Or. Admin. R. 137-003-0655

Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 9, September 1, 2024
Section 137-003-0655 - Further Hearing and Issuance of Final Order
(1) After issuance of the proposed order, if any, the administrative law judge shall not hold any further hearing or revise or amend the proposed order except at the request of the agency, except as provided in this subsection. The administrative law judge may withdraw a proposed order for correction within three working days of issuance of the proposed order. If the administrative law judge withdraws a proposed order for correction, the time for filing exceptions shall begin on the date the administrative law judge issues the corrected proposed order.
(2) If the agency requests the administrative law judge to conduct a further hearing under section (1) of this rule, the agency shall specify the scope of the hearing and the issues to be addressed. After further hearing, the administrative law judge shall issue a proposed order.
(3) If the administrative law judge's proposed order recommended a decision favorable to a party and the agency intends to reject that recommendation and issue an order adverse to that party, the agency shall issue an amended proposed order if:
(a) The official(s) who are to render the final order have not considered the record; or
(b) The changes to the proposed order are not within the scope of any exceptions or agency comment to which there was an opportunity to respond.
(4) Any amended proposed order issued under section (3) of this rule shall comply with OAR 137-003-0665(3) and (4) and shall include a statement that the party may file exceptions and present argument to the agency. The agency shall serve the amended proposed order on each party to the contested case proceeding.
(5) The agency or, if authorized to issue a final order, administrative law judge shall consider any timely exceptions and argument before issuing a final order. If exceptions are received, the agency or the administrative law judge may not consider new or additional evidence unless the agency requests the administrative law judge to conduct further hearings under section (1) of this rule. The agency or administrative law judge may issue an amended proposed order in light of any exceptions or argument.
(6) The agency or, if authorized, the administrative law judge shall issue a final order in accordance with OAR 137-003-0665. The agency may adopt the proposed order as the final order, or modify the proposed order and issue the modified order as the final order.
(7) An agency should issue an amended proposed order or a final order within 90 days of the date of the proposed order. When an agency will not issue an amended proposed order or final order within 90 days of the proposed order, the agency shall give written notice to the administrative law judge and all parties of the date by which the agency expects to issue the amended proposed order or the final order. This rule does not apply to proceedings under ORS chapters 539 and 537.670 through 537.700. An agency may adopt a rule exempting classes of cases from the requirements of this subsection upon the agency's determination that, due to the nature of the cases, 90 days normally is an insufficient time in which to issue an amended proposed or final order. The requirements of this subsection apply to all orders for which the proposed order is issued after January 31, 2012.
(8) If an agency decision maker has an actual or potential conflict of interest as defined in ORS 244.020(1) or (7), that decision maker shall comply with the requirements of ORS Chapter 244, including but not limited to 244.120 and 244.130.

Or. Admin. R. 137-003-0655

DOJ 10-1999, f. 12-23-99, cert. ef. 1-1-00; DOJ 9-2001, f. & cert. ef. 10-3-01; DOJ 7-2003, f. 7-11-03, cert. ef. 7-21-03; DOJ 19-2003, f. 12-12-03, cert. ef. 1-1-04; DOJ 11-2005, f. 10-31-05, cert. ef. 1-1-06; DOJ 1-2012, f. 1-11-12, cert. ef. 1-31-12

Stat. Auth.: ORS 183.341

Stats. Implemented: ORS 183.341 & 183.630