Minn. R. agency 196, ch. 9575, REGISTERS, pt. 9575.0580

Current through Register Vol. 49, No. 10, September 3, 2024
Subpart 1.Reasons for removal.

The supervisor may remove the name of an eligible from a register for any of the following causes:

A. Appointment through certification from such register to fill a probationary appointment.
B. Appointment through certification from a register for another class whose minimum salary is either equal to or higher than the minimum salary for this class of positions; but, at the request of the appointee in such a case, the appointee's name may be continued on, or restored to, any or all registers other than the one from which the appointment was made, for the remainder of the life of such register.
C. Filing of a statement by the eligible of unwillingness to accept appointment. Such statement of unwillingness may be restricted to a limited period of time or to geographic locations or positions involving other conditions of employment, as specified. The name of the eligible shall then be treated as not available and shall be passed over in certification to fill any vacancy under the conditions specified as though such name did not appear on the register. Any eligible may file a new statement at any time notifying for future consideration any prior statement about the time, place, or other conditions under which appointment will be accepted.
D. Declining of appointment under such conditions as the eligible previously has indicated a willingness to accept.
E. Failure to respond within five days to any inquiry of the supervisor, the personnel officer, or any appointing authority relative to availability for appointment.
F. Consideration of a probationary appointment from a promotional register by three different appointing authorities, or three times by one appointing authority, and not appointed.
G. Consideration of a probationary appointment from an open-competitive register to a class of positions within the preceding two years by three different appointing authorities, or three times by one appointing authority, and not appointed.
H. Any cause specified in part 9575.0420.
Subp. 2.Notice of removal; names restored to list.

The supervisor, upon noting any declination or failure of any eligible to respond, may send a notice to the eligible of the removal of the eligible's name from the register. Such notice may include any inquiry about the reasons for such declination or failure to respond and a question as to whether the eligible is willing to accept the next appointment offered under such conditions as the eligible may specify. Upon the furnishing of reasons satisfactory to the supervisor for the declination or failure to respond, and a statement of willingness to accept appointment, the name of the eligible may be restored to the register for certification for appointment under the conditions specified. It shall be considered impossible to locate an eligible when any communication mailed to the last known address of record supplied by the eligible is not replied to within five days or is returned unclaimed, or if a telegram is not replied to within three days. It shall be known to the supervisor that an eligible is not willing to accept a position when a declination of appointment or statement of unwillingness to accept appointment is on file with the supervisor.

Minn. R. agency 196, ch. 9575, REGISTERS, pt. 9575.0580

17 SR 1279

Statutory Authority: MS s 256.012