178 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 12, § 011

Current through June 17, 2024
12-011.01General Requirements: The following are general requirements and apply to the installation of all pumps and pumping equipment not already regulated, such as public water systems under Title 179.
12-011.01AContamination: Pumps and pumping equipment must be installed in a manner that prevents contaminants from entering the well.
12-011.01B1 Care must be taken so that all tools used in the removal of pumps and pumping equipment are disinfected periodically, or as needed. Disinfection solution must be equivalent to 50 parts per million chlorine solution (See Table 2). It is not permissible to lay the drop pipe, pump, pumping equipment, or wire on the ground.
12-011.01B2 When a pump for a potable well is installed or repaired the well must be disinfected with a disinfectant solution equivalent to 50 ppm chlorine solution (See Table 2), unless specifically waived in writing by the landowner. The waiver must be worded in accordance with Attachment 1, "Waiver of Disinfection." The water well contractor/pump installation contractor must supply the landowner with an informational brochure that tells the owner why s/he should test his/her water and what the results mean.
12-011.01CSecure Cover: Any water well which is being serviced or repaired must be protected with a secure cover or cap during periods when the water well is left unattended.
12-011.01D Packaging of thread compounds, sealants, and lubricants must bear the NSF Standard 61 stamp of approval.
12-011.01ENew Electrical Installations: When designing and installing a new water supply system, the electrical components must comply with the state electrical code. Electrical work that does not appear to meet standards may be reported to the State Electrical Board.
12-011.01FRepair or Modifications to Pumps and Pumping Equipment: Upon the removal of, or the repair and/or modification to the pump or pumping equipment in which replacement of original equipment is required, current pump and pumping equipment installation standards must be followed. This includes replacement of, or modification to the electrical wiring and/or controls located in the electrical layout serving the pump and pumping equipment including connection to the load side of the service disconnect or breaker. Any upgrade of this electrical system must be in compliance with all current applicable state or national electrical codes, and be installed according to the manufacturer's specifications.
12-011.01GCasing Vent: If a vent is used, it must terminate in a down-turned position, at or above the top of the casing or pitless unit and be covered with a 24 mesh corrosion-resistant screen.
12-011.02Installation of Pumps: All pump installation must comply with 178 NAC 12011.01 and 12-011.03.
12-011.02ALine Shaft Pumps must be equipped with a pump base and be designed so the weight of the pump and column pipe is supported by the casing or is resting on a concrete platform which rests upon natural ground and they must be secured to prevent movement.
12-011.02BSubmersible Pumps: The drop pipe must be steel pipe, NSF 61 approved plastic material, or fiberglass. There must be at least 1 check valve within the casing which may be furnished with the pump.
12-011.02CCentrifugal and Jet Pumps do not require a relief valve. They must be equipped in the following manner:
1.Offset Location: The suction pipe must be encased in a sleeve from the basement or well pit wall to the well. In the instance of a packer jet system, the pressured pipeline can serve as a sleeve for the suction line.
2.Priming Port must be located higher than the discharge of the pump. Discharge of the priming port may be controlled with a shut off valve. Potable water must be used for priming the pump. Priming valve must be sealed when not in use to prevent contamination from accumulating above the valve.
12-011.02DReciprocating Pumps must be equipped with a pump base. The pump base must be designed so the weight of the pump pipe and cylinder is supported by steel casing or a metal sleeve embedded in concrete. It must be secured to prevent movement.
12-011.03Installation of Pumping Equipment
12-011.03APitless Units must:
1. Bear the Pitless Adapter Standard (PAS) stamp of approval of the Water Systems Council.
2. Be factory assembled and ready for installation from a point of connection with the well casing to the unit cap or cover.
3. Be a threaded, welded, screwed, or flanged gasket compression connection to the well casing.
4. Be of watertight construction throughout, except for any required vent.
5. Be made of steel through the frost zone and be compatible with the casing.
6. Have a field connection to the lateral discharge from the pitless unit of threaded, flanged, or mechanical joint connection.
7. Terminate at least 12 inches above final ground elevation. Where a water well needs to be located in an area of high traffic and physical damage to the pitless unit is probable, the contractor must finish off the water well even with the grade of the surrounding land surface and protect it by terminating it in a pitless unit covered by a watertight flush mount cover capable of withstanding high vehicle traffic conditions. In all cases where the top of the pitless unit is enclosed in a watertight flush mount vault, the vent opening must be sealed and all electrical conduit fittings must be watertight. If the entrance of the electrical conduit is below ground level, the opening around the wire must be sealed. (See Figure 12)
8. Provide:
a. Access to the well for disinfecting or other purposes;
b. A properly constructed vent for wells with a pumping rate greater than 50 gpm;
c. A watertight secure cover at the upper terminal of the well that will prevent the entrance of contamination;
d. A contamination-proof entrance connection for electrical cable; and
e. An inside diameter sufficient for the insertion and removal of the pump and pumping equipment.
12-011.03BPressure Relief Valve must be installed on any pump capable of developing a pressure higher than 115 psi, or exceeding the safe working pressure rating of the water supply system. Relief valve must be of adequate size and the plumbing where the relief valve is located must have sufficient capacity to accommodate 50% of the rated pump volume.
12-011.03CBackflow Protection: The discharge piping from any pump and pumping equipment must be equipped with a backflow preventer. A backflow preventer must be placed before any other device or branches in the distribution piping. Check valves must not be buried at the well for backflow prevention. The device must be located within 1 foot of the discharge head and prior to any other devices.
12-011.03DDischarge Piping includes any and all piping beginning at the discharge head or pitless unit tapping, extending to the first shut off valve or backflow preventer.
12-011.03D1 Above ground discharge piping must:
1. Be protected against the entrance of contamination;
2. For potable water use, be constructed of materials appropriate to each specific service;
3. Be equipped with a backflow preventer, chemigation valve, or air gap;
4. For air gap protection, daylight above the high water line of any tank, pond, stream, or reservoir;
5. Be properly anchored to prevent movement; and
6. Be protected against water hammer.
12-011.03D2Underground Discharge Piping must be equipped with a curb stop valve and schedule 80 plastic or metal riser within one foot of the discharge, and be in compliance with 178 NAC 12-011.01.
12-011.03ESample Point: Distribution piping must include a sample point. Location of the sample point must be as follows:
1. Sample point must terminate no less than 12 inches above the floor of the basement, well pit, or pump house floor.
2. A primary sample point must not be located down flow from any filter, trap, or conditioning equipment. A secondary sample point may be located down flow from a filter, trap, or conditioning equipment to verify the proper operation of such equipment.
12-011.03FStorage Tanks
1.Pressurized, if used (hydro-pneumatic or captive-air design)
a. Tank construction must be of materials approved for use in potable water systems; and
b. Tanks must be equipped with identification as to size, maximum working pressure, and name of manufacturer; and
c. Tanks and combinations of tanks and mechanical or electronic short cycle prevention devices must be of adequate size and design to prevent short cycling of the pump motor as per the pump motor manufacturer's specifications.
2.Non Pressurized, if used (reservoirs, cisterns, and standpipes)
a. Underground storage tanks must be constructed of material that is structurally adequate to withstand being buried below ground surface without collapsing when emptied;
b. Vent must be turned downward and be covered with a #24 mesh screen;
c. Vent piping must be of adequate size to prevent either a positive or negative pressurization of the buried tank, and
d. Vent piping must be constructed of materials approved for use in potable water systems. Inspection hatch and vent must extend 12 inches above grade. Inspection hatch must have a watertight seal to prevent contaminants from entering the tank.
12-011.03GAbove Ground Connections: A pump house may be utilized to prevent the freezing of pipes. If used, the pump house must be mounted on a concrete platform which slopes away from the well in all directions. The casing must extend a minimum of 12 inches above the concrete platform and the space between the casing and the pump pipe must be closed with a sanitary well seal. The well seal must be watertight and if vented, must be provided with a screened vent.
12-011.03HWell Pit: The installation of pumping and storage equipment in a pit directly over a well is not allowed. A pit for housing the equipment must be located at least 10 feet away from a well.

178 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 12, § 011