No motions shall be made directly to or be decided by the agency subsequent to the assignment of a judge and prior to the completion and filing of the judge's report unless the motion is certified to the agency by the judge. No motions will be certified in cases where the judge's report is binding on the agency. Uncertified motions shall be made to and decided by the judge and considered by the agency in its consideration of the record as a whole subsequent to the filing of the judge's report. Any party may request that a pending motion or a motion decided adversely to that party by the judge before or during the course of the hearing, other than rulings on the admissibility of evidence or interpretations of parts 1400.5100 to 1400.8400, be certified by the judge to the agency. In deciding what motions should be certified, the judge shall consider the following:
Minn. R. agency 104, ch. 1400, CONTESTED CASE HEARINGS, pt. 1400.7600
Statutory Authority: MS s 14.06; 14.131; 14.51; 363.06; 363A.28