative Annex W.
b. Life cycle cost analysis (LCCA), evaluating implementation of decarbonized heating systems at the building-level vs. decarbonization of the district energy system heating plant, in accordance with Normative Annex W.
c. Evaluation of potential beneficial and cost-effective use of existing distribution system.
2.Waste heat and cooling: An evaluation of possible options to partner with nearby sources and uses of waste heat and cooling;
3.Expansion: An examination of opportunities to add buildings or other facilities to the district energy system once it is decarbonized, a strategy to incentivize growth of a decarbonized system, and requirements for facilities joining the system;
4.CBPS performance metric: An evaluation, prioritization, and scheduled plan for meeting the requirements of Sections 4.1 and 4.3 for the campus.
a. When a decarbonization plan is fully implemented, the campus shall meet the requirements of Section 4.3.
5.CBPS EMP and O&M program: Compliance with the requirements of Section 4.2 in accordance with the compliance schedule of Z3.2, Y3.2, and W3.2 as applicable for all buildings connected to the campus. The requirements of Section 4.2 shall apply to all buildings connected to the campus.
W3.1.2Recommended district energy system decarbonization plan considerations:Participating campuses are encouraged to include the following considerations in a decarbonization plan:
1. Distribution network upgrades;
2. On-site energy storage facilities;
3. Space cooling for residential facilities;
4. Labor and workforce, including state registered apprenticeship utilization;
5. Options for public-private partnerships;
6. Incorporation of industrial symbiosis projects or networks as described in chapter 308, Laws of 2021.
W3.1.3 Utility engagement:Participating campuses must consult with the electric utility and the natural gas utility serving the site of the system during decarbonization plan development.
W3.2Compliance Schedule.Participating campuses must:
1.Develop decarbonization plan: Begin developing a decarboniza-tion plan by June 30, 2024, in accordance with the reporting requirements of Section W1.1.
2.Final decarbonization plan: Submit a final decarbonization plan to the AHJ by June 30, 2025, in accordance with the reporting requirements of Sections W3.1.1 and W4.1.
3.Energy management plan and operations and maintenance program: Submit EMP and O&M in accordance with compliance schedule in Section Z3.2 for Tier 1 covered buildings, Section Y3.2 for Tier 2 covered buildings, and by July 1, 2030, for buildings not covered, connected to the district energy system.
4.Decarbonization plan progress reports: Every five years after June 30, 2025, until full implementation of the decarbonization plan and compliance with the standard has been met, decarbonization plans must be resubmitted by July 1st, along with a progress report including revisions to the implementation of the decarbonization plan, to the AHJ in accordance with Section W4.2. A campus with a district energy system providing cooling only, which does not decarbonize their heating systems, is required to submit completion reporting in lieu of progress reporting by July 1, 2030.
5.Completion reporting: Upon full implementation of decarboniza-tion plan and compliance with the standard, submit completion report by July 1, 2040, or the alternatively approved decarbonization plan completion date to the AHJ, in accordance with Sections W4.3 through W4.5, as applicable. A campus with a district energy system providing cooling only, which does not decarbonize their heating systems, shall submit completion reporting by July 1, 2030, or the alternatively approved decarbonization plan completion date to the AHJ, in accordance with Sections W4.3 through W4.5, as applicable.
W3.2.1 Decarbonization plan review and evaluation: Upon submittal to the AHJ, decarbonization plans will be reviewed and approved by the AHJ in accordance with Normative Annex W. The AHJ may ask for a decar-bonization plan to be revised and resubmitted if it does not meet standards as determined by the AHJ.
W4.Performance standard compliance reporting through decarbonization plan.
W4.1Decarbonization plan reporting.Participating campus owners must provide a final decarbonization plan.

* Decarbonization plan;

* Form J;

* Form K;

* Form B;

* Form C;

* Form D, as applicable;

* Form F, as applicable.

W4.2Decarbonization plan progress reporting.Participating campus owners must provide status updates and revised decarbonization plans until decarbonization plan is fully implemented. A minimum of one energy management plan (EMP) must be completed and the operations and maintenance program (O&M) must be implemented for the campus.

* Revised decarbonization plan;

- Status updates;

- Identify any revisions to decarbonization plan;

* Form J;

* Form K;

* Form B;

* Form C;

* Form D, as applicable and if revised;

* Form F, as applicable and if revised.

W4.3Documentation of exempt buildings connected to a district energy system. There are no exemptions for a whole campus. Participating campus owners seeking approval of building exemption shall submit to the AHJ Form H, "Application for Exemption Certificate," in accordance with Section Z6.7 for Tier 1 covered buildings or Section Y6.7 for Tier 2 covered buildings.
W4.4Campus that meets the EUIt through the decarbonization plan.Participating campus owners must provide the following documentation to verify that the campus weather normalized EUI is less than the campus EUIt and that a minimum of one energy management plan (EMP) must be completed and the operations and maintenance program (O&M) must be implemented for the campus.

* Decarbonization plan;

* Form J;

* Form K;

* Form B;

* Form C;

* Form F, when complying with the decarbonization plan through decommissioning in accordance with Section W3.1.1 Exception 2.

W4.5 Campus that meets the investment criteria through the decarboni-zation plan.Participating campus owners must provide the following documentation to verify that the campus has implemented all EEMs that meet the cost-effectiveness criteria resulting from the energy audit and economic evaluation criteria from Normative Annex X. The cost-effectiveness criteria does not apply to the decarbonization of the district energy system heating plant. The energy management plan (EMP) must be completed and the operations and maintenance program (O&M) must be implemented for the campus, and all EEMs must be installed and commissioned, prior to the approved decarbonization plan implementation schedule.

* Decarbonization plan;

* Form J;

* Form K;

* Form B;

* Form C;

* Form D;

* Form F.

W5.Assessment of administrative penalties.
W5.1 Issuing NOVC. The AHJ may issue a NOVC in accordance with Sections Z5 and Y5, when a building owner has failed to submit a decar-bonization plan, approved by the AHJ, and has not met the requirements of this standard. Approved decarbonization plans extend Normative Annexes Z and Y compliance deadlines to the schedule specified in the approved decarbonization plan. Progress reporting submitted in accordance with Section W4.2, is required to maintain deadline extension and avoid penalty.
W6. Compliance forms.
W6.1Grouped Buildings Compliance with Standard 100 (Form J).


Grouped Buildings Compliance with Standard 100 (Form J) is used instead of Form A for grouped buildings.

1.Grouped buildings identification:
a. Washington state grouped buildings ID;
b. County;
c. County parcel number(s);
d. Portfolio manager property ID number;
e. Property name;
f. Parent property name;
g. Address 1 (street);
h. Address 2;
i. City;
j. State;
k. Postal code.
2. Contact information:
a.Grouped buildings owner name(s);
b. Contact name;
c. Address 1 (street);
d. Address 2;
e. City;
f. State/province;
g. Country;
h. Postal code;
i. Telephone number;
j. Email address.
3.Qualified person:
a.Qualified person name;
b. Address 1 (street);
c. Address 2;
d. City;
e. State;
f. Postal code;
g. Telephone number;
h. Email address;
i. Licensed, certified (select all that apply):
i. Licensure; or
ii. Certifying authority.
4.Energy manager (if different than the qualified person):
a.Energy manager name;
b. Address 1 (street);
c. Address 2;
d. City;
e. State/province;
f. Postal code;
g. Country;
h. Telephone number;
i. Email address.
5.Decarbonization plan author, where applicable:
a. Company name;
b. Contact name;
c. Address 1 (street);
d. Address 2;
e. City;
f. State;
g. Postal code;
h. Telephone number;
i. Email address.
6. This compliance report is for:
a.Grouped buildings that meets the EUIt;
b.Grouped buildings that meets the investment criteria prior to the compliance date;
c.Grouped buildings that will meet the EUIt through conditional compliance;
d.Grouped buildings that will meet the investment criteria through conditional compliance;
e. Annual reporting for conditional compliance;
f. Progress reporting for decarbonization plan;
g. Completion reporting.
7. Summary data:
a.Energy use intensity target (EUIt) (kBtu/ft2/yr) based on completed Section Z6.2 Form B;


Baseline WNEUI for grouped buildings that will meet investment criteria through conditional compliance.

b. Measured site EUI (kBtu/ft2) for the compliance year for grouped buildings based on Section Z6.3 Form C;
c.Grouped buildings without an energy target;


1. Predicted site EUI for grouped buildings that will meet the EUIt or investment criteria through conditional compliance.

2. grouped buildings unable to develop EUIt in accordance with Section 7.2.2 or 7.2.3 of this standard shall report national median site EUI as calculated by the Energy Star portfolio manager account and reported on Form C.

d.Grouped buildings measured weather normalized site EUI (kBtu/ft2) for the compliance year based on Section Z6.3 Form C;
e. List the months/year of the collected data (mm/yyyy - mm/yyyy) for the compliance year for this grouped buildings from Section Z6.3 Form C;
f.Grouped buildings applying for conditional compliance through meeting the EUIt shall submit the following based on Section Z6.4 Form D:

* Baseline EUI;

* Projected EUI;


Not applicable to decarbonization plan.

g.Grouped buildings applying for conditional compliance through meeting the investment criteria shall submit the following based on Section Z6.4 Form D:

* Baseline total kBtu;

* Projected total kBtu;

* Projected savings total kBtu;


Not applicable to decarbonization plan.

8. Have the energy management requirements of Section 5 been met in accordance with the compliance schedule outlined in Section Z3.2 for Tier 1 covered buildings, Section Y3.2 for Tier 2 covered buildings, and for campuses participating in the decarbonization plan by July 1, 2030, for buildings not covered, but connected to the district energy system? [ ] Yes [ ] No

* Upload energy management plan as specified by the AHJ.

9. Have the operation and maintenance requirements of Section 6 been met in accordance with the compliance schedule outlined in Section Z3.2 for Tier 1 covered buildings, Section Y3.2 for Tier 2 covered buildings, and for campuses participating in the decarbonization plan by July 1, 2030, for buildings not covered, but connected to the district energy system? [ ] Yes [ ] No

* Upload operation and maintenance implementation documentation as specified by the AHJ.

10. Date the audit and economic evaluation was completed (N/A if none required).

* Upload audit reports as specified by Section Z6.4 Form D.

11. Have all EEMs required by Section 8 been implemented? [ ] Yes [ ] No
12. Have the requirements of Section 9 been completed? [ ] Yes [ ] No
13. We state that these grouped buildings comply with ANSI/ ASHRAE/IES Standard 100 as amended by the AHJ to conform with RCW 19.27A.210:
a. Signature of grouped buildings owner:

* Date:

b. Signature of qualified person:

* Date:

c. Signature of energy manager:

* Date:

d. Signature of authority having jurisdiction:

* Conditional or final compliance:

* Date:

W6.2Building activity and energy use intensity target (EUIt) (Form B). See Section Z6.2.
W6.3Energy use intensity calculations (Form C). See Section Z6.3.
W6.4End use analysis requirements.Building owners shall demonstrate compliance with Form D by providing the documentation required by Section Z6.4.1 for all Tier 1 covered buildings of campuses pursuing compliance through the investment criteria.
W6.5Normative Annex X, "Investment Criteria," Tool (Form F). See Section Z6.5 for all Tier 1 covered buildings of campuses pursuing compliance through the investment criteria.
W6.6Documentation of a building of historic significance (Form G). See Section Z6.6.
W6.7Application for exemption certificate (Form H). See Section Z6.7 for Tier 1 covered buildings or Section Y6.7 for Tier 2 covered buildings.
W6.8 Decarbonization plan reporting requirements (decarbonization plan content outline) (Form K).
1.This decarbonization plan report is for:
a. Final decarbonization plan submittal [ ] Yes [ ] No
b. Progress reporting [ ] Yes [ ] No
c. Completion reporting [ ] Yes [ ] No
2.Decarbonization project scope of work:
a. Summary of existing district energy system and campus layout including:
i. List of all buildings served by the district energy system;
ii. List of all buildings served by the district energy system heating and/or cooling plant, peak load;
iii. Description of current district energy system including, but not limited to, heating and cooling system type(s), configuration(s), output capacity(ies), thermal distribution loop(s);
iv. Energy monitoring (benchmarking):

* Identification of current benchmarking configuration:

- Campus [ ] Yes [ ] No

- Connected building [ ] Yes [ ] No

- Campus-level [ ] Yes [ ] No

v.Energy use intensity target (EUIt) (kBtu/ft2/yr) based on completed Section Z6.2;

Form B Note:

Baseline WNEUI for decarbonization plans that will meet investment criteria through conditional compliance.

vi. Measured site EUI (kBtu/ft2) for the identified benchmarking configuration at time of decarbonization plan submittal based on Section Z6.3 Form C;
b. Proposed decarbonized district energy system and campus layout including:
i. List of all buildings to be served by the district energy system;
ii. List of all buildings to be served by the district energy system heating plant, peak load;
iii. List of all buildings to be served by the district energy system cooling plant, peak load;
iv. Description of proposed district energy system including, but not limited to, heating and cooling system type(s), configuration(s), output capacity(ies), thermal distribution loop(s);

* An inventory and evaluation of possible options to partner with nearby sources and uses of waste heat and cooling;

* An inventory and evaluation of expanding district energy system to other buildings;

v. Identification of heating plant backup type, fuel source, capacity;
vi. Identification of proposed energy efficiency measures (EEMs) required to meet the requirements of the standard;
c. Proposed building performance metric:
i. Compliance pathway:

* EUIt [ ] Yes [ ] No

* Investment criteria - (include within progress report) [ ] Yes [ ] No

- Plans for Level 2 energy audit, on Tier 1 covered buildings

- Plans for LCCA

ii. Energy monitoring (benchmarking):

* Identification of proposed benchmarking configuration:

- Campus [ ] Yes [ ] No

- Connected building [ ] Yes [ ] No

- Campus-level [ ] Yes [ ] No

* Proposed energy use intensity target (EUIt) (kBtu/ft2/yr) developed in accordance with the standard;

* Projected site EUIt (kBtu/ft2) for the identified benchmarking configuration after implementation of decarbonization plan based on Section Z6.3 Form C;

* Form D documenting proposed energy efficiency measures (EEMs);

* Form F documenting the life cycle cost analysis if pursuing the investment criteria of the standard;

d. Proposed metering configuration:
i. Shall include metering to measure district energy system heating and/or cooling plant input to individual buildings;
ii. Shall be configured in a manner to measure proposed benchmarking configuration;
iii. Shall include independent end use metering of district energy system backup heating plant.
3.Recommended district energy system decarbonization plan considerations:Participating campuses are encouraged to include the following considerations in a decarbonization plan:
a. Distribution network upgrades;
b. On-site energy storage facilities;
c. Space cooling for residential facilities;
d. Labor and workforce, including state registered apprenticeship utilization;
e. Options for public-private partnerships;
f. Incorporation of industrial symbiosis projects or networks as described in chapter 308, Laws of 2021.
4.Utility engagement: Narrative of steps taken including the date range of communications, for participating campuses consultation with the electric utility and the natural gas utility serving the site of the system during decarbonization plan development.
5.Proposed project timeline shall provide implementation details and dates for:
a. Energy management plan and operations and maintenance program, implemented in accordance with Section W3.1.1(5);
b.Energy efficiency measures (EEMs) required to meet the standard;
c. All phases of district energy system decarbonization plan;
i.Decarbonization plan shall determine implementation schedule, project timeline, compliance schedule;
6.Other considerations:
a. Communication engagement including, but not limited to, occupants, utilities, funders, and public;
b. Are funding mechanisms in place? [ ] Yes [ ] No
c. Are there cost projections in place? [ ] Yes [ ] No
i. What are your current/updated estimated costs? _________
ii. What are your current expended costs? _________
d. Changes to plan required to meet changes in codes, laws, and standards including any future reductions in EUIt.

Wash. Admin. Code § 194-50-170

Adopted by WSR 24-16-041, Filed 7/30/2024, effective 8/30/2024