178 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 22, § 020

Current through June 17, 2024
Section 178-22-020 - ASBESTOS WASTE DISPOSAL

The licensed or waivered business entity or licensed individual will handle all asbestos containing material waste in accordance with the requirements of 129 NAC 23, Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy Hazardous Air Pollutants: Emission Standards.

020.01PROCEDURES. The business entity or individual performing an asbestos project must:
(A) Maintain all asbestos containing material solid waste in a wet condition and immediately place in tightly sealed containers;
(i) Use clear plastic bags not less than 6 mil thick for waste containers unless the waste contains rigid or heavy objects likely to tear the bags. Use clear plastic bags only once;
(ii) If bag damage is likely to occur, place the waste in fiber or metal containers lined with plastic bags not less than 6 mil thick and having tight-fitting lids which can be fastened firmly in position;
(iii) For large sections of structural materials, such as pipe or duct work, that have been removed with asbestos containing material left in place and that cannot be placed in containers, tightly wrap the sections in two layers of clean plastic sheeting not less than 6 mil thick for disposal.
(B) Dispose of wastewater and other liquid waste that contains asbestos containing material as follows:
(i) Mix with solid waste materials and place the mixture in tightly sealed containers that comply with the requirements of 178 NAC 22-020.01, items (A)(i) or (B)(i);
(ii) Filter through a system with the capability to collect particles 5.0 microns in size or larger and discharge into a sanitary sewer or other State or federally approved waste disposal system;
(iii) Use any other method of disposal of contaminated wastewater or liquid waste only at a location and in a manner specifically approved in writing by the Nebraska Departments of Health and Human Services and Environment and Energy;
(C) Clean the exterior surface of each container or individually wrapped object free of all visible residue by wet cleaning methods before removing from the work area;
(i) Attach an asbestos danger label securely to each container or wrapping before removing from the work area;
(D) Handle each waste container carefully to prevent damage, breakage or opening;
(i) If a waste container breaks or becomes unable to completely contain the waste:
(a) Transfer the waste immediately into another container that complies with the requirements of 178 NAC 22-020.01, items (A), (B), or (C);
(b) Immediately saturate with water any asbestos containing material waste that escapes from the original container and place in the replacement container; and
(c) Clean contaminated areas free of all visible residue;
(E) Store any asbestos containing material removed from the work area but not yet delivered to an approved asbestos waste disposal site in a secure holding facility or location accessible only to persons licensed in an asbestos occupation in accordance with 178 NAC 22-004;
(F) Transport waste in vehicles operated by or escorted by a licensed asbestos worker or supervisor;
(i) Use vehicles with completely enclosed cargo areas or completely enclose the cargo area with two layers of plastic sheeting not less than 6 mil thick while the waste is being transported; and
(ii) Immediately clean the vehicle cargo area free of all visible residue using a high efficiency particulate air filter-equipped vacuuming device or by wet cleaning methods after the waste has been deposited at an approved asbestos waste disposal site;
(iii) Alternatively, if the cargo area has been lined with a disposable plastic liner not less than 6 mil thick, cleaning is not required if the vehicle cargo area is free of all visible residue after the plastic liner is removed;
(iv) Treat all removed plastic sheeting, waste and debris as asbestos containing material and dispose of in accordance with these regulations;
(G) Retain handling responsibility for asbestos containing material waste until the waste is delivered to and accepted by the operator of a Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy licensed and approved asbestos waste disposal site and a written receipt is received and made a part of the project file.
020.02RECORDKEEPING. The business entity performing an asbestos project will maintain in their records, required under Neb. Rev. Stat. § 71-6307,178 NAC 22-008, and the following information:
(A) The name and address of the following:
(i) Premises at which the asbestos containing material waste was generated;
(ii) Building owner;
(iii) Business entity performing the asbestos project;
(iv) Each employee or agent who transported or escorted the asbestos containing material waste to an approved asbestos waste disposal site; and
(v) Each approved asbestos waste disposal site to which the asbestos containing material was transported.
(B) The type and amount of asbestos containing material waste designated for disposal, expressed in square or linear feet, number of bags, weight or cubic yards.
(C) The time period over which asbestos containing material waste was transported to the approved asbestos waste disposal site,

178 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 22, § 020

Amended effective 9/20/2023