La. Admin. Code tit. 61 § I-309

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 8, August 20, 2024
Section I-309 - Due Date, Payment, and Reporting of Tax
A. The corporation franchise tax becomes due on the first day of each calendar or fiscal year in which a corporation is subject to the tax, and is based on its entire issued and outstanding capital stock, surplus, and undivided profits, and borrowed capital determined as of the close of the previous calendar or fiscal year. There is no proration of the tax for a portion of the year in the case of dissolution of a domestic corporation, withdrawal from the state by a foreign corporation, or where a corporation otherwise ceases to be subject to the tax. The tax is payable to the Secretary of Revenue on or before the fifteenth day of the third month following the month in which the tax becomes due; in the case of a calendar year taxpayer, the tax becomes due on January 1 and is payable to the secretary on or before April 15. If the day on which the tax is payable falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday the tax is payable on the next business day. For purposes of this Section, fiscal or calendar year shall be determined by reference to the annual accounting period regularly used by the corporation in keeping its books.
B. Payment of the tax shall be accompanied by a full, accurate, and complete report prepared on forms furnished by the Secretary of Revenue, which shall be signed by a duly authorized official of the corporation.
C. Whenever the secretary has granted permission to a corporation to change its accounting period under the provisions of R. S. 47:613, the tax to be paid for the period from the end of the last period for which the tax has already become due until the end of the new accounting period shall be determined by multiplying the ratio that the number of such months bears to 12, times the tax computed for an annual period based on the previous period's closing. All subsequent returns shall be prepared on the basis of the new accounting period.
1. The previous period's closing means the closing of the new accounting period.
2. Example: A taxpayer has been filing Corporation Income and Franchise Tax returns on a FYE June 30 basis. In December 2002, the taxpayer obtains approval to change his accounting year-end to December 31. For franchise tax purposes, a taxpayer will compute the franchise tax due based on its December 31, 2002 information and multiply the tax by 50 percent (6/12). On its prior return, which was based upon the June 30, 2002 balance sheet, the taxpayer paid franchise tax through June 30, 2003. When the taxpayer changes its accounting period to December 31, 2002, the franchise tax is due only for the period July 1, 2003 through December 31, 2003, a period of six months. This short period return will be due April 15, 2003.
D. In the case of a mere change in the name or change in the state of incorporation, the tax shall be determined and paid as if the change had not occurred.
E. For provisions relating to newly taxable corporations, see R.S. 47:611.
F. For provisions relating to requests for extensions of time within which to file the report required by this Chapter, see R.S. 47:612.
G. In the case of mergers which have an effective time and date of 12 midnight of the last day of the merged corporation's accounting period which coincides with the last day of the surviving corporation's accounting period, the surviving corporation shall include the assets of the merged corporation with its assets in computing the ratios of property and assets for the purpose of determining the amount of tax due for the year following the date of the merger.
H. If the surviving corporation was not previously subject to the tax, it shall pay the minimum tax for the accounting period within which such merger date occurs as required of newly taxable corporations under the provisions of R.S. 47:611.

La. Admin. Code tit. 61, § I-309

Promulgated by the Department of Revenue and Taxation, Income and Corporation Franchise Taxes Section, Office of Group III, LR 6:25 (January 1980), amended LR 11:108 (February 1985), amended by the Department of Revenue, Policy Services Division, LR 28:97 (January 2002), LR 30:468 (March 2004), LR 31:90 (January 2005).
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 47:609 and 1511.