Miss. Code. tit. 9, pt. 8, app 9-8-N

Current through September 24, 2024
Appendix 9-8-N - Funding Procedures History

Interim Funding Procedures for On-Line courses for Spring 2000, ADOPTED May 25, 1999

Colleges will be compensated for students enrolled in online classes using the same funding process that is now in place for traditional classes.

Fall Semester

Example: A student is registered with college A for 12 semester credit hours (SCH). He/she registers online with college B for 3 SCH and with college C for 3 additional SCH. This student is full time with college A and part-time with colleges B and C. College A receives state reimbursement for full-time student and colleges B and C receive part-time funding. Colleges A, B and C register and transcript courses that they teach.

If the student registered with college A in the fall for 9 SCH and with college B and C for 3 SCH each, college A would receive pay for 9 SCH. and colleges B and C would receive funding for 3 SCH each. In every situation, each college keeps the tuition that it receives from the student.

Spring Semester

Example: A student is registered with college A for 12 SCH. He/she registers online with college B for 3 hours and with college C for 3 SCH. College A receives student tuition, but it does not receive any state funding since the student is full time. Colleges B and C receive part-time funding for 3 SCH each.

If the student registered with college A in the spring for 9 SCH (was not full time in the fall) and with colleges B and C for 3 SCH each, college A would receive pay for 9 SCH and colleges B and C would receive funding for 3 SCH each. Each college keeps the tuition that it receives from the student.

State Funding for Mississippi Virtual Community College


ADOPTED June 10, 2001

During the fall semester, any combination of traditional and on-line semester credit hours (SCH) that equal 12 or more will make a student full time (based on current campus/center status), as long as all hours are hosted by the same college. This full-time combination of all hours taken will be counted only once, regardless of the number of or the type of hours above 12 SCH's that are taken by a student. All Mississippi Virtual Community College hours used in this combination will be counted only once, as long as all hours are hosted and provided by the same college.

All other Mississippi Virtual community College hours generated during the summer, gall and spring semesters will be totaled and divided by 24 to determine the number of FTE students. Colleges will be compensated for each FTE student provided for during the summer, fall, and spring semesters.

All students will register through their district's host college. All hours generated during the summer, fall and spring semesters that did not make a student full-time will be divided by 24 to determine the number of FTE students for all participating colleges that serve as host only.

All colleges participating in the MSVCC will agree to basic MSVCC Operational Guidelines and sign a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with the MCCB that outlines the primary responsibilities of the MCCB and the participating colleges.

State Funding for the Mississippi Virtual Community College Consortium, ADOPTED May 5, 2003

Because FY 2004 is the first year of a five-year phase-in to an FTE funding formula, funding for the Mississippi Virtual Community College is derived from two separate funding formulas. The basis for counting virtual students and the amount of pay derived for virtual students is different in each of the formulas. In the first year of the five-year phase-in, a base amount plus four-fifths (4/5) of the traditional headcount formula is combined with one-fifth (1/5) of the new full-time equivalent (FTE) funding formula to make up the full amount of the formula.

Accounting for virtual students in the traditional headcount formula is as follows:

4/5 Headcount Formula

During the fall semester, any combination of traditional and on-line semester credit hours (SCH) that equal 12 or more will make a student full time (based on current campus/center status), as long as, all hours are hosted by the same college. This fulltime combination of all hours taken will be counted only once, regardless of the number of or the type of hours above 12 SCH's that are taken by a student. All Mississippi Virtual Community College hours used in this combination will be counted only once, as long as all hours are hosted and provided by the same college.

All other Mississippi Virtual Community College hours generated during the summer, fall and spring semesters will be totaled and divided by 24 to determine the number of FTE students. Colleges will be compensated for each FTE student provided for during the summer, fall, and spring semesters at a weight of 0.55.

All students will register through their district's host college. All hours generated during the summer, fall, and spring semesters that did not make a student full-time will be divided by 24 to determine the number of FTE students for all participating colleges that serve as host only. The weight shall be set at 0.55.

1/5 Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) Formula

All MSCC hours provided during the summer, fall and spring semesters will be divided by 24 to determine the number of FTE. These hours are not broken out in a separate section of the appropriation, but are included in the academic, technical and vocational categories. Academic, technical and vocational categories are weighted at 1.0.

All colleges participating in the MSVCC will agree to basic MSVCC Operational Guidelines and sign a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with the MCCB that outlines the primary responsibilities of MCCB and the participating colleges.

State Funding for the Mississippi Virtual Community College Consortium, ADOPTED December 2017

The MACJC on November 28, 2017, and the MCCB on December 8, 2017, voted to approve changes that will be implemented beginning July 1, 2018. The changes are as follows:

* Remove "part-time" FTE host/provider incentive and replace with "shared" FTE host/provider

* Charge $0.90 cent per all SSCH from $12.00 per MSVCC course enrollment per student

* Implement a one-time Hold Harmless provision.

The provisions to the funding formula provide a more equitable and sustainable model which promotes sharing, decreases duplications, and provides greater autonomy of local online courses

All MSVCC provider semester credit hours for the summer, fall and spring semesters of the prior year are divided by 30 to determine the number of FTEs and are included in the academic, technical and career categories. Academic, technical and career categories are weighted at 1.0. MSVCC students must be actually enrolled and in attendance the last day of the sixth week of each semester, or its equivalent, and reside within the state of Mississippi to qualify for funding.

In addition to the above allocation, MSVCC shared host and provider hours may qualify for incentive funding on the basis of the prior year full-time equivalency of MSVCC shared hours during the summer, fall and spring semesters. To be considered in this separate section of the formula, the MSVCC student at the "host" institution must be taking the course from another "provider" institution. Those semester credit hours being hosted by one institution shall receive funding at the weight of 0.75 and those semester credit hours being provided by one institution shall receive funding at the weight of 0.25.

Miss. Code. tit. 9, pt. 8, app 9-8-N

Adopted 11/22/2018