N.D. Admin. Code 99-01.3-02-06

Current through Supplement No. 394, October, 2024
Section 99-01.3-02-06 - Rental agreement
1. A rental agreement must be signed and dated by a lessor and organization.
2. An agreement must contain:
a. Term of the agreement which must be on a fiscal year basis from July first to June thirtieth or, if a site authorization is for a shorter period, the term is for the shorter period. Except for a site where bingo is the primary game, an agreement may not exceed five years;
b. Monetary consideration;
c. The inclusion of this statement with proper selections made:

"The lessor agrees that the (lessor), (lessor's) spouse, (lessor's) common household members, (management), (management's) spouse, or an employee of the lessor who is in a position to approve or deny a lease may not conduct games at any of the organization's sites and, except for officers and board of directors members who did not approve the lease, may not play games at that site. However, a bar employee may redeem a winning pull tab, redeem a credit ticket voucher, pay a prize board cash prize, and award a prize board merchandise prize involving a dispensing device and sell raffle tickets or sports pool chances on a board on behalf of an organization";

d. If an organization provides a lessor with a temporary loan of funds for redeeming winning pull tabs, credit ticket vouchers, or for paying prize board cash prizes involving a dispensing device, a statement that the lessor agrees to repay the entire loan immediately when the organization discontinues using a device at the site and adsorb a loss related to a loss or theft of the temporary loan of funds; and
e. Statements that:
(1) Bingo is or is not the primary game conducted;
(2) Twenty-one or paddlewheels, or both (involving a playing table), is or is not conducted and the number of tables on which the rent is based, including the number of tables on which a wager over five dollars is accepted;
(3) Pull tabs is or is not conducted with or without a dispensing device and number of electronic pull-tab devices for use;
(4) The rental agreement is automatically terminated, at a lessor's option, if an organization's license is suspended for more than fourteen days or revoked;
(5) An oncall, temporary or permanent employee, except a bar employee defined by subsection 3 of section 99-01.3-02-01 will not, directly or indirectly, conduct games at the site as an organization employee on the same day the employee is working in the area of the bar where alcoholic beverages are dispensed or consumed;
(6) The lessor agrees no game will be directly operated as part of the lessor's business;
(7) The lessor agrees not to interfere with or attempt to influence the lessee's selection of games, determination of prizes, including a bingo jackpot prize, or disbursement of net proceeds;
(8) The lessor agrees not to loan money to, provide gaming equipment to, or count drop box cash for the lessee; and
(9) The lessor agrees any advertising by the lessor that includes charitable gaming must include the charitable gaming organization's name. An abbreviation of the organization's name may be used.
3. Rent must be a fixed dollar amount per month.
a. A participatory or graduated rate arrangement based on gross proceeds or adjusted gross proceeds is prohibited.
b. If bingo is the primary game or if a site is leased by an organization that has the alcoholic beverage license for that site, the monthly rent must be reasonable. Factors include time usage, floor space, local prevailing rates, and available sites and services. An organization may pay seasonal expenses, such as snow removal, air-conditioning, and heating, to a vendor.
c. If bingo is not the primary game, the maximum monthly rent must be according to subsection 5 of North Dakota Century Code section 53-06.1-11. Special considerations are:
(1) If two or more organizations conduct twenty-one or paddlewheels, or both, involving a table and pull tabs for less than a month at a temporary site which is a public or private premise, or if two or more organizations are issued site authorizations to conduct games at a site on different days of the week, the maximum monthly rent, in the aggregate, may not exceed the limit set by subsection 5 of North Dakota Century Code section 53-06.1-11; and
(2) If a raffle, calcutta, sports pool, or poker is conducted with twenty-one, paddlewheels, or pull tabs, no additional rent is allowed.
d. Except for applying subsection 3 or 4 of section 99-01.3-03-04, and additional rent paid to a lessor for simulcast racing, an organization or employee may not pay any additional rent or expense, from any source, or for any other purpose, including office or storage space, snow removal, maintenance or cleaning fees, equipment, furnishings, entertainment, or utilities. Except for a leased site at which bingo is the primary game conducted, an organization may not pay for any capital or leasehold improvements or remodeling.
4. If there is a change in the monthly rent or any other material change to a rental agreement, the agreement must be amended and a copy received by the attorney general before its effective date.

N.D. Admin Code 99-01.3-02-06

Effective May 1, 1998; amended effective July 1, 2000; July 1, 2002; July 1, 2004; October 1, 2006; July 1, 2010.
Amended by Administrative Rules Supplement 2016-360, April 2016, effective 4/1/2016.
Amended by Administrative Rules Supplement 369, July 2018, effective 7/1/2018.
Amended by Administrative Rules Supplement 2022-387, January 2023, effective 1/1/2023.

General Authority: NDCC 53-06.1-01.1

Law Implemented: NDCC 53-06.1-01.1, 53-06.1-06, 53-06.1-07.4