178 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 2, § 011

Current through June 17, 2024

The Department may deny, suspend, or revoke a swimming pool permit for violations of the Swimming Pool Act or its related regulations. Before a permit is denied, suspended, or revoked, the Department will send a written notice to the applicant or permit holder enumerating instances of failure to comply with the Act or its related regulations, or of the nature of the invalidity of the original application for a permit. If the permit is denied, suspended, or revoked, the person may request a hearing before the Department within 30 days of receipt of notice of denial, suspension, or revocation. On the basis of the hearing, the Department will affirm or revoke its previous action.

011.01 The denial, suspension, or revocation of the permit will terminate and the permit will be issued or reissued, as the case may be, upon proper application and upon the presentation of evidence sufficient to show that the deficiencies and the unsafe or unsanitary conditions causing the denial, suspension, or revocation have been corrected.

178 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 2, § 011

Adopted effective 7/27/2020