472 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 1, § 003

Current through June 17, 2024
Section 472-1-003 - Definitions

Disability: Disability for this program is a medically determinable, severe, chronic condition which -

1. Is attributable to mental and/or physical impairments;
2. Is likely to continue indefinitely;
3. Demonstrates a need for long-term, individually planned and coordinated care, treatment, vocational rehabilitation, or other services; and
4. Results in substantial functional limitations in two or more of the following areas of major life activity -
a. Self-care;
b. Receptive and expressive language;
c. Learning;
d. Mobility;
e. Self-direction;
f. Capacity for independent living;
g. Work skills or work tolerance; and
h. Economic sufficiency.

Eligible Persons: The Department determines eligibility for those families and individuals who meet all guidelines and -

1. Whose needs assessment indicates appropriateness for the program; and
2. Demonstrate that the support requested is the most cost-effective form of care.

Employment: Employment is defined as earning wages at least equal to the amount considered substantial gainful activity by the Social Security Administration.

Family Size: For income eligibility purposes, the family includes one or more adults (age 19 or older) and children, if any, related by blood, marriage, or adoption who reside in the same household. An unborn child may be included if pregnancy is verified by a physician's statement. Related adults other than spouses and unrelated adults who reside together are separate families.

Independent Living Situation: Means residing alone, with another person who does not provide care, or with a caregiver who is not related by blood, marriage, or adoption in a house or apartment. Unlicensed board and room homes, foster homes, adult family homes, facilities licensed by the Department of Health (e.g., domicilary facilities, centers for the developmentally disabled, intermediate care facilities), and other medical facilities are not considered independent for this program.

Support Programs: Other support programs include all forms of local, state, or federal assistance, grants-in-aid, educational programs, insurance benefits, and support provided by public or private funds for disabled persons or their families.

472 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 1, § 003