Or. Admin. R. 137-003-0565

Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 9, September 1, 2024
Section 137-003-0565 - Use of Collaborative Dispute Resolution in Contested Case Hearing
(1) When an agency issues a contested case notice, the party(ies) and the agency, if participating in the contested case hearing, may agree to participate in a collaborative dispute resolution (DR) process to resolve any issues relevant to the notice . Neither a party's request, nor any agreement by the agency, to participate in such a process tolls the period for filing a timely request for a contested case hearing.
(2) The agency, if participating in the contested case hearing, or the administrative law judge, if the agency is not participating in the contested case hearing, may establish a deadline for the conclusion of the collaborative DR process,
(3) The participants in the collaborative DR process may sign an agreement containing any of the provisions listed in OAR 137-005-0030 or such other terms as may be useful to further the collaborative DR process.
(4) If the party(ies), and the agency if participating in the contested case hearing, have agreed to participate in a collaborative DR process and a party makes a timely request for a contested case hearing, the hearing shall be suspended until the collaborative DR process is completed, the agency or the party opts out of the collaborative DR process, or the deadline, if any, for the conclusion of the collaborative process is reached.
(5) Collaborative dispute resolution may occur at any time before issuance of a final order. Any informal disposition of the contested case shall be consistent with ORS 183.417(3) and OAR 137-003-0510(4).

Or. Admin. R. 137-003-0565

DOJ 10-1999, f. 12-23-99, cert. ef. 1-1-00; DOJ 19-2003, f. 12-12-03, cert. ef. 1-1-04

Stat. Auth.: ORS 183.341 & 183.502

Stats. Implemented: ORS 183.341, 183.415(5) & 183.502