In order to clarify how the registration address relates to other requirements of vehicle registration, the following apply:
(1) Unless the owners provide DMV with information indicating differently, when the vehicle title record lists two or more owners with different residence or business addresses, and does not give a vehicle address, DMV shall consider the registration address to be the residence or business address of the first owner listed on the title record.(2) When a county of use is provided, the registration address as defined in OAR 735-010-0008 shall be used to determine if a vehicle is: (a) Subject to vehicle pollution control requirements as covered in ORS 803.350, 803.465, and 815.295; or(b) Subject to any county or district registration fee as provided in ORS 801.040.Or. Admin. Code § 735-010-0170
DMV 6-1999, f. & cert. ef. 12-17-99Stat. Auth.: ORS 184.616, ORS 184.619 & ORS 803.370
Stats. Implemented: ORS 801.040(6) & (7), ORS 803.350, ORS 803.465 & ORS 815.295