231 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 3, § 3

Current through June 17, 2024
Section 231-3-3 - Comity Licensure for non-CLARB Certificate Holders

A landscape architect who holds a current and valid license issued by a licensing authority of another jurisdiction recognized by the Board and has a current CLARB Council record, may be issued a license to offer or provide landscape architectural services in Nebraska.

3.3.1 If an applicant has not satisfied the Examination Standard of the CLARB Standard of Eligibility, but received their initial license by grandfather clause, is in good standing, and has a minimum of three years of experience at the time of the application, the Board may waive the examination requirement; or
3.3.2 If an applicant has a minimum of fifteen years of licensed experience in good standing in one or more licensing jurisdictions recognized by the Board, the examination and/or education requirements may be waived.
3.3.3 Any experience used to meet the Examination and/or Education Standards cannot be used to meet the Experience Standard.
3.3.4 if the application meets or exceeds these requirements, the landscape architect may be issued a license to offer or provide landscape architectural services in Nebraska, if the applicant: Submits an application and the applicable fee(s); Submits satisfactory evidence of such licensure to the Board directly from the issuing jurisdiction or CLARB; Submits a copy of the CLARB Council record directly to the Board from CLARB.
3.3.7 Any information requested on the application with respect to education, experience, licensure, or references may be substituted with the information provided in the CLARB Record.
3.3.8 All applications will go to the Board for review and final action.

231 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 3, § 3

Adopted effective 1/10/2021