Subpart 1.Release procedures.A facility shall have written procedures for releasing inmates that include, at a minimum, the following:
A. verification of identity;B. verification of authority to release;C. return of stored property with a receipt for the inmate to sign, unless the property is held for authorized investigation or litigation; andD. arrangements for completion of any pending action, such as grievances, or claims for damaged or lost possessions.Subp. 2.Transportation.An inmate shall be permitted to make arrangements for transportation prior to release.
Subp. 3.Release in severe weather.An inmate shall not be released in severe weather in a manner to endanger the inmate's health, safety, or well-being.
Minn. R. agency 121, ch. 2911, INMATE WELFARE, pt. 2911.2550
Statutory Authority: MS s 241.021