N.D. Admin. Code 99-01.3-16-09.1

Current through Supplement No. 394, October, 2024
Section 99-01.3-16-09.1 - Manufacturing specifications - Site system with bingo card marking devices

A site system with bingo card marking devices which display a facsimile of a bingo card and allows a player to electronically mark the card in the conduct of bingo according to chapter 99-01.3-04, must meet these specifications:

1. A site system is computer hardware and software used at a site by an organization which establishes server-based player accounts containing electronic card images or credits accessed by a player with a bingo card-marking device or generates and downloads electronic bingo card images to bingo card-marking devices, accounts for gross proceeds, and provides accounting information on all activity for three years from the end of the quarter in which the activity occurred. Server-based accounts must be assigned a minimum five digit randomly selected account number, which cannot be reused during a business day. Transaction numbers for server-based accounts must be a minimum six digit nonresettable consecutive number, which do not reset at the end of each session. An account or bingo card-marking device can only be used for the purchase and play of bingo cards. A site system must:
a. Record a nonresettable electronic consecutive six-digit receipt number for each transaction;
b. Issue a receipt for each transaction containing:
(1) Name of a site and organization;
(2) Date and time of the transaction;
(3) Receipt number;
(4) Selling price of each card or package, credits purchased, and rental fee of a device, if applicable;
(5) Unplayed credits cashed out;
(6) Receipt total;
(7) For server-based accounts, account number; and
(8) For downloaded devices, serial number of the device issued to a player.
c. Print a summary report for each session containing the date and time of the report, name of site, date of the session, consecutive session number, total number of accounts established, total number of transactions, total number and dollar value of voided transactions, number of devices used, the number of and total value for each type of card or package sold, discounts applied to each type of card or package sold, total dollar value of credits sold, total dollar value of unused credits cashed out, total gross proceeds, and, for each transaction, list:
(1) For server-based accounts, transaction and account number;
(2) For downloaded devices, nonresettable consecutive transaction number starting with one for each device and device serial number;
(3) Type of transaction (sale or void);
(4) Time of transaction;
(5) Receipt number;
(6) For voided transactions, dollar value of the void; and
(7) Selling price of each card or package, discounts applied to each card or package sold, dollar value of credits sold, dollar value of unused credits cashed out, and gross proceeds.
d. The site system must be capable of producing and exporting through electronic means (e.g. comma delimited, excel, etc.) all required reports.
e. Must be remote-accessible by the manufacturer of the site system and devices and attorney general for monitoring the system operation and accounting information in real time; and
f. Must be capable of printing an electronic card image of any card.
2. A bingo card-marking device can be a portable hand-held unit , table top, or counter device. A bingo card-marking device cannot be wired directly to a site system.
3. A bingo card-marking device must be programmed for use at only the site where the site system is located and only used to purchase and play bingo cards or play electronic quick shot bingo.
4. No bingo card-marking device can allow more than seventy-two single-faced cards per game. A player may not choose or reject cards.
5. A bingo card-marking device may require a player to manually enter each bingo number by using an input function key or may use a radio frequency or Wi-Fi transmission to automatically daub the bingo numbers called.
6. A bingo card-marking device can display a player's best card or a winning card and alert the player through an audio or video method, or both, that the player has a winning card.
7. All server-based accounts must be closed at the end of each bingo session. An account cannot be carried forward to another session.
8. All downloaded devices, must:
a. Have a unique serial number permanently encoded in the system;
b. Be downloaded with new cards at the time of the sales transaction;
c. Be deactivated and all stored cards erased when a device is exchanged or returned; and
d. Automatically erase all stored cards at the end of the last game of a bingo session or when the device is deactivated or turned off.

N.D. Admin Code 99-01.3-16-09.1

Effective July 1, 2000; amended effective July 1, 2002; October 1, 2006; July 1, 2010; July 1, 2012.
Amended by Administrative Rules Supplement 2016-360, April 2016, effective 4/1/2016.
Amended by Administrative Rules Supplement 369, July 2018, effective 7/1/2018.

General Authority: NDCC 53-06.1-01.1

Law Implemented: NDCC 53-06.1-01.1