Minn. R. agency 118, ch. 2400, pt. 2400.2235

Current through Register Vol. 49, No. 14, September 30, 2024
Subpart 1.District intent.

The Central Corridor (CC) Overlay District is established to promote development and redevelopment along the planned central corridor light rail transit line. It is intended to foster development that intensifies land use and economic value; to promote a mix of uses that will enhance the livability of station areas; to improve pedestrian connections, traffic, and parking conditions; and to foster high quality buildings and public spaces that help create and sustain long-term economic vitality.

Subp. 2.Boundaries.

The boundaries of the CC Overlay District are as shown on the zoning map in part 2400.2105.

Subp. 3.Relationship to other regulations.

Properties located within the CC Overlay District are subject to the provisions of the primary zoning district and the CC Overlay District. Where provisions of the overlay district conflict with the primary zoning district, the provisions of the overlay district apply.

Subp. 4.Prohibited uses.

The following uses are prohibited in the CC Overlay District:

A. auto convenience market;
B. auto service station;
C. auto repair station; and
D. car wash.
Subp. 5.Minimum intensity and frontage use.

The following standards apply to new buildings in the CC Overlay District:

A. A minimum floor area ratio of 1.0 is required. Public gathering space, landscaped areas, outdoor seating areas, and areas for public art may be counted toward building square footage in calculating the minimum floor area ratio.
B. A new building with less than the required floor area ratio is allowed on a developed zoning lot where an existing building will remain, provided that the board determines:
(1) total lot coverage and floor area ratio for the zoning lot are not reduced; and
(2) the new development provides enhanced landscaping, pedestrian realm enhancements, or building design elements that improve the aesthetic appeal of the site.
C. New buildings shall be a minimum of two stories in height.
D. A minimum of 50 percent of ground floor building frontage along University Avenue and Rice Street must be occupied by uses that encourage pedestrian activity and interest, including, but not limited to, retail and service uses, meeting rooms, eating areas, and offices serving the public. Buildings owned or lease-purchased by the state are exempt from this requirement, although active uses are encouraged on the ground floor frontage of state buildings.
Subp. 6.Parking standards.
A. For nonresidential uses, the number of off-street parking spaces required is a minimum of 60 percent to a maximum of 85 percent of the off-street parking standards in part 2400.2820. The maximum may be exceeded if the additional parking spaces are structured in a ramp or deck, underground, or within a building. State office buildings and other state uses are exempt from the maximum parking requirement.
B. There is no minimum parking requirement for residential uses. A maximum of one space per unit may be provided. The maximum may be exceeded if the additional parking spaces are structured.
Subp. 7.Exemptions.

Where an existing building or its accessory parking does not conform to the CC Overlay District requirements or serves an existing nonconforming use, the building may be expanded without fully meeting the requirements of this part as long as the expansion does not increase the nonconformity.

Minn. R. agency 118, ch. 2400, pt. 2400.2235

34 SR 900

Statutory Authority: MS s 15B.06