Or. Admin. Code § 213-004-0011
Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 213-004-0011 - Out-Of-State Adult Convictions And Juvenile Adjudications(1) An out-of-state adult conviction shall be used to classify the offender's criminal history if the elements of the offense would have constituted a felony or Class A misdemeanor under current Oregon law.(2) Out-of-state juvenile adjudications shall be used to classify the offender's criminal history if the elements of the offense would have constituted a felony under current Oregon law if committed by an adult.(3) Out-of-state adult convictions and out-of-state juvenile adjudications described in sections (1) and (2) of this rule shall be classified as person felonies or person Class A misdemeanors if the elements of the offense would have constituted an offense under Oregon law listed at OAR 213-003-0001(14) OR (15).(4) Any adult conviction arising from a federal or military tribunal shall be classified as a person felony or person Class A misdemeanor if the elements of the offense would have constituted an offense under Oregon law listed at OAR 213-003-0001(14) or (15).(5) Any adult conviction or juvenile adjudication under a subsequently repealed statute shall be classified as a person felony or person Class A misdemeanor if the elements of the offense would have constituted an offense currently listed at OAR 213-003-0001(14) or (15).Or. Admin. Code § 213-004-0011
SSGB 2-1988, f. 12-30-88, cert. ef. 9-1-89; SSGB 1-1989, f. 5-25-89, cert. ef. 9-1-89; CJC 2-1995, f. & cert. ef. 11-2-95; CJC 1-1996, f. 3-6-96, cert. ef. 3-8-96; Renumbered from 253-004-0011Stat. Auth.: ORS 137.667
Stats. Implemented: ORS 137.667 - ORS 137.669