92 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 26, § 003

Current through June 17, 2024
Section 92-26-003 - Mentor Teacher Program Requirements

All systems applying for funding pursuant to Section 79-761 R.R.S. and this Chapter shall meet the following requirements:

003.01 All first-year teachers, as defined in Section 002.08, must be provided a mentor and mentoring support from a permanent, certificated teacher. The first-year teacher must be matched with a mentor in compliance with at least one of the following (in order of most to least desirable):
003.01A Match both endorsement field (e.g. social science) and grade level preparation (e.g. 7-12 all schools) within the same school district or building.
003.01B Match endorsement field only (e.g. social science) or grade level preparation only (e.g. 7-12 all schools) within the same school district or building.
003.01C Match only school district (e.g. ABC Public Schools) or building (XYZ Elementary).
003.01D Match endorsement field or grade level preparation by using a mentor outside of the school building or district.
003.02 Participation must be voluntary for the mentor.
003.03 The program must include structured or planned contacts between the mentor and first-year teacher.
003.04 The program must include a written plan for mentoring developed by the mentor and first-year teacher including activities, a timeline, and provisions for mentor preparation and support.
003.05 The program must provide time for the mentor and first-year teacher to meet, observe one another classroom teaching as well as classroom teaching of other teachers, and to analyze and discuss the teaching of students.
003.06 The program must have a needs assessment component for determining the needs of the first-year teacher.
003.07 The program must have an evaluation component to measure the effectiveness of the mentoring program.
003.08 All funds received by the local school system pursuant to this program must be spent to further the mentor teacher program as provided in Section 006.
003.09 Mentor teachers must meet the criteria in Section 004.
003.10 The applicant system must have a written policy explaining how administrators and the districts in the school system will support the mentor teacher program.

92 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 26, § 003