Ohio Admin. Code 3701-28-01

Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 9, 2024
Section 3701-28-01 - Definitions
(A) "Alter or alteration" means to make a change in the type of construction or configuration of a private water system, including without limitation:
(1) Adding or changing the design of continuous disinfection, water treatment, methane treatment device, or a cyst reduction filter;
(2) Converting a well with a buried seal to a well with a pitless adapter or well house installation;
(3) Extending a distribution system to one or more dwellings or buildings including extending a distribution system to a new building or dwelling that is a reconstructed replacement for a building or dwelling that has been razed or destroyed;
(4) Except when sealing or decommissioning a private water system, disconnecting the water source from a service line going to one or more service connections including when connecting to a public water supply;
(5) Converting a well that uses a well pit to a well with a pitless adapter or well house type of construction; extending casing that currently terminates below ground to extend above ground; deepening a well; or repairing, extending, or replacing any portion of the inside or outside casing or wall, or the walls of a spring or cistern, that extend below ground level;
(6) Conversion of a permitted test well to a private water system.
(B) "ANSI" means the American national standards institute.
(C) "API" means the American petroleum institute.
(D) "Annular space" means the space between a borehole wall and the casing or casing coupling of a well, the space between a casing pipe and liner pipe, the space between a temporary casing and a permanent casing, or strings of nested casing.
(E) "Aquifer" means a consolidated or unconsolidated geologic formation or series of formations that are hydraulically interconnected and that have the ability to receive, store, or transmit water.
(F) "Atmospheric break" means an unobstructed vertical separation in the open air between the lowest opening of any pipe or faucet supplying water to or draining from a holding tank, plumbing fixture, or other device and the highest flood level of the receiving drain or area.
(G) "ASTM" means the American society for testing and materials.
(H) "Backflow prevention device" means any device, method, or type of construction to prevent backflow of water, liquids, mixtures, or substances into the distributing pipes of a potable supply of water from any source other than its intended source. Any device used as a backflow prevention device must contain a dual check valve assembly meeting the requirements of American society of sanitary engineering (ASSE) standards 1013, 1015 or 1024 and/or an air gap.
(1) "Dual check valve" means a backflow prevention device consisting of two spring loaded, independently acting check valves.
(2) "Air gap" is a method of creating a physical separation between the free flowing discharge end of a potable water supply pipeline and an open or non-pressure receiving vessel. An approved air gap shall be at least twice the diameter of the supply pipe measured vertically above the overflow rim of the vessel, but, never less than one half inch.
(I) "Bentonite" means a plastic, colloidal clay which has an extensive ability to absorb water and swell in volume, and which is composed predominantly of sodium montmorillonite.
(J) "Bentonite grout" means a slurry of bentonite and water which has a minimum solids concentration of twenty per cent or bentonite in a pelletized, granular, or coarse grade form.
(K) "Board of health" means the board of health of a city or general health district created by or under the authority of Chapter 3709. of the Revised Code, the authority having the duties of a board of health in any city as authorized under section 3709.05 of the Revised Code, or the authorized representative of such a board or authority.
(L) "Building" means any structure as defined in section 3781.06 of the Revised Code.

(M) "Casing" means an impervious watertight durable primary or secondary pipe that is placed in a well and is used to prevent the walls from caving, exclude surface drainage, undesirable water or other fluids, or unwanted or harmful materials from a well.
(1) "Primary casing" means casing that is permanently grouted in place in the upper most portion of the borehole and may terminate below or extend above the natural ground surface.
(2) "Secondary casing" means a second string of smaller diameter casing that is permanently installed within the primary casing, is grouted in place, and may terminate below or extend above the natural ground surface.
(3) "Temporary casing" means durable pipe or casing placed or driven from the surface into a borehole to maintain an open annular space around the permanent casing during the construction of a well. If temporary casing is subsequently left in place it becomes permanent casing.
(N) "CFU" means the number of bacteria colony forming units, or colonies, or individual bacteria that can be counted or estimated in a membrane filter , and for the purposes of this chapter, is used interchangeably with MPN for determination of an estimation of a bacterial colony count.
(O) "Cistern" or "rainwater cistern" means a private water system that uses rainwater collected from a roof or other rain collection device as a source of water.
(P) "Coarse grade bentonite" means bentonite that has been crushed to a size of three-eighths to three-quarters of an inch.
(Q) "Coliform bacteria" means all of the aerobic and facultative anaerobic, gram-negative, nonspore-forming, rod-shaped bacteria that ferment lactose with gas formation within forty-eight hours at thirty-five degrees Celsius.
(R) "Conductor pipe" or "tremie pipe" means a pipe of sufficient diameter used to place approved materials into the annular space of a well during construction, alteration, or sealing.

(S) "Confined aquifer" means an aquifer bounded above and below by beds of distinctly lower permeability than that of the aquifer itself, and which contains ground water under pressure greater than that of the atmosphere.
(T) "Confluent growth" means a continuous bacterial growth, covering the entire filtration area of a membrane filter, or a portion thereof, in which bacterial colonies are not discrete.
(U) "Consolidated" means lithified geologic formation materials. In Ohio these materials constitute formations such as sandstone, dolomite, limestone, shale, siltstone and coal.
(V) "Construct" for the purposes of this chapter means to newly create a private water system utilizing one or more of the acceptable water sources (e.g., water well, spring, pond, rainwater cistern, hauled water storage tank). Construct also includes replacing or combining of an existing private water system source with a new private water system source.
(W) "Contact tank" means a retention tank used in the continuous disinfection system to hold water in order to provide adequate time for a chemical disinfectant to achieve the desired CT value.
(X) "Contaminant" means any biological, chemical, physical, or radiological constituent in water that is or may become injurious to public health, safety or welfare.
(Y) "Contamination" means the presence of any contaminant into the private water system or ground water which renders the water unfit for human consumption.
(Z) "Conversion" means a water source or a water system not previously classified as a private water system (e.g., agricultural wells, springs and ponds, public water supplies being delisted as public by the Ohio environmental protection agency) that is being converted into a private water system in compliance with this chapter. A conversion is considered new construction.
(AA) "Continuous disinfection" means point of entry treatment processes that include chlorination, iodination, ozonation, and ultraviolet light to destroy or inactivate disease causing microorganisms to make the source water acceptable for human consumption.
(BB) "Cross connection" means any physical connection or arrangement between two otherwise separate piping systems, one of which contains potable water and the other gas, water, or other liquid of unknown or questionable quality or safety, whereby water may flow from one system to the other, the direction of flow depending on the pressure differential between the two systems.
(CC) "CT value" means the contact time multiplied by the free disinfectant residual required to achieve adequate disinfection.
(DD) "Cyst reduction" means the treatment process of filtration or ultraviolet light disinfection to reduce or destroy protozoa and their cyst, including but not limited to giardia species, cryptosporidia species, and amebic species to a log four number.
(EE) "Decommission" means the procedures required in this chapter to take a private water system, other than a well, out of service as a private water system, including but not limited to disconnecting a hauled water storage tank, rainwater cistern, pond, or spring water source from having the ability to provide water through the potable water distribution system.
(FF) "Department" means the department of health of the state of Ohio.
(GG) "Develop or development" means to physically remove fine materials and sediment generated during construction of the well, by means including but not limited to surging, air surging or lifting, over pumping, backwashing, high velocity jetting or bailing of the completed well.
(HH) "Director or director of health" means the director of the department of health of the state of Ohio and includes any authorized representative of the director.
(II) "Disinfect or disinfection" means the addition or use of chlorine or other disinfectant or process to the private water system to neutralize or destroy the growth of harmful bacteria.
(JJ) "Diversion ditch" means a shallow ditch, swale, earthen embankment, or other excavation to divert surface water away from a water source or supply.
(KK) "Drive point well" means a small diameter well that has a 1.25 inch to two inch diameter pipe constructed in unconsolidated material using a hardened drive point and screen. For the purposes of this definition, drive point well also includes, but is not limited to, sand wells, points wells, and well points.
(LL) "Drive shoe" means a manufactured hardened steel collar with a beveled cutting edge attached to the lower end of a steel casing by threading or welding to protect the casing as it is driven.

(MM) "Dry hole" means an open borehole or cased borehole that does not produce water in sufficient quantity and that can not be modified with a low yield pump and storage reservoir, or combined with another water source to produce water for the intended use.
(NN) "Dwelling unit or house" means the place which is occupied by a person or persons as their primary residence or secondary seasonal residence.
(OO) "Filter" means non-chemical water treatment devices designed for point-of-entry removal of a variety of contaminants by means of mechanical filtration or by adsorption based on the following filter types;
(1) "Cartridge filter" means a replaceable in-line nominal or absolute device designed to remove small particles and/or microorganisms defined as follows:
(a) "Nominal filter" is a filter capable of removing approximately eighty-five per cent of particles of the designed pore size.
(b) "Absolute filter" is a filter capable of removing 99.95 per cent of particles of the designed pore size.
(2) "Particle filter" is a nominal or absolute device designed to remove small particles and microorganisms;
(3) "Granular activated carbon or GAC filter" is a device containing activated carbon to remove certain chemicals dissolved in water by adsorbing those chemicals to the granular carbon in the filter; or
(4) "Cyst reduction filter" means an absolute one micron or smaller filter that meets ANSI/NSF standard 53 or an equivalent standard that achieves a 99.95 per cent protozoan cyst reduction.
(PP) "Floodplain or special flood hazard area" means the area adjoining any river, stream, watercourse, or lake subject to a one percent or greater chance of flooding in any given year. Special flood hazard areas are designated by the federal emergency management agency on flood insurance rate maps, flood insurance studies, flood boundary and floodway maps and flood hazard boundary maps as zones A, AE, AH, AO, A1-30, and A99. Special flood hazard areas may also refer to areas that are flood prone and designated from other federal state or local sources of data including but not limited to historical flood information reflecting high water marks, previous flood inundation areas, and flood prone soils associated with a watercourse .
(QQ) "Floodway" means the channel of a river or other watercourse and the adjacent land areas that have been reserved in order to pass the base flood discharge. A floodway is typically determined through a hydraulic and hydrologic engineering analysis such that the cumulative increase in the water surface elevation of the base flood discharge is no more than a designated height. The floodway is an extremely hazardous area, and is usually characterized by any of the following: moderate to high velocity flood waters, high potential for debris and projectile impacts, and moderate to high erosion forces.
(RR) "Formation" means a geologic unit distinguished from adjacent geologic units by a common characteristic.
(SS) "Formation stabilizer , gravel pack, or filter pack" means siliceous, well-rounded, clean and uniform sand or gravel that is free of contaminants and foreign matter, properly sized, washed and disinfected and placed between the borehole wall and the well screen to prevent formation material from entering through the screen and to stabilize the borehole.
(TT) "Granular bentonite" means bentonite that has been processed to particles ranging in size from eight to thirty mesh.
(UU) "Ground water" means all water occurring in an aquifer.
(VV) "Ground water under the influence of surface water" has the same definition as "surface water."
(WW) "Grout" means the materials set forth in or approved under paragraphs (F), (G), and (H) of rule 3701-28-09 of the Administrative Code.
(XX) "Grouting or grout placement" means any of the following methods of placing grout into a well or the annular space of a well:
(1) "Pressure grouting" means any of the following methods of placing a grout slurry into a well or the annular space of a well
(a) "Conductor pipe-pumped" means pressure grouting with a conductor pipe that is lowered to the bottom of the annular space being grouted with grout pumped from the bottom up in a continuous operation. The end of the conductor pipe remains submerged in the previously placed grout and full of grout at all times.
(b) "Well seal with conductor pipe-pumped" means pressure grouting by setting the permanent casing just above the bottom of the borehole and filling the casing and annular space with water, drilling mud or a bentonite slurry. Conductor pipe is then set inside the casing to the bottom of the borehole either through a watertight well seal or packer. Grout is pumped into the annular space displacing all other fluids in the annular space and the permanent casing set in place.
(c) "Grout displacement method" means placing a calculated volume of grout sufficient to fill the annular space plus fifteen percent extra grout into the borehole through a conductor pipe. A drillable plug is then attached to the bottom of the permanent casing and the permanent casing is lowered through the grout into the borehole allowing the grout to be forced up the annular space. If necessary, pressure is applied to the top of the casing to hold it in place until the grout is set.
(d) "Grout shoe-continuous injection method" means pressure grouting by using a grout shoe with a check valve installed in the bottom of the permanent well casing and connected by a conductor pipe to the surface through which grout is pumped until the entire annular space is filled with grout. The conductor pipe is removed, the permanent casing set at the bottom of the borehole, and the grout allowed to set until cured.
(e) "Halliburton method" means pressure grouting by filling the casing and annular space with water, mud or a bentonite slurry and using a single plug or double plugs inserted watertight into the bottom or top of the permanent casing through which a calculated volume of grout sufficient to fill the annular space and the bottom ten feet of casing is pumped with a conductor pipe through a watertight seal. The grout is then displaced by using water pressure or pressure from the drill stem to advance the plug or plugs. Pressure is maintained in the casing until the grout has set.
(2) "Dry pour" means the placement of coarse grade bentonite as specified in paragraph (G) of rule 3701-28-09 of the Administrative Code into the annular space of a well or to seal a well by pouring, using methods specified in rules 3701-28-10 and 3701-28-17 of the Administrative Code.
(3) "Dry Driven" means the continuous placement of dry granular bentonite grout around steel casing as the casing is being driven using a cable tool, driven casing hammer or any other method where permanent steel casing is driven in accordance with paragraph (I) of rule 3701-28-10 of the Administrative Code.
(YY) "Hauled water system" means any private water system that uses water from an approved public water source delivered by a registered water hauler as the source of water.
(ZZ) "Hauled water storage tank" means any tank used to store potable water for use as a private water supply delivered by a registered water hauler from an approved public water source.
(AAA) "Health district" means a city or general health district as created by or under the authority of section 3709.01 of the Revised Code.
(BBB) "High background count" or "HBC" means that the total number of bacterial colonies exceeds two hundred on a forty-seven millimeter diameter membrane filter used for coliform detection.
(CCC) "Human consumption" means the ingestion or absorption of water or water vapor as the result of drinking, cooking, dishwashing, hand washing, bathing, showering, oral hygiene, or other domestic uses such as flushing toilets and doing laundry.
(DDD) "Hydrostatic head" means the height of the free surface of a body of water above a given subsurface point or a reflection of the ground water level plus the pressure head.
(EEE) "Land application area" means any of the following:
(1) A land application field, staging, stockpiling, or field storage area for domestic septage as defined in paragraph (CC) of rule 3701-29-01 of the Administrative Code;
(2) A land application field, staging, stockpiling, or field storage area for domestic septage as defined in paragraph (A) of rule 3745-40-01 of the Administrative Code;
(3) A land application field, staging, stockpiling, or field storage area as defined in rule 901:10-1-01 of the Administrative Code; or,
(4) A wastewater land application area as defined in paragraph (A) of rule 3745-42-13 of the Administrative Code.
(FFF) "Liner" means a pipe designed to be removed that meets the specifications of paragraph (B) of rule 3701-28-09 of the Administrative Code and is installed within a permanent well casing and may extend into the borehole to support the walls of the borehole through consolidated formations in the event of a collapse.
(GGG) "Maximum contaminant level" or "MCL" means the standards established by the United States environmental protection agency for the maximum permissible level of a substance allowed in drinking water delivered to the consumer from a public water system under the "Safe Drinking Water Act", 88 Stat. 1660 (1974), 42 U.S.C. 300f (1996). For the purposes of this chapter, MCL also includes health based advisory levels and standards developed by the centers for disease control and prevention and the agency for toxic substances and disease registry.
(HHH) "MPN" means the most probable number is a statistical method to determine total coliform or E. coli counts in a one hundred milliliter water sample. For the purposes of this chapter, MPN is used interchangeably with CFU for determination of an estimation of a bacterial colony count.
(III) "NSF" means the national sanitation foundation.
(JJJ) "Nominal diameter or nominal pipe size" means the inside diameter of pipe for pipe sizes one-inch through twelve inches in diameter and means the outside pipe diameter for pipe sizes greater than twelve inches in diameter.
(KKK) "One hundred year flood" means a flood having a one percent chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given year.
(LLL) "One hundred year floodplain" means a portion of a designated floodplain that may be inundated by a one hundred year flood.
(MMM) "Oversized or enlarged borehole" means a borehole larger in diameter than the well casing pipe.
(NNN) "Packer" means a rubber or inflatable device used to temporarily or permanently seal off a portion of the borehole, annular space or well casing.
(OOO) "Pathogenic microorganism" means water borne pathogens as determined by the director to be either a:
(1) "Primary pathogenic microorganism" which can cause disease in otherwise healthy people with exposure and dose and includes but is not limited to escherichia coli, and indicator organisms such as enterococci or coliphage;
(2) "Opportunistic pathogen" is a commonly occurring microorganism found in water wells or a rare microorganism that does not normally cause disease in otherwise healthy people but can cause disease in sensitive populations including immune compromised individuals, infants, and the elderly.
(PPP) "Peak demand" means the maximum potential water usage from the water source, based on an estimated seventy-five gallons per person per day or the estimated number of usable water fixtures running at full flow or the maximum pump capacity, if the pump limits the potential peak demand.
(QQQ) "Person" includes the state, a political subdivision, individual, corporation, business trust, estate, trust, partnership, association, or any legal entity defined as a person under section 1.59 of the Revised Code.
(RRR) "Pitless adapter" means an assembly of parts which permits water to pass through the casing or extension thereof, provides access to the well and to the parts of the water system within the well, and provides for the transportation of the water and the protection of the well and water therein from surface or near surface contaminants.
(SSS) "Pitless unit" means an assembly which extends the upper end of casing to above grade and prevents the entrance of contaminants into the well, to conduct water from the well, to protect water from freezing or extremes of temperature and to allow access to the well and components of the pumping equipment.
(TTT) "Point of discharge" means the jurisdictional end of a private water system where the water from a private water system can be sampled immediately before it enters the plumbing jurisdiction. The point of discharge includes the sampling faucet immediately after the pressure tank where no required treatment exists. Where continuous disinfection or water treatment is required on the private water system the point of discharge is the sampling faucet immediately after the treatment equipment.
(UUU) "Pond" means a private water system that is constructed for the purpose of supplying potable water to one single-family dwelling and the entire watershed is under the complete control of the pond owner.
(VVV) "Potable water" means water which meets the water quality standards of paragraph (N) of rule 3701-28-04 of the Administrative Code and is satisfactory for all drinking, culinary, and domestic purposes; including flushing toilets and doing laundry.
(WWW) "Powdered bentonite" means sodium bentonite ranging in size from eighty to three hundred twenty-five mesh with or without polymer added used in drilling fluid.

(XXX) "Private water system" means any water system, other than a public water supply system, for the provision of water for human consumption, if the system has fewer than fifteen service connections and does not regularly serve an average of at least twenty-five individuals daily at least sixty days each year. A private water system includes the following:
(1) Any well, spring, cistern, pond, or hauled water system;
(2) Any equipment for the collection, distribution, transportation, filtration, disinfection, treatment, or storage of water extending from and including the source of the water to the point of discharge into the plumbing distribution system;
(3) To the point of discharge from the water pump where no pressure tank or other storage vessel is present;
(4) To the point where the distribution line enters the foundation of the building or dwelling, where the pressure tank is outside of the building or dwelling, and no other treatment equipment is required;
(5) In the case of multiple service connections serving more than one dwelling or building:
(a) To the point of discharge from each service connection where the service connection enters the foundation of the dwelling or building; or
(b) If water treatment is required to be installed at any of the dwellings or buildings, to the point of discharge from the required water treatment into the plumbing distribution system;
(6) A private water system does not include the water service line extending from the point of discharge to a structure except when the water service line extends to another dwelling or building.
(7) "Single family dwelling private water system" means a private water system source serving only one dwelling
(8) "Non single family private water system" means a private water system source serving more than one family dwelling, a multi-unit dwelling, small manufactured home park, or transient locations including but not limited to, a small church, small business, or bed- and- breakfast that does not meet the definition of a public water system.
(9) Public water systems that are defined as exempt in section 6109.02 of the Revised Code and use hauled water storage tanks for the only source of water; or,
(10) Auxiliary water sources that enter a structure to supplement flushing toilets or laundry washing;
(YYY) "Private water systems contractor" or "contractor" means a person who is registered as a private water systems contractor in accordance with rule 3701-28-18 of the Administrative Code that constructs or develops a well for use as or as a part of a private water system or otherwise constructs a private water system, installs pumping equipment for a private water system, alters a private water system, services or maintains any part of a private water system, repairs a private water system, seals a private water system, or performs any combination of those activities for hire; or, who inspects or evaluates private water systems for hire.
(ZZZ) "Public water system" has the same meaning as in division (A) of section 6109.01 of the Revised Code.
(AAAA) "Registered contractor," "registered water systems contractor" or "registrant" means a person who is registered as a water systems contractor in accordance with division (B)(3) of section 3701.344 of the Revised Code and Chapter 3701-28 of the Administrative Code.
(BBBB) "Repair" means the act of fixing or replacing substandard or damaged devices to restore a private water system or component to proper working condition that does not require a permit. Repair also means any work performed on a private water system for the purpose of servicing or replacing with a like component such as replacing a submersible pump with a submersible pump and changing from a jet pump to a submersible pump or submersible pump to a jet pump or other configuration of pumping equipment. Repair includes, without limitation, servicing or replacing pumps or pumping equipment, filtration or disinfection equipment, storage or pressure tanks, belts, couplings, switches, or fuses, all well caps, and extending casing that currently terminates at or above the surface of the ground is considered a repair. Repair does not include an alteration to the casing or wall of a water well or the walls of a spring box, hauled water storage tank, or cistern.
(CCCC) "Right-of-way" means a general term denoting land, property, or the interest therein, usually in the configuration of a strip, acquired for or devoted to transportation purposes. When used in this context, right-of-way includes the roadway, shoulders or berm, ditch, and slopes extending to the right-of-way limits under the control of the state or local authority.
(DDDD) "Saline water" is water with total dissolved solids (TDS) between one thousand milligrams per liter and thirty-five thousand milligrams per liter or specific conductivity between one thousand five hundred micro siemens per centimeter and fifty-four thousand micro siemens per centimeter obtain by multiplying the TDS by 1.5 where;
(1) Slightly saline water has TDS from one thousand milligrams per liter to three thousand milligrams per liter or multiplied by 1.5 for micro siemens per centimeter;
(2) Moderately saline water has TDS from three thousand milligrams per liter to ten thousand milligrams per liter or multiplied by 1.5 for micro siemens per centimeter;
(3) Highly saline water has TDS from ten thousand milligrams per liter to thirty-five thousand milligrams per liter or multiplied by 1.5 for micro siemens per centimeter;
(4) Brine water has a TDS greater than thirty-five thousand milligrams per liter or greater than thirty-five thousand milligrams per liter multiplied by 1.5 for micro siemens per centimeter.
(EEEE) "Seal" means to close or properly abandon a well, or to close a portion of a well or the annular space of a well.
(FFFF) "Service and maintenance" means all routine or periodic action taken to assure that an existing private water system operates as it was intended including the in-place correction, cleaning, or replacement of damaged or worn out devices with approved devices. Service and maintenance shall include the replacement of mechanical devices such as pumps in treatment trains; replacement of broken device lids, risers, and baffles; the installation or cleaning of an outlet filter; and all other actions not defined as an alteration or replacement, as determined by the department. Service and maintenance does not include the periodic chlorination of a private water system well, spring box, cistern, hauled water storage tank or other water retention tank by the private water system owner when the private water system services a single family dwelling that is occupied by the system owner.
(GGGG) "Service connection" means that point at which the private water system enters any structure used for agricultural purposes, building, or dwelling or camp or multiple housing unit. Where no structure is used for agricultural purposes, no building, or no dwelling exists, each water outlet, including yard hydrants, shall be considered a service connection.
(HHHH) "Service contract" means a contract between a private water system owner and a private water system contractor for the routine service and maintenance required to ensure proper and optimum functioning of any component of the water treatment system.
(IIII) "Service line," "water service line," "water service pipe," or "water distribution pipe" means the piping that carries water from a private water system water source to the service connection(s) and the other components of the private water system to the point of discharge.
(JJJJ) "Shale trap" or "shale basket" means a permanently placed conical shaped rubber packer that is attached to the bottom of the casing to seal the annular space and prevent grout from entering the open borehole or screened area of the well.
(KKKK) "Source" or "water source" means the site from which water is obtained for the purpose of supplying water to a private water system. Source includes a well, pond, spring , cistern tank, hauled water storage tank, water hauler. Surface water including, but not limited to, rivers, streams, creeks, lakes, quarries, and drainage ditches shall not be a water source for a private water system.
(LLLL) "Spring" means a private water system where ground water flows naturally from rock or soil onto the land surface or into a body of water or a shallow aquifer that is intercepted at a depth of ten feet or less.
(MMMM) "Spring Box" means an outside reservoir tank used to store water from a private water system spring discharge prior to the water entering a structure for water treatment.
(NNNN) "Standard weight pipe" or "standard weight" means a class of pipe weight designated by ANSI which is equivalent to schedule forty for nominal pipe sizes ranging from 1/8 inch to ten inches in diameter, and varies with pipe dimension for greater pipe diameters.
(OOOO) "Static water level" means the level of the water when measured from the established ground surface to the water surface in a well that is neither being pumped nor under the influence of pumping, or that is flowing under artesian pressure.
(PPPP) "Surface water" means either of the following:
(1) All water which is open to the atmosphere and subject to surface runoff; or
(2) Ground water under the direct influence of surface water or subject to surface runoff, as indicated by:
(a) Significant occurrence of insects or other macroorganisms;

(b) The presence of biological contamination significant to human health;

(c) Significant and relatively rapid shifts in water characteristics such as turbidity, temperature, conductivity, or pH which closely correlate to climatological or surface water conditions; or
(d) The presence of rapid pathways from the surface to the underground water supply or compromised hyrdogeologic barriers have been identified in the area, including but not limited to, a well located in bedrock where the bedrock is directly connected to surface water through fractures or solution features.
(QQQQ) "Tank" means any container for the storage or treatment of water.
(RRRR) "Temporary hauled water storage tank" mean any tank used to store potable water for use as a private water supply delivered by a registered water hauler from an approved public water source on a temporary or emergency basis and is not intended to be a permanent source of water on a property. "Temporary hauled water storage tank" does not include bottled water.

(SSSS) "Turbidity" means having sediment or particles stirred up or suspended in the water, reducing the clarity. Turbidity is an expression of the optical properties of a sample that causes light rays to be scattered and absorbed rather than transmitted in straight lines through the sample. Turbidity is caused by the presence of suspended or dissolved matter such as clay, silt, minerals, and microorganisms measured using nephelometric turbidity units (NTU).
(TTTT) "Test well" or "test hole" means any excavation, regardless of design or method of construction, done for the purpose of determining the most suitable site for removing ground water from an aquifer for use in a private water system and is regarded as new well construction.
(UUUU) "Thermoplastic" means polyvinyl chloride plastic (PVC) or acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS).
(VVVV) "Total dissolved solids (TDS)" is a measure of all constituents dissolved in water. The inorganic anions dissolved in water includes, but is not limited to carbonates, chlorides, sulfates and nitrates. The inorganic cations include, but are not limited to sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium.
(WWWW) "Unconsolidated" means geologic formations composed of materials that are loose and not lithified.
(XXXX) "Water hauler" means a contractor that is in the business of hauling potable water from a public water supply to a private water system that includes on-site hauled water tanks, temporary or emergency hauled water storage tanks, cisterns, and supplemental water reservoirs for wells, ponds, springs, and to public water system hauled water storage tanks defined as exempt in section 6109.02 of the Revised Code.
(YYYY) "Water treatment" means for the purposes of this chapter continuous disinfection, continuous filtration, cartridge filtration when used in conjunction with ultraviolet light disinfection and continuous pond filtration, cyst reduction filtration, and devices designed for the removal of chemical contaminants. Unless installed prior to an ultraviolet light treatment device, water treatment does not include the installation of devices to treat aesthetic conditions such as hardness or iron.
(ZZZZ) "Weep hole" means a small diameter hole or series of holes located in the wall of the supply pipe for a frost-free yard hydrant that allow for drainage of accumulated water from the delivery piping. These holes are usually part of a plunger and valve system that seals off the holes during water usage and opens the holes during shutdown. These openings are located below ground level and below the frost line in areas where the threat of freezing exists.
(AAAAA) "Well" means any excavation greater than ten feet below the ground surface regardless of design or method of construction that is done or used for any of the following purposes:
(1) Removing ground water for the provision of water for human consumption; or
(2) Determining the quality, quantity, or level of ground water in or the stratigraphy of an aquifer, excluding borings for instrumentation in dams, dikes or levees or highway embankments.
(BBBBB) "Well cap" or "cap" means a manufactured device used to enclose the atmospheric termination of the well casing.
(CCCCC) "Well log and drilling report" has the same meaning as division (B) of section 1521.05 of the Revised Code.
(DDDDD) "Well screen" or "screen" means a manufactured intake structure with uniform openings used in unconsolidated formations designed to retain the aquifer formation, prevent collapse of the borehole adjacent to the screen, and accommodate a yield adequate for the intended use of the well.
(EEEEE) "Well sealing report" has the same meaning as division (C) of section 1521.05 of the Revised Code.

(FFFFF) "Well vent or vent" means a manufactured screened opening in a well seal or cap or located at the end of an extension above flood level to allow atmospheric pressure to be maintained in the well.
(GGGGG) "Yard hydrant" means a device that is located outside of a building, connected to a water service line, is equipped with a valve mechanism that controls the delivery of potable water, and is not designed to supply a fire department pumper.

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Ohio Admin. Code 3701-28-01

Effective: 1/1/2020
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 7/16/2019 and 09/20/2024
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 3701.344
Rule Amplifies: 3701.344
Prior Effective Dates: 01/01/1981, 01/01/1984, 01/01/2000, 04/01/2011