The purpose of a determination of additivity is to address the interactive effects of multiple GLI pollutants in individual point source discharges independent of other pollutants that may be present in the receiving waters.
The agency must calculate the additive effects of carcinogenic human health pollutants in effluents according to part 7050.0222, subpart 7, item E, for which individual WQBELs have been established under part 7052.0200, subpart 5. Cumulative incremental risk for carcinogens in the effluent must be maintained at 1 x 10-5 or less.
The agency must determine the additive effects of noncarcino-genic human health pollutants where individual WQBELs have been established under part 7052.0200, subpart 5, and where the pollutants exhibit the same adverse effects through the same mechanisms of action as established through the use of health risk index endpoints or health endpoints according to part 7050.0222, subpart 7, item D.
The additive effects of acute aquatic life toxicity of GLI pollutants in effluents where individual WQBELs have been established under part 7050.0211, subpart 1, or 7052.0200, subpart 5, as FAVs must be calculated according to part 7050.0222, subpart 7, item B.
The agency must calculate the potential for adverse additive cancer and noncancer human health effects in effluents for both chlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and chlorinated dibenzofurans listed in part 7052.0380 using the procedures in items A and B.
(TEC) TCDD = [summation] (C)x (TEF)x (BEF)x
(TEC) TCDD = 2,3,7,8-TCDD toxicity equivalence concentration in the effluent
(C) x = The concentration of congener x in the effluent
(TEF) x = Toxicity equivalency factor for congener x
(BEF) x = Bioaccumulation equivalency factor for congener x
Congener x = a derivative, breakdown product, or similar chemical (in structure) to 2,3,7,8-TCDD. The congeners are listed in part 7052.0380.
Minn. R. agency 167, ch. 7052, IMPLEMENTATION OF WATER QUALITY-BASED EFFLUENT LIMITS, pt. 7052.0230
Statutory Authority: MS s 115.03; 115.44