La. Admin. Code tit. 33 § VII-10518

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 8, August 20, 2024
Section VII-10518 - Standard Waste Tire Collection Center Permit Application
A. Each applicant requesting a standard permit in accordance with these regulations shall complete the permit application and submit it to the administrative authority. In addition, the standards in LAC 33:VII.10527 shall be incorporated into the appropriate items below. Submission of the following information shall be provided on the application, which is available on the departments website:
1. the name and phone number of the applicant;
2. the name and phone number of the facility contact, if different from the applicant;
3. the name, address, and phone number of a contact person in case of an emergency, if different from the individual specified in Paragraph A.2 of this Section;
4. the business mailing address, including city, state, parish, and zip code;
5. the location of the facility;
6. the business telephone number;
7. the federal identification number and state tax identification number;
8. a site master plan, including property lines, building, facilities, excavations, drainage, roads, and other appurtenances;
9. a copy of written notification to the appropriate local governing authority, stating that the site is to be used as a collection center;
10. written documentation from the appropriate local governing authority, stating that the facility is in compliance with local zoning and permitting requirements;
11. written documentation from the property owner granting approval for use of the property as a collection center, if property owner is other than applicant;
12. proof of publication of notice of intent to submit an application for a standard waste tire collection center permit;
13. a letter of compliance and certification of premises and buildings from the state fire marshal;
14. an operational plan addressing the following:
a. facility access and security;
b. waste tire acceptance plan to count, record, and monitor incoming quantities of waste tires;
c. method to control water run-on/runoff;
d. days and hours of operation;
e. waste tire storage method:
i. dimensions of waste tire piles;
ii. maximum number of whole waste tires stored at any one time;
iii. width of fire lanes;
iv. method of storage to exclude standing water;
v. type of access roads; and
vi. emergency control plans in case of fire, accident, etc.;
f. site grounds maintenance and disease vector control to minimize vector-breeding areas and animal attraction:
i. controlling fly, mosquito, and other insect emergence and entrance;
ii. controlling rodent burrowing for food or harborage; and
iii. controlling bird and animal attraction;
g. buffer zones; and
h. method to control and/or treat any process water;
15. evidence of commercial general liability insurance in the amount no less than $1,000,000 applicable to on-site and off-site liability provided by an insurer who is admitted, authorized, or eligible to conduct insurance business in Louisiana;
16. site closure plan to assure clean closure. The closure plan shall be submitted as a separate section with each application, ensure clean closure, and include the following:
a. the method to be used and steps necessary for closing the facility;
b. the estimated cost of closure of the facility, based on the cost of hiring a third party to close the facility at the point in the facilitys operating life when the extent and manner of its operation would make closure the most expensive;
c. maximum inventory of whole waste tires on-site at any one time over the active life of the facility;
d. a schedule for completing all activities necessary for closure; and
e. the sequence of final closure as applicable;
17. site closure financial assurance fund;
18. plans, specifications, and operations represented and described in the permit application or permit modifications shall be prepared under the supervision of and certified by a professional engineer licensed in the state of Louisiana;
19. a signed legal certification that all information provided in the application is true and correct with the knowledge of the possibility of punishment under the law for false information;
20. date and signature of the responsible official;
21. name of authorized agent for service of process, if applicable; and
22. required information regarding facility site assessments as follows:
a. a discussion demonstrating that the potential and real adverse environmental effects of the facility have been avoided to the maximum extent possible;
b. a cost-benefit analysis demonstrating that the social and economic benefits of the facility outweigh the environmental-impact costs;
c. a discussion and description of possible alternative projects that would offer more protection to the environment without unduly curtailing non-environmental benefits;
d. a discussion of possible alternative sites that would offer more protection to the environment without unduly curtailing non-environmental benefits; and
e. a discussion and description of the mitigating measures which would offer more protection to the environment than the facility, as proposed, without unduly curtailing non-environmental benefits.
B. Government agencies intending to operate a waste tire collection center shall notify the administrative authority on a form available on the departments website prior to operating the waste tire collection center. Government agencies operating waste tire collection centers shall not be required to obtain a standard waste tire collection center permit provided they meet the requirements of LAC 33:VII.10527.H.

La. Admin. Code tit. 33, § VII-10518

Promulgated by the Department of Environmental Quality, Office of the Secretary, Legal Division, LR 42254 (2/1/2016).
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 30:2411-2422.