N.D. Admin. Code 99-01.3-06.1-03

Current through Supplement No. 394, October, 2024
Section 99-01.3-06.1-03 - Requirements of a bar
1. A bar shall:
a. Place an electronic pull-tab device in a location where alcoholic beverages are dispensed and consumed and where a bar employee will regularly observe the device. A device may not be placed outside or in a patio area;
b. Prohibit a person from tampering or interfering with the operation or play of an electronic pull-tab device;
c. Ensure that an electronic pull-tab device is disabled from play unless alcoholic beverages may be dispensed, a bar employee is available to redeem a credit ticket voucher, and a bar has cash on hand to redeem a credit ticket voucher;
d. Absorb a loss related to a counterfeit or lost credit ticket voucher, redeemed credit ticket voucher that was not issued at the site on that day, and loss or theft of the temporary loan of funds;
e. Repay an organization's temporary loan of funds immediately upon request from the organization that discontinues conducting electronic pull tabs at a site;
f. If a malfunction of an electronic pull-tab device is known by the bar or its employee, disable play of the device and promptly notify the organization. Otherwise, the bar or its employee is responsible for any cash shortage; and
g. Use an organization's loan of money only to redeem a credit ticket voucher. If the bar violates this rule, the attorney general may suspend any or all games at the site for up to six months.
2. A bar employee may not access, attempt to access, or permit a person, other than an employee of an organization, to access the interior of an electronic pull-tab device for any reason.
3. If a bar employee believes there is a problem with an electronic pull-tab device or with a redeemed credit ticket voucher, the bar employee shall contact the charitable gaming organization and may disable the device.
4. A bar may accept or not accept a gaming-related check from a player. A player's check must be payable to a bar. A bar is responsible for a player's check returned by a financial institution as uncollectible. A bar may allow a player to buy back the player's check with cash and may return a player's check to the player as part of the redemption of a credit ticket voucher.
5. Only a bar employee who is authorized by a bar may redeem a credit ticket voucher.
6. A bar employee may not summarize or audit an electronic pull-tab game for an organization.

N.D. Admin Code 99-01.3-06.1-03

Adopted by Administrative Rules Supplement 369, July 2018, effective 7/1/2018.
Amended by Administrative Rules Supplement 2022-387, January 2023, effective 1/1/2023.

General Authority: NDCC 53-06.1-01.1

Law Implemented: NDCC 53-06.1-01.1