Mich. Admin. Code R. 340.1702

Current through Vol. 24-24, January 15, 2025
Section R. 340.1702 - "Student with a disability" defined

Rule 2. "Student with a disability" means a person who has been evaluated according to the individuals with disabilities education act and these rules, and is determined by an individualized education program team, an individualized family service plan team, or an administrative law judge to have 1 or more of the impairments specified in this part that necessitates special education or related services, or both, who is not more than 25 years of age as of September 1 of the school year of enrollment, and who has not graduated from high school. A student who reaches the age of 26 years after September 1 is a "student with a disability" and entitled to continue a special education program or service until the end of that school year.

Mich. Admin. Code R. 340.1702

1979 AC; 1980 AACS; 1983 AACS; 1987 AAC; 2002 AACS; 2010 AACS; 2013 AACS.