(E) . Variations from private health insurance standards for child support orders issued or modified in accordance with section 3119.30 of the Revised Code as adopted under Amended Substitute House Bill 119 of the 127th General Assembly.
(1) When the cost of private health insurance coverage for the child to either parent exceeds five per cent of that parent's annual gross income, the CSEA shall not order that parent to provide the private health insurance coverage for the child that exceeds the reasonable cost standard unless: (a) Both parents agree that the parent be ordered to provide the private health insurance that exceeds the reasonable cost standard; or(b) One of the parents requests to be ordered to provide the private health insurance that exceeds the reasonable cost standard. When the CSEA issues the variation to the reasonable cost standard, the CSEA shall document the variation on the child support order.
(2) A CSEA may extend the thirty-mile accessibility standard for private health insurance when residents in part or all of the immediate geographic area customarily travel farther distances than thirty miles for primary care services. "Immediate geographic area" means the county in which the child resides. When the child's residence is within ten miles of the county line, "immediate geographic area" includes the county in which the child resides and any bordering county. When the CSEA extends the thirty-mile accessibility standard, the CSEA shall document the variation on the child support order.
(3) A CSEA may expand the accessibility standard to include the requirement that the primary care services must be available by public transportation when the custodial parent or caretaker is dependent upon public transportation. When the CSEA expands the accessibility standard to include the stipulation described in paragraph (E)(3) of this rule, the CSEA shall document the variation on the child support order.