It is the intent and purpose of OAR 603-052-0160 to 603-052-0185 to prevent the build-up and spread of insects from tree to tree and orchard to orchard, particularly from areas not properly treated, or from areas untreated or abandoned, to commercial pear and apple trees or orchards. It is also the intent and purpose of said rules to reduce the use of pesticides within the control area so as to decrease insect resistance to pesticides. Also, it is the intent and purpose of said sections to more effectively carry out insect control efforts by enabling area-wide spraying programs of commercial orchards in the control area.
Or. Admin. Code § 603-052-0170
Stat. Auth.: ORS 561 & ORS 570
Stats. Implemented: ORS 561.190, ORS 561.510 - ORS 561.600, ORS 570.305, ORS 570.405 & ORS 570.410 - ORS 570.415