For example: Amputation of 1/2 the middle phalanx of the index finger with total sensory loss extending from the level of amputation to the metacarpophalangeal joint, results in a value for 1/2 the digit or 33%.
Example: Grade 2 sensation in the index finger between the PIP joint and the MP joint:
Loss from distal end of the finger to the MP joint (proximal location of loss)25%
Minus loss from distal end of the finger to the PIP joint (distal location of loss)20%
Equals loss between MP and PIP 5%
Example 1: A worker suffers a rupture of the biceps tendon. Upon recovery, the attending physician reports 4/5 strength of the biceps. The biceps is innervated by the musculocutaneous nerve which has a 25% impairment value. 4/5 strength, under OAR 436-035-0011(7), is 20%. Final impairment is determined by multiplying 25% by 20% for a final value of 5% impairment of the arm.
Example 2: A worker suffers a laceration of the median nerve below the mid-forearm. Upon recovery, the attending physician reports 3/5 strength in the forearm. The median nerve below the mid-forearm has a 44% impairment value. 3/5 strength, under OAR 436-035-0011(7), is 50%. Final impairment is determined by multiplying 44% by 50% for a final value of 22% impairment of the forearm.
Or. Admin. Code § 436-035-0110
Ratings & Values referenced are not included in rule text. Click here for PDF copy of rating(s) & value(s).
Publications: Publications referenced are available from the agency.
Stat. Auth.: ORS 656.726
Stats. Implemented: ORS 656.005, 656.214, 656.268, 656.726