All bids (including modifications) received prior to the time of opening shall be kept secure and, except as provided in subsection B below, unopened. Necessary precautions shall be taken to insure the security of the bid. Prior to bid opening, information concerning the identity and number of bids received shall be made available only to the state employees, and then only on a "need to know" basis. When bid samples are submitted, they shall be handled with sufficient care to prevent disclosure of characteristics before bid opening.
Unidentified bids may be opened solely for the purpose of identification, and then only by an official specifically designated for this purpose by the Chief Procurement Officer, the procurement officer of the governmental body, or a designee of either officer. If a sealed bid is opened by mistake, the person who opens the bid will immediately write his signature and position on the envelope and deliver it to the aforesaid official. This official shall immediately write on the envelope an explanation of the opening, the date and time opened, the invitation for bids' number, and his signature, and then shall immediately reseal the envelope.
S.C. Code Regs. § 19-445.2045