92 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 24, § 002

Current through June 17, 2024
Section 92-24-002 - General Information
002.01Statutory Authority. This chapter is adopted pursuant to Section 79-808 of the Nebraska Revised Statutes (R.R.S.).
002.02Scope and Application. This chapter contains regulations for obtaining endorsements indicating grade levels and areas of specialization on Nebraska teaching, administrative, and special services certificates or permits.
002.03Related Regulations. Throughout this chapter, reference is made to other Department regulations relating to teachers, administrators, and special services providers. Regulations for the issuance of certificates or permits to teach, administer, and provide special services in Nebraska schools are contained in Title 92, Nebraska Administrative Code. Chapter 21 (92 NAC 21). Title 92, Nebraska Administrative Code. Chapter 20 (92 NAC 20) contains the rules for the approval of professional education programs in Nebraska. Copies of these rules are available from the Department. Content standards can be found at www.education.ne.gov/contentareastandards.
002.04Implementation Date. Regardless of the effective date of the approval of this chapter, the implementation date will be August 1, 2023. Colleges and persons seeking endorsements must meet these requirements after this date. Prior to that implementation date, the provisions of this chapter, as approved with an effective date of November 9, 2020 l will remain in effect.

92 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 24, § 002

Amended effective 11/9/2020
Amended effective 6/2/2024