Utah Admin. Code 317-5-10

Current through Bulletin 2025-01, January 1, 2025
Section R317-5-10 - Operating Permits and Annual Inspection Reports
10.1. Operating Permit required.

An operating permit is required for all LUWD systems to monitor that proper operation and maintenance is occurring for the protection of the environment and public health. The operating permit shall be issued by the director or, by delegated authority, the local health department having jurisdiction, and shall be effective for a period not to exceed 5 years from the date of issuance.

10.2. Local Health Department Authority to Issue Operating Permits.

Local health departments may request delegated authority to administer the operating permit program. The request must include an agreement to implement and enforce inspection, servicing, monitoring, and reporting requirements of this rule. The local health department must submit an annual report on or before September 1 of each calendar year, to the division containing:

A. A list of LUWD systems under delegation.
B. A summary listing the compliance status of each system, showing those systems that are currently failing, and those systems that have been repaired.
C. A summary of any enforcement actions taken, identifying those actions that are still pending, and those that been resolved.
10.3. Annual Inspection Report.

The owner of a LUWD system shall summit an annual inspection report covering the period of July 1 to June 30, the "reporting year", to the permitting agency no later than August 1 of each year. In this report, the owner shall report on all requirements listed in the operating permit. As a minimum, the report shall include the following items:

A. Facility name and address; owner name, address, and phone number;
B. List of facility components, e.g., septic tank, pump tank, gravel drainfield trench, gravelless chambers, pressure drainfield, etc.;
C. Design flow in gallons per day and number and type of connections;
D. Type of waste treated and disposed, i.e., residential, restaurant, other commercial establishment, etc.;
E. Checklist of inspections performed including the date of the inspection and a list of findings. The report must include, where pertinent:
1. measured sludge and scum levels;
2. date tanks were last pumped;
3. verify pumps, floats; and control panel are operating as designed;
4. date pump filter last cleaned;
5. date pressure laterals last cleaned and flushed and squirt height recorded;
6. any surfacing in absorption field; and
7. any observed or suspected system malfunction;
F. Packed Bed media system sampling results, where pertinent;
G. Name of the certified individual per Rule R317-11 conducting the inspection;
H. Signature of owner or certified operator, and date.

Utah Admin. Code R317-5-10