S.C. Code Regs. § § 114-1160

Current through Register Vol. 48, No. 9, September 27, 2024
Section 114-1160 - Work Requirements
A. Individualized Self-Sufficiency Plan.
(1) Each adult and minor parent recipient of FI must sign an Individualized Self-Sufficiency Plan (ISSP) with the Department that states the actions the recipient must take to become employed and the time frames for completing these actions. The agreement must also state the services the Department will provide and coordinate to assist the recipient to become employed. Refusal to sign the ISSP will cause the FI case to be subject to sanction.
(2) An FI recipient who fails, without good cause, to comply with the employment and training requirements of the ISSP shall be granted a thirty-day conciliation period to reconsider the decision not to comply with the terms of the agreement.
(a) The notice of conciliation serves to advise the recipient that a conciliation conference is necessary and that his case may be terminated at the end of the thirty-day conciliation period if conciliation has not been accomplished.
(b) A conciliation conference must be conducted within ten calendar days of the date of the notice, unless the recipient can establish good cause for failure to keep the appointment.
(c) If the recipient agrees to comply, within the thirty-day conciliation period, FI benefits will be continued without interruption, although they may be delayed.
(d) A timely and adequate notice must be sent to terminate benefits to the entire family if the client fails to keep the conciliation appointment or if the client fails to comply with the conciliation requirement.
(e) If the conciliation decision is adverse to the recipient, the recipient has ten days in which to request a fair hearing.
(f) If the recipient agrees to comply after the thirty-day conciliation period has expired, compliance must be demonstrated by participating in the employment and training program for thirty days prior to the reinstatement of FI benefits.
(g) If the recipient's FI case is closed a new written FI application is not required if the recipient agrees to comply with the requirement that caused the case closure and reapplies within sixty days of the closure. The existing application on file must be resigned and dated. The requirement of section A(2)(e) above applies to this reapplication.
(3) A recipient may be exempted from complying with the employment and training requirements for the following reasons:
(a) The parent or caretaker relative has a child under one year of age; however, custodial parents under age twenty-five who have not completed their high school education shall comply with these provisions regardless of the age of the child;
(b) Is at least six months pregnant and the pregnancy is verified by a qualified licensed health care provider;
(c) Is incapacitated and the incapacity is verified by a physician, and if the Department considers it necessary, confirmed by an assessment performed by the Department of Vocational Rehabilitation, as a physical or mental impairment that prevents the recipient from engaging in gainful employment or participating in education or training;
(d) Is caring for an incapacitated person whose incapacity has been verified by a physician, and if the Department considers it necessary, confirmed by an assessment performed by the Department of Vocational Rehabilitation;
(e) Is unable to participate because child care and reasonable transportation were not provided when needed for participation in employment and training programs.
(4) All FI benefits will be terminated if a recipient completes the training requirements contained in the ISSP and then refuses an offer of employment.
B. Initial Job Search.
(1) All adult applicants (includes adults added to open FI cases) who do not meet the exemption criteria of Section 114.1130A(3) above and those who meet exemption criteria but volunteer must conduct an initial job search and shall provide evidence of this search by returning to the Department a listing of the employers contacted, date of contact, and the name and telephone number of the person with whom the applicant spoke. The number of employers to be contacted shall be determined by the Department. An applicant must provide this information before case approval; an applicant who does not provide this information by the thirtieth day must have the application denied.
(2) An employment assessment must be conducted on an approved applicant/recipient who has not found a job to determine if the individual is job ready.
(3) A recipient who has been employed twelve out of the previous twenty-four months or who has graduated from high school or has obtained a General Equivalency Diploma (GED) must be considered job ready and must be enrolled in a job club.
(4) Following participation in a job club, the recipient must conduct a job search for a period not to exceed sixty days or until the recipient obtains a job, whichever comes first.
(5) A recipient who is not job ready or a job ready recipient who is unsuccessful in the sixty day job search must be evaluated for barriers to employment. From the evaluation, the agreement set forth in Section 114.1130A(3) above must be modified to set forth specific training and employment requirements for the recipient.
C. Training Programs.
(1) The Department shall provide information to applicants and recipients regarding the advantages of participation in the employment and training programs.
(2) The Department shall market its training and employment program to education and training program providers and to employers.
(3) The Department shall provide special educational and related services for teen parents under age twenty to assist them in becoming economically independent and to provide health information. The Department shall coordinate the provision of these services with other state and local agencies. Staff for this program should be familiar with school dropout programs, family planning programs which comply with existing law, and parent effectiveness training programs.
(4) Each adult FI recipient and minor mother must participate in the life Skills Training Program (LSTP) as a condition of eligibility even if exempt from the employment and training requirement. Participation in the LSTP must be a part of the ISSP.
(a) The life skills training program must include, but is not limited to, training in parenting skills, financial planning and health information.
(b) The program must include an alcohol and drug assessment for any FI recipient for whom it is deemed appropriate by the Department. The Department shall coordinate the assessment with the Department of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Services (DAODAS) and shall include the individually determined terms and conditions of the treatment plan in the recipient's agreement with the Department.
(c) The Department shall provide through its training programs information about the value of family planning services to reproductive age recipients. The program must include a family planning assessment for any FI recipient for whom it is deemed appropriate by the Department. The Department shall coordinate the assessment and family planning education with the Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC). Training program placement staff shall actively seek the cooperation of employers or potential employers in an agreement which permits an FI recipient time off from work, not to exceed four hours, at least once a year to voluntarily seek family planning services, from a provider of the FI recipient's choice, without fear of losing employment or other reprisals. State funds may not be used to pay for an abortion.
D. Provision of Child Care and Transportation.
(1) The Department guarantees child care for a dependent child who is: under age 13; physically or mentally incapable of caring for himself, as verified by a physician or certified psychologist; or under court supervision; or a child who would be a dependent child except for the receipt of Supplemental Security Income, to the extent such child care is necessary to permit an FI eligible family member to:
(a) Accept employment or remain employed; or
(b) Participate in an approved education or training activity under the Family Independence Program; or
(c) Participate in initial job search.
(2) The Department may provide for child care for an individual who is waiting to enter an approved education, training, or FI component or employment:
(a) For a period not to exceed two weeks; or
(b) For a period not to exceed one month, on an exception basis, when child care arrangements would otherwise be lost and participation in a FI Program activity or employment is scheduled to begin within that period; or
(c) For a thirty-day trial period required for an individual to overcome a sanction.
(d) Assistance with child care payments may be denied or terminated if a client fails to successfully complete the good cause/conciliation process for correcting a non-compliance with FI employment and training program requirements. The recipient shall be informed that he is responsible for all child care payments after the termination date and that an overpayment for child care is subject to recoupment.
(3) Child care assistance shall be provided to a recipient participating in structured FI activities as follows:
(a) Full-time child care is provided for participation of twenty or more hours per week or attendance at a post secondary institution of at least twelve hours per week; or
(b) Half-time child care is provided for participation of ten or more hours but less than twenty per week; or
(c) Hourly rate child care is provided for participation of less than ten hours per week.
(4) In arranging child care, the Department will consider the following:
(a) The individual needs of the child, including reasonable accessibility of the care to the child's home and school or to the parent's place of employment or training;
(b) The appropriateness of the care to the age and special needs of the child; and
(c) Encouraging the recipient to arrange his own child care at no cost to the State when possible.
(d) The local Department will make available for a parent's review the available county listings of regulated child care providers.
(5) Payment of child care by the Department:
(a) Payment will not be made to any Child Day Care Centers, Group Day Care Homes or Family Day Care Homes that do not meet applicable State and local regulatory requirements.
(b) Payments may be made to providers who are by law exempt from regulatory requirements (e.g. churches) and who provide documentation of their exempt status.
(c) Payments cannot be made to an alleged absent parent.
(d) Payments cannot be made to a child care provider who is a member of the same FI budget group as the parent.
(e) Payments cannot exceed the prescribed local market rates established by the Department.
(f) A parent who chooses a child care provider whose rates exceed the maximum allowable amount shall be responsible for the excess amount (the excess is not considered to be a fee or co-payment).
(g) Child care registration will be paid only once per year unless there are extenuating circumstances that require a change in child care providers.
(h) Informal child care providers must be at least twenty-one years of age.
(i) Child care payments to relatives, friends, or neighbors are subject to federal and State income taxes; the provider of the child care will be sent a 1099 form showing the amount of the child care payments.
(j) Any child care facility accepting children of FI recipients shall allow parents or guardians unrestricted access to the child care facility.
(6) The Department will provide, pay for, or reimburse transportation expenses which it determines are necessary, based on a recipient's established need which enable the recipient to participate in approved FI employment and training program activities.
(a) Recipients who live less than one and one-half miles from their destination will not receive assistance with transportation costs.
(b) Transportation costs that will be reimbursed include, but are not limited to:
(i) Reimbursing a recipient or operator driving a privately owned vehicle at a rate set by the Department, dependent on funds available. The Department may set a maximum on the amount of the reimbursement.
(ii) Purchased transportation will be contracted for at the least expensive rate not to exceed the rate set by the Department, dependent on funds available.
(iii) Recipients living in areas where bus service is available must use this mode of transportation, unless the recipient has alternate transportation. Bus tickets may be provided.
(iv) Payments to assist with child care transportation to and from the child's home are allowable up to limits established in items (3)(a)-(c) above.
(7) The Department must inform families requesting child care or transportation of their rights and responsibilities:
(a) The Department must respond to a request for child care or transportation within a reasonable period of time.
(b) FI applicants and recipients are entitled a Fair Hearing, under the provisions of R.114-110 and R.114-1180, on issues concerning the appropriateness of, denial of, prompt issuance of, or intended actions to discontinue, terminate, suspend or reduce child care or transportation assistance. The denial or termination of child care or transportation assistance to an applicant or recipient must be communicated in writing.
E. Wage Supplementation.
(1) The Department may operate a wage supplementation program as a part of its Employment and Training Program. The Department may use Family Independence funds to develop and subsidize jobs for FI recipients as an alternative to aid.
(2) A "supplemented job" is a job provided under this section to an eligible individual by an employer for which all or part of the wages are paid by the FI Program.
(3) The Department may provide or subsidize any type of newly created unfilled job. It may determine the length of time the position is to be provided or subsidized not to exceed nine months, the amount of wages to be paid to the recipient, the amount of subsidy to be provided, and the conditions of participation, except that no participant may be assigned to fill any established, unfilled position vacancy.
(4) An eligible individual is one which the Department has determined should be eligible to participate in the Employment and Training Program at the time of placement. Time of placement is the date on which the Department and the employer reach agreement on the terms of the placement and the specific individual to be placed.
(5) The wage supplementation program is a voluntary program.
(6) Participants in a supplemented job will be paid a wage equal to or greater than the federal minimum wage which shall be considered to be earned income.
(7) The Department will calculate the amount of a participant's residual grant (direct FI grant), if any, at the time of placement in the supplemented job and base the amount of the residual grant (the FI grant minus earnings and other countable income) for the duration of the individual's participation in the supplemented job (in whole or in part) on that calculation. This is known as "freezing the grant." If the individual becomes otherwise ineligible for FI benefits, the Department may allow the individual to continue in the supplemented job and divert the FI grant to the wage pool, but the Department shall not pay a residual grant to the individual.
(8) If an individual in a supplemented job would have been eligible for transitional child care at the time of ineligibility for FI, she shall be eligible for transitional child care after her supplemented job ends for up to twenty-four months.
(9) The Department will allow the earned income disregards for the length of the contract period.
F. Relocation Assistance.
(1) A FI caretaker recipient may be assisted in relocating to another area of the State or to another state if he has a verified job offer at the relocation site.
(2) A FI caretaker recipient, in some instances, may be assisted in relocating to another area in the State or to another state without a verified offer of employment if the casemanager and the recipient have thoroughly evaluated the recipient's existing circumstances as well as the opportunities at the relocation site and conclude that the family would be more likely to achieve self-sufficiency at the relocation site. The casemanager should contact social service agencies and agencies operating employment and training programs at the relocation site so that the recipient will know where to seek assistance upon arrival.
(3) Relocation assistance may be provided to a FI caretaker recipient if he needs to move to provide care for an ill family member or if the family will receive assistance at the new location that is unavailable to them at their present location, such as free housing or child care.
(4) The decision to relocate must be a voluntary decision by the recipient.
(5) Relocation expenses of a reasonable amount may be paid to a FI caretaker recipient only once in any twenty-four month period. Travel and moving expenses must utilize the least expensive means of travel; assistance with living expenses for the first thirty days at the new location may not exceed the one hundred eighty-five percent gross income limit by family size. The amount of the relocation expenditure must be approved by both the casemanager and the county director.
G. Participation in Employment and Training Required When Child is One Year Old.
(1) FI recipients must participate in the Department's employment and training program when their youngest child reaches age one, unless exempt under Section 114-1160 A(3).
(2) FI recipients are to be encouraged to volunteer to participate in the Department's employment and training program when their youngest child reaches the age of six months.

S.C. Code Regs. § 114-1160

Added by State Register Volume 19, Issue No. 5, eff May 26, 1995. Amended by State Register Volume 21, Issue No. 6, Part 2, eff June 27, 1997.