178 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 24, § 004

Current through June 17, 2024

The contaminated property must be prepared for decontamination as follows:

(A) The local public health department must provide appropriate warning signs to the property owner, and ensure that the warning signs are posted prominently at all points of entry into the site;
(B) The signs must state that the property has been contaminated with hazardous materials;
(C) Warning signs must remain in place until the local public health department has released the property for human habitation;
(D) Access to the site must be restricted by the property owner to only those individuals directly responsible for implementing the decontamination procedures;
(E) The air distribution system must be isolated between the decontamination area and other residential units, if applicable, to ensure airborne contamination cannot be carried into other areas. The decontamination area may include one or more units or the entire complex;
(F) Openings, such as doors, must be sealed off between the decontamination area and other areas that have not been contaminated using polyethylene sheeting with a minimum thickness of 4-mil (0.004 inch) to provide a moisture and vapor barrier;
(G) The structure must be aired out for a minimum of 72 hours before beginning decontamination. The building's windows must be opened and exhaust fans must be used to move air out of the structure. The structure must remain secure from unauthorized entry during this process; and
(H) A visual inspection of the contaminated property must be completed to determine the specific locations where clandestine laboratory chemicals were manufactured, stored, or disposed of. The results of the visual inspection must be documented and include a description of:
(i) Hazardous chemicals or chemical storage tanks, or both that are present at the site;
(ii) The air distribution system;
(iii) The ventilation system or systems;
(iv) The water supply system, if a private well is present;
(v) The plumbing and septic system;
(vi) Stained porous surfaces;
(vii) Burn pits or trash piles; and
(viii) Areas of suspected soil contamination.
004.01DECONTAMINATION WORK PLAN. As part of performing the decontamination, the property owner or a decontamination consultant must provide the local public health department with a written decontamination work plan. The plan must include:
(A) A detailed site map with floor plan to scale;
(B) A description of the health and safety procedures that will be followed, including the use of personal protective equipment to be worn while in or on the contaminated portion of the property;
(C) A detailed summary and photos of all locations where decontamination will occur;
(D) A detailed summary of all procedures to be employed removing contamination or cleaning the site to minimize human exposure; and
(E) A schedule outlining the timeframe for completing the decontamination.

178 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 24, § 004

Amended effective 6/14/2023