N.J. Admin. Code § 7:27-21.5

Current through Register Vol. 56, No. 16, August 19, 2024
Section 7:27-21.5 - Required contents of an Emission Statement
(a) Any owner or operator who submits an Emission Statement to the Department shall include the following, as an integral part of the Emission Statement:
1. Identification of the reporting year for which the statement is being submitted;
2. A certification, in accordance with the requirements of 7:27-21.8; and
3. The date of the signature of certification, and the name, title, mailing address, and telephone number of the responsible official certifying the Emission Statement.
(b) An Emission Statement shall include the following facility identification information:
1. The full name of the facility;
2. Facility location description, including, but not limited to:
i. The facility's street address;
ii. The county in which the facility is located;
iii. The mailing address of the facility, including its zip code; and
iv. The facility's State Plane coordinates given as its New Jersey or Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates; or its latitude and longitude;
3. The facility ID number, as assigned by the Department;
4. Classification by organization type (for example, corporation, partnership, municipality);
5. The NAICS code(s) which apply to the facility;
6. The facility type (that is, major or minor). For the purposes of this subchapter, a facility is a major facility if it is subject to operating permit rules under N.J.A.C. 7:27-22; otherwise it is a minor facility;
7. New Jersey Employer Identification Number;
8. Number of employees; and
9. The name(s) of the owner(s) or operator(s) of the facility and the Emission Statement contact person; and, for each, contact information such as title, mailing address, and telephone number.
(c) An Emission Statement shall include information identifying all source operations, located at the facility. This information shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
1. Information on each of the facility's significant source operations, including, but not limited to, the source ID number; its equipment type (for example, boiler, degreaser, surface coating equipment); a description of the source operation; its maximum design capacity; identification of any control apparatus associated with the source operation; (for combustion sources) the types of fuels burned; and any permit or operating certificate numbers assigned to the source. Additionally, other source characteristics and parameters may be required to be reported which allow the Department to calculate or verify the calculation of emissions;
2. Information on each of the facility's insignificant source operations, including, but not limited to, its source ID number, its equipment type, and a description of the source operation;
3. Information on sources of fugitive emissions at the facility that are not associated with any source operation, including, but not limited to, description of the activity that causes the fugitive emissions and a source ID number, if available; and
4. If a permit has been issued by the Department for a batch production plant at the facility, information on each operating scenario approved for the batch production plant. The information shall include a description of the batch production plant and other information including, but not limited to:
i. An ID number;
ii. A description of approved operating scenarios including, but not limited to, the steps in the scenario and the SCC code of the scenario;
iii. Identification of any source operations and control apparatus in the batch production plant;
iv. The operation type (for example, steady-state); and
v. Any permit or operating certificate numbers.
(d) With respect to each of the source operations identified pursuant to (c) above, the following information shall be provided:
1. For each significant source operation, information on each control apparatus serving the source operation, including, but not limited to:
i. Its control device ID number;
ii. A description of the control apparatus;
iii. Classification as a primary, secondary or tertiary control apparatus;
iv. Identification of the control apparatus by type (for example, adsorber, condenser, flare);
v. Overall control efficiency, actual capture efficiency and actual removal efficiency, or if the actual capture efficiency or the actual removal efficiency is unavailable, the design capture efficiency or the design removal efficiency may be substituted;
vi. The operating time of the control apparatus; and
vii. Identification of the source operation(s) served by the control apparatus;
2. Identification of each of the facility's emission points; and, for each of these emission points, information including, but not limited to, its ID number; a description of the emission point; whether it is a source operation or fugitive emissions; and information characterizing emissions from the emission point, including, but not limited to, the following:
i. Release height (for example, height above ground level where the air contaminant is emitted to the atmosphere), release volume and release temperature; and
ii. Stack or vent diameter at point of emissions (the inside diameter of vent at the point of emission to the atmosphere);
3. The class(es) or specie(s) of air contaminant emissions (for example, VOC, SO[2]) that the source operation, together with the associated control apparatus, has the potential to emit; and
4. The source(s) of fugitive emissions associated with each source operation.
(e) (Reserved)
(f) Emission information included in an Emission Statement pursuant to (e) above shall be provided in format acceptable to the Department and on an Emission Statement form obtained from the Department. This information shall include the following:
1. For each air contaminant, information pertaining to the amount of air contaminant emitted, given on a facility-wide basis or on the source operation level (as applicable pursuant to (e) above), including, but not limited to:
i. The actual emissions of the air contaminant during a specified time period, including the actual emissions of VOC and NO[x] in tons during the ozone season and in pounds per day during the peak ozone season. Such emissions may be the total facility-wide emissions, emissions from a specific source operation, emissions from a specific emission point, and fugitive emissions associated with specific source operations or other fugitive sources; and
ii. The average actual emission rate for a specified time period, including the average actual rate of emissions of VOC or NO[x] in pounds per day of operation during the peak ozone season; or the average actual emissions of CO in pounds per day of operation during the peak carbon monoxide season. Such emissions may be, for a specific time period or season, the total facility-wide emissions, emissions from a specific source operation, emissions from a specific emission point, and fugitive emissions associated with specific source operations or other fugitive sources;
2. Parameters used in calculating emissions, including, but not limited to:
i. Specific dimensions of a source operation (for example, for a storage tank, tank type and tank diameter and height);
ii. Process inputs, intermediates, outputs, and wastes (for example, material stored in storage tanks);
iii. The type and amount of fuel burned in a combustion unit and the heat content of the fuel; or
iv. The design and firing method of a combustion unit;
3. The method used to quantify actual emissions selected pursuant to 7:27-21.6;
4. Any emission factor used to determine actual emissions;
5. The units in which the emissions are reported (for example, tons or pounds per hour);
6. Information pertaining to operation, including, but not limited to:
i. The activity rate/throughput during a specific time period, (per year, per quarter, or per season such as the peak ozone season);
ii. For each quarter, the quarterly activity rate/throughput, expressed as a percentage of actual annual activity rate/throughput;
iii. The types and amounts of fuel burned, process inputs consumed, or intermediate or final product produced;
iv. The total actual hours of operation (per day, per week, per season, per year, or other period); and
v. The average number of hours of operation per day or week or other period; and
7. For VOC, NO[x], and CO, a projection of the amount of increase or decrease in emissions expected in the future, given as a percentage of the reporting year's emissions.
(g) To simplify the reporting of emissions from a source operation with minimal emissions, an owner or operator may alternatively report the source operation's potential to emit a given air contaminant as its actual emissions of the air contaminant, provided that:
1. The Emission Statement reflects that simplified reporting is being used;
2. The air contaminant being reported is one that is listed in Table 2 below; and
3. The source operation has a potential to emit the air contaminant in an amount that is less than or equal to the criteria amount given in Table 2 below.

Table 2


Air Contaminant

Criteria Amount

VOC, NOx, CO, SO2, TSP, PM10, PM2.5, CH4, or NH3,

1.00 ton per year


0.10 tons per year

(h) In reporting source operation level emissions information in an Emission Statement, fugitive emissions associated with a source operation shall be reported as part of the emissions of that source operation. In facility-wide reporting, a facility's cumulative total fugitive emissions shall be given as an aggregation of all fugitive emissions at the facility that are not associated with a specific source operation; these cumulative total fugitive emissions shall be added to the facility's other emissions to determine the facility's total emissions.
(i) Emission statements shall also include any other information required by any Federal regulation or emission statement guidance published by EPA. Any additional information required by this provision will be published in a New Jersey Register notice and will be clearly indicated on the emission statement forms for the applicable year.
(j) The owner or operator of any VOC stationary storage tank with a floating roof shall include the following roof landing emission information:
1. As part of the Emission Statement, submit each tank's annual roof landing emissions as follows:
i. If the tank's preconstruction permit or operating permit, as applicable, contains a separate operating scenario for roof landing emissions, submit the tank's annual roof landing emissions as a separate operating scenario; or
ii. If the tank's preconstruction permit or operating permit, as applicable, does not contain a separate operating scenario for roof landing emissions, add a separate operating scenario for roof landing emissions to the Emission Statement and submit the tank's annual roof landing emissions as a separate operating scenario; and
2. As supporting documentation, submit with the Emission Statement an annual electronic report titled "Floating Roof Landing Emission Summary Report" if the owner or operator of a floating roof tank has not implemented all control measures in the tank VOC control plan submitted pursuant to 7:27-16.2(p), or if a floating roof tank is exempt pursuant to 7:27-16.2(f)6. The report shall contain the following information for each tank:
i. The tank NJID Number;
ii. The total roof landing emissions;
iii. The tank roof type (internal floating roof, external floating roof, or domed external floating roof);
iv. The total number of roof landing events;
v. A list of each VOC, including different grades and specifications of gasoline, stored in the tank for any part of the year;
vi. The vapor pressure at standard conditions for the contents listed at v above;
vii. The floating roof lander height setting, where lander height is the distance between the bottom of the roof deck and the top most point of the surface of the tank floor;
viii. The diameter of the tank roof; and
ix. The permit activity number if the tank is operating under a Preconstruction Permit and Operating Certificate.

N.J. Admin. Code § 7:27-21.5

Amended by 49 N.J.R. 3511(a), effective 11/6/2017
Amended by 54 N.J.R. 1018(a), effective 6/6/2022