Current through Register Vol. 57, No. 1, January 6, 2025
Section 8:41-9.16 - Transport restrictions(a) The transportation of critically ill or injured patients in need of ALS treatment shall occur in the dispatched BLS vehicle responding or on scene at the time.(b) MICUs may be utilized to transport critically ill or injured patients only in the following limited circumstances: 1. In the event of a life-threatening emergency;2. In the event that a BLS ambulance is not responding and is not expected to arrive at the scene;3. Where all of the appropriate on-scene ALS treatments have been rendered, the patient is ready for immediate transport and no BLS ambulance is present on the scene or where an appropriate dispatch center has confirmed that no BLS ambulance is responding;4. When its services are requested during the course of a mass casualty incident; or5. When a mobile intensive care program has been granted the right, pursuant to the terms of its original certificate of need or a subsequent waiver granted in accordance with N.J.A.C. 8:41-1.4, to utilize its vehicles as transport vehicles. i. In those instances where a mobile intensive care program has been granted the right to utilize its vehicles to transport patients, those vehicles shall also meet and comply with all of the requirements set forth at N.J.A.C. 8:41-4, N.J.A.C. 8:41-10.10 (SCTU "Neonatal patient equipment supplies"), 8:41-10.11 (SCTU "Optional equipment and supplies"), 8:41-10.14 (SCTU "Aspirator/suction equipment") as it relates to installed aspirators, 8:40-6.5 (BLS ambulance "Basic equipment and supplies"), 8:40-6.8 (BLS ambulance "Patient transport devices"), 8:40-6.9 (BLS ambulance "Spine boards, orthopedic litter and splints"), 8:40-6.10 (BLS ambulance "Patient compartment requirements and dimensions"), 8:40-6.11 (BLS ambulance "Vehicle certification to Federal specifications") and 8:40-6.12 (BLS "Vehicle markings and emergency warning devices").(c) A mobile intensive care program shall not utilize its MICUs to provide advanced life support care in any geographical area of the State for which it does not hold certificate of need approval to do so, except in the following limited circumstances: 1. In the case where there exists a pre-existing mutual aid agreement with the mobile intensive care program that holds certificate of need approval for that area;2. As requested during a mass casualty incident; or3. As requested for special details, such as protection of dignitaries, tactical support or other special situations where a particular provider has a unique status, so long as the mobile intensive care program that holds certificate of need approval for that area has first granted its approval.(d) When the vehicle is not being utilized as an MICU, all ALS equipment, supplies and medications shall be locked and secured so as to be unavailable to non-ALS crewmembers. N.J. Admin. Code § 8:41-9.16