Or. Admin. R. 330-170-0040

Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 8, August 1, 2024
Section 330-170-0040 - Biomass Eligibility
(1) The biomass must be eligible under these rules, fall within the definitions in ORS 315.141 and have a credit rate listed in ORS 469B.403.
(2) The biomass must be converted into biofuel in Oregon or used as biofuel in Oregon.
(3) Waste grease that is not dewatered prior to delivery to a biofuel producer is considered to have an eligible biomass content of 10 percent of the delivered weight of the oil and water mixture, unless the applicant can demonstrate, to the satisfaction of the department, an alternative measurement.
(4) Forest or rangeland woody debris must be collected and produced at the harvesting or thinning site.
(5) Only one certified credit may be issued for each unit of biomass as defined in ORS 469B.403.
(6) The following material is not eligible:
(a) Material used to produce firewood or charcoal.
(b) Construction and demolition debris, urban wood waste, yard debris.
(c) Forest or rangeland woody debris not collected and produced at the harvesting or thinning site.
(d) Algae.
(e) Material from pre-construction or construction activities and golf courses.
(f) Canola grown, collected or produced in the Willamette Valley.
(g) Grain corn.
(h) Other material that is not listed in ORS 315.141 or does not have a credit rate listed under ORS 469B.403.

Or. Admin. R. 330-170-0040

DOE 9-2010(Temp), f. & cert. ef. 7-1-10 thru 12-28-10; DOE 13-2010, f. & cert. ef. 11-2-10; DOE 8-2011, f. 11-4-11, cert. ef. 1-1-12; DOE 5-2013, f. 12-20-13, cert. ef. 1-1-14

Stat. Auth.: ORS 351.141

Stats. Implemented: ORS 315.141 & 469B.403