178 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 10, § 003

Current through June 17, 2024
003.01 A water well must be constructed, pumps and pumping equipment must be installed and repaired onsite, and water wells must be decommissioned in accordance with Title 178 NAC 10 and 12.
003.02 A water well may only be opened or the seal may only be broken by:
1. A licensed contractor or supervisor or a person working directly under the supervision of a licensed contractor or supervisor;
2. An individual who owns a water well on land owned by him/her and used by him/her for farming, ranching, or agricultural purposes or as his/her place of abode.
3. A licensed water well monitoring technician or a licensed natural resources ground water technician,
4. A licensed operator of a public water system in the course of his/her employment or someone under his/her supervision, or
5. A state electrical inspector in the course of his/her employment.
003.03 A licensed water well contractor may have supervisory authority over all employees.
003.04 A licensed water well drilling supervisor shall work under the supervision of a licensed water well contractor and may have supervisory authority over noncredentialed employees.
003.05 A licensed pump installation contractor may have supervisory authority over all employees.
003.06 A licensed pump installation supervisor shall work under the supervision of a licensed pump installation contractor and may have supervisory authority over noncredentialed employees.
003.07 A licensed water well monitoring technician may work independently and shall not have supervisory authority.
003.08 A licensed natural resources ground water technician employed by a natural resources district may work independently and shall not have supervisory authority over any credentialed or noncredentialed persons.
003.09 An individual who owns land and uses it for farming, ranching, or agricultural purposes or as his/her place of abode may, on such land, construct a water well, install a pump in a well, or decommission a driven sandpoint well.

178 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 10, § 003