24 Miss. Code R. § 6-5-3

Current through August 31, 2024
Section 24-6-5-3 - Application for Renewal

A Obtaining Renewal Forms

(1) The forms and instructions necessary for renewal (see Chapter 5, Section 3, B. below) will be mailed to each certificant and licensee approximately three months prior to the biennial renewal deadline.
(2) A suggested Renewal Verification of Inservice/Training Form is provided in Chapter 9 on p. 71 for maintaining training records throughout the two-year Certification /Licensure Period.
B. Renewal Application Packet

Each certificant/licensee who desires to renew professional certification/licensure shall submit to the Division a renewal application packet containing the forms/materials listed below.

(1) Application: A completed, notarized Renewal Application Form;
(2) Employment: A completed Renewal Verification of Employment Form from the applicant's current place of employment;
(3) Ongoing Inservice/Training: A completed Renewal Verification of Inservice/Training Form(s) verifying required inservice/training; see Chapter 5, Section 2, D., pp. 31-32 for more information on documenting inservice/ training; and,
(4) Renewal Fee: A nonrefundable $60.00 check or money order made payable to the Mississippi Department of Mental Health.
C. Directions
(1) When preparing to submit a renewal application packet, be sure to follow the requirements and guidelines noted in Chapter 5, Section 1 and Section 2, pp. 29-32, the directions found at the top of each form and any other directions provided by the Division through correspondence/ renewal notice/etc.
(2) If questions arise which are not addressed in this document, please contact the Division for assistance.

24 Miss. Code. R. § 6-5-3