178 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 13, § 005

Current through June 17, 2024
Section 178-13-005 - BOARD MEMBERSHIP
005.01 Designation of Members

The Water Well Standards and Contractors' Licensing Board will be composed of ten members, six of whom will be appointed by the Governor as follows:

(1) a licensed water well contractor representing irrigation water well contractors,
(2) a licensed water well contractor representing domestic water well contractors,
(3) a licensed water well contractor representing municipal and industrial water well contractors,
(4) a licensed pump installation contractor,
(5) a manufacturer or supplier of water well or pumping equipment, and
(6) a holder of a license issued under the Water Well Standards and Contractors' Practice Act employed by a natural resources district. The chief executive officer of the Department of Health and Human Services or his/her designated representative, the Director of Environmental Quality or his/her designated representative, the Director of Natural Resources or his/her designated representative, and the Director of the Conservation and Survey Division of the University of Nebraska or his/her designated representative will also serve as members of the Board. Each member shall be a resident of the State of Nebraska. Each industry representative shall have had at least five years of experience in the business of his/her category prior to appointment and shall be actively engaged in such business at the time of appointment and while serving on the Board. Each member representing a category subject to licensing under the Water Well Standards and Contractors' Practice Act shall be licensed by the Department pursuant to the Act.
13-005.01A The appointed members of the board will be appointed for terms of five years except as stated in Neb. Rev. Stat. § 46-1218. No appointed member will be appointed for or serve for more than two consecutive full five-year terms except as otherwise specifically provided in the UCA.
005.02 Changes in Membership

State agency representative Board members will serve at the discretion of their respective agency heads. The Board Chairperson must be notified by letter signed by the agency head of his/her designated representative and any changes in such agency's representation on the Board as from time to time may be made. New members will be entitled to vote only after receipt by the Chairperson of such notification. In the absence of the Chairperson, such letters will be transmitted to and received by the Vice Chairperson. For purposes of continuity of action, it is the policy of the Board to encourage each agency to designate only one representative and to discourage frequent substitution of representation.

178 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 13, § 005