N.D. Admin. Code 99-01.3-16-08

Current through Supplement No. 394, October, 2024
Section 99-01.3-16-08 - Manufacturing specifications - Dispensing device

A pull tab dispensing device must meet these specifications:

1. If a device is designed to accommodate two or more different games of pull tabs, each compartment must independently meet the specifications of this section;
2. Electrical and mechanical components and design principles may not subject a person to any physical hazard or cause electrical interference. The power cord must be ten feet in length and have a three-prong ground. A surge protector or in-line power filter must be installed in-line on the main power line to a device. A device must safely and operatively withstand a static test of twenty thousand volts of electricity and maintain proper voltage during a low electrical current (brownout);
3. A pull tab device must have at least four columns for stacking pull tabs and have capacity for two thousand four hundred pull tabs. A dispensing device for prize board tickets may have less than four columns for stacking pull tabs;
4. A stacking column must be adjustable for varying lengths of pull tabs. However, as an option, a device may use replaceable stacking columns that accommodate varying lengths of pull tabs. The device must accommodate a minimum pull tab size of one and seven-eighths inches in width by two and five-eighths inches n length, a maximum pull tab size of one and seven-eighths inches in width by four and one-fourth inches in length, or both sizes;
5. A device must be adjustable for varying thicknesses of pull tabs;
6. Glass must be placed in the front of the device enabling an employee to see whether a device is low on pull tabs;
7. A device must have a dispensing outlet or tray to catch a dispensed pull tab;
8. A device must have one currency validator. A coin acceptor is not allowed;
9. A pull tab device must accommodate pricing of twenty-five cents, fifty cents, one dollar, and two dollars per pull tab and dispense the correct number of pull tabs based on the amount of credit played. The standard price per pull tab must apply to all columns;
10. An exterior door must have at least one keyed lock. The key must be different from all other keys used on other devices manufactured by the manufacturer;
11. A pull tab device may have an optional "all" player button that activates the device to dispense pull tabs equal to the value of the unplayed credits and randomly selected by a random number generator or player button sequencing concept. Devices that dispense pull tabs involving a prize board are not required to select tickets by use of a random number generator;
12. A device must have an interior mode switch, interior dipswitch, or an exterior mode switch activated by a key which enables a person to:
a. Set the price per pull tab; and
b. Unless a device prints reports prescribed by subsection 15, access the accounting information required by subsection 13 and, if the device has nonresettable electronic accounting meters, subsection 14;
13. Unless a device prints reports prescribed by subsection 15, there must be at least two independent resettable electronic or mechanical accounting meters. The meters must maintain accounting information of at least four digits in length and be capable of maintaining the accounting information for six months after electrical power to a device is disconnected or the electrical current used to operate a device is switched off. The meters must record the:
a. Total value of currency validated; and
b. Total number of pull tabs dispensed;
14. Unless a device prints reports prescribed by subsection 15, there must be at least two independent nonresettable electronic or mechanical accounting meters. The meters must maintain accounting information of at least six digits in length and be capable of maintaining the accounting information for six months after electrical power to a device is disconnected or the electrical current used to operate a device is switched off. The meters must record the:
a. Cumulative value of currency validated; and
b. Cumulative number of pull tabs dispensed;
15. Unless a device has resettable and nonresettable accounting meters prescribed by subsections 13 and 14, the device must print a cash pickup and a lifetime activity report.
a. A cash pickup and a lifetime activity report must:
(1) Be printed and accessible only from the interior of a device;
(2) State the time and date of the present report and of the preceding report. The time must be expressed in numeric hours and minutes. The hour must be expressed as a.m. or p.m.;
(3) State the unique device number; and
(4) State a sequential report number, which must be at least three digits in length, starting with number one.
b. A cash pickup report, based on resettable electronic accounting meters, must include this information for activity since the preceding report:
(1) For a pull tab device, number and value of pull tabs dispensed from all columns; and
(2) Value of currency validated.
c. A lifetime activity report, based on nonresettable electronic accounting meters, must include this information for activity since a device was manufactured:
(1) For a pull tab device, cumulative number and value of pull tabs dispensed from all columns; and
(2) Cumulative value of currency validated;
16. To ensure a commingling of pull tabs, a random number generator or player button sequencing concept must be used to select a particular column from which a pull tab will be dispensed. A selection process is random if it does not produce a significant statistic of recurring patterns. A player button sequencing concept must field each button at least one hundred times a second. This subsection does not apply to a dispensing device used in the conduct of a prize board;
17. Instructions for player operation must be permanently affixed or placed under glass or other transparent material on the front of a device;
18. A pull tab device must have one or more player buttons located on the front to activate the dispensing of a pull tab. However, excluding an "all" player button, the number of player buttons may not exceed the number of columns. Regardless of which player button is pressed, the selection of a particular column from which a pull tab is dispensed must be done by a random number generator or player button sequencing concept. This subsection does not apply to a dispensing device used in the conduct of a prize board;
19. A device must have an LED or LCD display screen of at least four digits in length. However, if a device uses two independent nonresettable electronic accounting meters, the device must have an LED or LCD display screen of at least six digits in length. The digits must be one-quarter of one inch in height. The value of currency validated must be displayed on the LED or LCD screen as a monetary credit which is reduced as a device vends a pull tab. Unless a device prints reports prescribed by subsection 15, the LED or LCD display screen must also display the accounting information required by subsection 13 and pricing information required by subdivision a of subsection 12;
20. A device must record every vend, including a test vend, of a pull tab when the door of the dispensing device is closed and every currency validation on the accounting meters required by subsections 13 and 14 or subsection 15;
21. If a device malfunction occurs or electrical power is interrupted, the value of credits previously displayed on an LED or LCD display screen must be correctly redisplayed immediately after the malfunction is cleared or electrical power is restored. However, this rule does not apply if a device is totally inoperable;
22. In a pull tab device a column of pull tabs must automatically discontinue operation, triggered by a micro, optical, or software controlled switch, when the column has fewer than fifty pull tabs remaining. However, this rule does not apply when an organization is closing a game at which time a micro, optical, or software controlled switch may be circumvented;
23. A device must automatically stop operating when there is only one column of pull tabs functioning. However, if this occurs and there are unplayed credits on the device, the device may dispense pull tabs equal to the value of the unplayed credits from the remaining column before the device automatically stops operating. This subsection does not apply to a dispensing device used in the conduct of a prize board;
24. An identification plate must be affixed to an exterior side panel and contain the device's:
a. Manufacturer;
b. Name of device;
c. Serial and model numbers; and
d. Date of manufacture which may be part of the model or serial number;
25. No device may have an auxiliary remote control unit for posting credits;
26. A device must automatically stop operating when a nonresettable meter is disconnected; and
27. A device must have a maintenance and operations manual.

N.D. Admin Code 99-01.3-16-08

Effective May 1, 1998; amended effective July 1, 2002; October 1, 2006; July 1, 2010.
Amended by Administrative Rules Supplement 2016-360, April 2016, effective 4/1/2016.
Amended by Administrative Rules Supplement 369, July 2018, effective 7/1/2018.

General Authority: NDCC 53-06.1-01.1

Law Implemented: NDCC 53-06.1-01.1