Or. Admin. R. 340-049-0055

Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 9, September 1, 2024
Section 340-049-0055 - Examinations
(1) Persons applying for new certificates requiring examinations, including certificates at higher grades, must be approved for examination by the Department.
(2) To be admitted to an examination, a person must file a complete application with payment of the fee(s) required by OAR 340-049-0065(1), and meet the education and experience qualifications for the certificate type and grade sought, unless the person has obtained a conditional waiver under section (7) of this rule.
(3) Examinations will be administered by the Department or its designee at places and times set by the Department.
(4) To be considered for admittance to examinations, applications for certification must be submitted or postmarked to the Department by no later than the first day of the month preceding the month of the examination.
(5) The Department, at its discretion, may administer written or oral examinations at times other than those scheduled, without public notice.
(6) The Department will notify applicants whether they are eligible for examinations and the conditions of eligibility.
(7) The Department may waive the education or experience requirements for admission to an examination under the following conditions:
(a) The applicant provides evidence to the satisfaction of the Department of current enrollment in a course of study that will meet education qualifications in OAR 340-049-0030 for the type and grade of certificate the applicant is seeking not later than the end of the fourth calendar month following the month in which the examination is given, or
(b) The applicant is currently gaining acceptable operating experience that will meet certificate qualifications in OAR 340-049-0030 for the type and grade of certificate the applicant is seeking not later than the end of the fourth calendar month following the month in which the examination is given, or
(c) The applicant does not meet the experience or supervision requirements for a Provisional or standard Grade I wastewater treatment or collection certificate under this Division, but is otherwise qualified by education and has completed or is participating in a Department approved training program. This applicant may take a Grade I treatment or Grade I collection examination and upon passing the examination will be recognized by the Department as an operator in training (OIT) for a period not to exceed 36 calendar months, unless approved by the Department in writing, during which time the applicant must meet experience requirements for a standard or Provisional certificate in OAR 340-049-0030, and
(d) Any applicant receiving an experience or education waiver for admission to an examination must pay the post-examination application fee for evaluation of certificate qualification as shown in OAR 340-049-0065(1) at the time of submitting proof of meeting education or experience qualifications, and
(e) The Department will withhold certification from any applicant passing an examination until evidence of education or experience qualification is furnished. If any applicant fails to complete all requirements for certification within the allowed time period in this section, the Department will not consider the examination results for any purpose.
(8) Examinations must consist of material in content and level appropriate to each certificate type and grade.
(9) The Department or its designee will score all examinations and notify applicants of the results. Examinations will not be returned to the applicant.
(10) A minimum score of 70 percent is required to pass an examination.
(11) Any person who fails an examination may retake the examination at a later date by submitting an application for re-examination along with the proper examination fee listed in OAR 340-049-0065(1) and by the deadline established in 340-049-0055(4).
(12) Any person who does not apply for re-examination within one year of the date from which the initial exam was taken must submit a new application for examination along with the proper fee listed in OAR 340-049-0065(1).
(13) An applicant may not take the same certificate type and grade examination more than twice in a twelve-month period unless the applicant can demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Department specific education completed in the subject area of the examination.
(14) Persons with disabilities may request special accommodation for testing. No additional fee will be required for disability accommodation under the federal Americans with Disabilities Act.

Or. Admin. R. 340-049-0055

DEQ 4-1988(Temp), f. & cert. ef. 1-29-88; DEQ 23-1988, f. & cert. ef. 9-15-88; DEQ 29-1994, f. & cert. ef. 12-2-94; DEQ 15-2002, f. & cert. ef. 10-16-02; DEQ 2-2013, f. 1-28-13, cert. ef. 3-1-13

Stat. Auth.: ORS 448.410, 468.020 & 468B.030

Stats. Implemented: ORS 448.405 - 448.430 & 448.992