Minn. R. agency 144, ch. 4680, PROCEDURAL REQUIREMENTS, pt. 4680.1000

Current through Register Vol. 49, No. 10, September 3, 2024

Complaints relating to at least the following shall be subject to being processed through a grievance mechanism:

A. lack of considerate or respectful care;
B. failure to provide complete, current, and understandable information concerning diagnosis, treatment, or prognosis;
C. failure to provide the name and specialty, if any, of the physician responsible for coordination of care;
D. failure to afford consideration of privacy;
E. failure to afford consideration of individual social, religious, and psychological well-being;
F. failure to preserve the confidentiality of the medical care program;
G. failure to provide, upon request, information bearing on the individual case with respect to any relationship of the facility to other health services facilities, medical groups, or other similar entities;
H. failure to afford continuity of care;
I. failure to provide requested information, prior to or at the time of admission and during the period spent in the facility, relating to charges for care;
J. failure to afford the opportunity to participate in the planning of medical treatment;
K. failure to inform of, or to offer an opportunity to refuse to participate in, experimental research;
L. retaliatory, arbitrary, or otherwise medically unjustifiable discharge;
M. interference with or retaliation for the free exercise of any legally prescribed rights;
N. mental and/or physical abuse;
O. medically unjustifiable physical and/or chemical restraints;
P. failure to comply with lawful requests to release or to withhold medical records;
Q. requiring the performance of services not included for therapeutic purposes in the plan of care;
R. restriction of the right to associate and communicate privately with others;
S. interference with the sending and receipt of personal mail;
T. restriction of the rights to meet with representatives and to participate in commercial, religious, and community activities;
U. restriction of the right to retain and use personal clothing and possessions, to the extent that space permits; and
V. failure to respond to questions concerning billing practices, the amount of a specific bill, and the like.

Minn. R. agency 144, ch. 4680, PROCEDURAL REQUIREMENTS, pt. 4680.1000

Statutory Authority: MS s 144.691