178 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 2, § 008

Current through June 17, 2024

The following staffing and supervision standards apply to Class A, B, and F swimming pools.

008.01CLASS A. Every Class A swimming pool must be under the direct and immediate supervision of a Nebraska swimming pool operator whenever the pool is open.
008.02CLASS B AND F. Every Class B and Class F swimming pool must have a Nebraska swimming pool operator on site or able to be on site within 60 minutes.
008.03PROOF OF CERTIFICATE. Proof of certificate of competency must be available in the office of the facility.
008.04LIFEGUARDS. Every Class A swimming pool must have lifeguards on duty whenever the pool is open. The requirements for lifeguards are as follows:
008.04(A)CERTIFICATION. Lifeguards must be currently certified by:
(i) The American Red Cross, the National Pool and Water Park Lifeguard Training Program, the YMCA, the Boy Scouts of America, or another lifeguard certifying organization with an equivalent lifeguard certification program, as determined by the Department. If a certification was issued with restrictions, the certification must be appropriate for the duty to which the lifeguard is assigned; and
(ii) The American Heart Association, the National Safety Council, the American Red Cross, or another nationally recognized organization. The certification course must include infant, child, and adult cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), two-person CPR, and the use of a bag valve mask and a rescue breathing mask. Certification must be renewed annually.
008.04(B)LIFEGUARD NUMBER. There must be 1 lifeguard per each 1-100 bathers or 2,000 square feet of water surface area, whichever is the lesser number. The number of lifeguards on duty must be sufficient to permit periodic relief or rest periods.
008.04(C)AREA RESPONSIBILITY. A lifeguard must not simultaneously guard more than one pool unless the area under surveillance can be continuously monitored with a clear unobstructed view and immediate assistance can be rendered if needed.
008.04(D)POSITION. A lifeguard must be in position to view all areas of the pool that he or she is responsible for watching.
008.04(E)LIFEGUARD ATTIRE. A lifeguard must wear a distinguishing swim suit or emblem while on duty.
008.04(F)WATER SLIDES, DROP SLIDES, OR WATER FEATURES. Where the discharge area of the slide is not clearly visible by the patron about to ride the feature, one lifeguard is required within 50 feet of the discharge point of the slide. This lifeguard must be responsible for guarding the plunge area for the feature and no other areas and must be in voice or visual communication with the attendant or lifeguard at the top of the slide or feature. One lifeguard may monitor up to three slides and no other areas if they are adjacent to and discharge to the same plunge area. At water slides, drop slides, or water features where the discharge area of the slide is clearly visible by the patron about to ride the feature, one lifeguard is required to monitor the discharge area and must be in voice or visual communication with the patron.
008.04(G)SWIMMING CLASSES AND MEETS. Class A pools where swimming classes or swimming meets are conducted are exempt from the lifeguard requirement during classes or meets, if the class or meet in session is under the direct supervision of an individual responsible for supervising the group and capable of taking the necessary actions in the case of an emergency.

178 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 2, § 008

Amended effective 7/27/2020