La. Admin. Code tit. 33 § III-2799

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 9, September 20, 2024
Section III-2799 - Appendix A-Agent Accreditation Plan
A. Purpose. Training requirements for purposes of accreditation are specified in both terms of required subjects of instruction and in terms of length of training. The duration of initial and refresher training courses is specified in numbers of days. A day of training equals eight consecutive training hours, including breaks and lunch. Course instruction shall be provided either by DEQ RATPs or from training providers recognized by EPA or an EPA authorized state. The training requirements that follow are for the training of persons required to have accreditation under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) title II and LAC 33:III.2739.
1. Initial training courses for a specific discipline (e.g., workers, inspectors) require hands-on training. For asbestos abatement supervisors and workers, hands-on training shall include working with asbestos-substitute materials, fitting and using respirators, use of glove-bags, donning protective clothing, constructing a decontamination unit, as well as other abatement work activities. Hands-on training shall permit all supervisors and workers to have actual experience performing tasks associated with asbestos abatement. For inspectors, hands-on training shall include conducting a simulated building walk-through inspection and respirator fit testing.
B. Initial Training. The following are the initial training course requirements for persons required to have accreditation under LAC 33:III.2739 and Paragraph F.1 of this Section.
1. Inspectors. All persons who inspect for ACM in facilities regulated under LAC 33:III.Chapters 27 and 51, including but not limited to schools, and state buildings, shall be trained in accordance with this Section and accredited by the department. All persons seeking accreditation as inspectors shall complete a three-day training course as outlined below. The three-day program shall include lectures, demonstrations, four training hours of hands-on training, individual respirator fit testing, course review, and a written examination. The use of audiovisual materials is recommended to complement lectures, where appropriate. The inspector training course shall adequately address the following topics. Hands-on training shall include conducting a simulated building walk-through inspection and respirator fit testing.
a. Background Information on Asbestos: identification of asbestos; examples and discussion of the uses and locations of asbestos in buildings; physical appearance of asbestos.
b. Potential Health Effects Related to Asbestos Exposure: the nature of asbestos-related diseases; routes of exposure; dose-response relationships and the lack of a safe exposure level; the synergistic effect between cigarette smoking and asbestos exposure; the latency period for asbestos-related diseases; a discussion of the relationship of asbestos exposure to asbestosis, lung cancer, mesothelioma, and cancer of other organs.
c. Functions/Qualifications and Role of Inspectors: discussions of prior experience and qualifications for inspectors and management planners; discussions of the functions of an accredited inspector as compared to those of an accredited management planner; discussion of the inspection process including inventory of ACM and physical assessment.
d. Legal Liabilities and Defenses: responsibilities of the inspector and management planner; a discussion comprehensive general liability policies, claims made and occurrence policies, environmental and pollution liability policy clauses; state liability insurance requirements; bonding and the relationship of insurance availability to bond availability.
e. Understanding Building Systems: the interrelationship between building systems, including an overview of common building physical plant layouts; heat, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system types-physical organization and where asbestos is found on HVAC components; building mechanical systems, their types and organization, and where to look for asbestos on such systems; inspecting electrical systems, including appropriate safety precautions; reading blueprints and as-build drawings.
f. Public/Employee/Building Occupant Relations: notifying employee organizations about the inspection; signs to warn building occupants; tact in dealing with occupants and the press; scheduling of inspections to minimize disruption; and education of building occupants about actions being taken.
g. Pre-Inspection Planning and Review of Previous Inspection Records: scheduling the inspection and obtaining access; building record review; identification of probable homogeneous areas from blueprints or as-built drawings; consultation with maintenance or building personnel; review of previous inspection, sampling, and abatement records of a building; the role of the inspector in exclusions for previously performed inspections.
h. Inspecting for Friable and Nonfriable Asbestos-Containing Material (ACM) and Assessing the Condition of Friable ACM: procedures to follow in conducting visual inspections for friable and nonfriable ACM; types of building materials that may contain asbestos; touching materials to determine friability; open return air plenums and their importance in HVAC systems; assessing damage, significant damage, potential damage, and potential significant damage; amount of suspected ACM, both in total quantity and as a percentage of the total area; type of damage; accessibility; material's potential for disturbance; known or suspected causes of damage or significant damage; deterioration algorithm methods as assessment factors.
i. Bulk Sampling/Documentation of Asbestos in Buildings: detailed discussion of the "Simplified Sampling Scheme for Friable Surfacing Materials (EPA 560/585-030a October 1985);" techniques to ensure that sampling is randomly distributed for other than friable surfacing materials; sampling of nonfriable materials; techniques for bulk sampling; sampling equipment the inspector should use; additional sampling requirements and chain-of-custody forms if litigation is anticipated; patching or repair of damage done in sampling; an inspector's repair kit; discussion of polarized light microscopy; choosing an accredited laboratory to analyze bulk samples; quality control and quality assurance procedures. The department recommends that all samples be analyzed by a laboratory that meets the requirements of LAC 33:I.Subpart 3.Chapters 45-59.
j. Inspector Respiratory Protection and Personal Protective Equipment: classes and characteristics of respirator types; limitations of respirators; proper selection, inspection, donning, use, maintenance, and storage procedures for respirators; methods for field testing of the facepiece-to-mouth seal (positive and negative pressure fitting tests); qualitative and quantitative fit testing procedures and their applicability; variability between field and laboratory protection factors; factors that alter respirator fit (e.g., facial hair); the components of a proper respiratory protection program; selection and use of personal protective clothing; and use, storage, and handling of nondisposable clothing.
k. Recordkeeping and Writing the Inspection Report: labeling of samples and keying sample identification to sampling location; recommendations on sample labeling; detailing of ACM inventory; photographs of selected sampling areas and examples of ACM condition; information required for inclusion in the management plan by LAC 33:III.2723.
l. Regulatory Review: EPA Worker Protection Rule in 40 CFR 763, subpart G, TSCA title II; OSHA asbestos construction standard 29 CFR 1926.1101 et seq.; OSHA respirator requirements found at 29 CFR 1910.134 et seq.; the Asbestos-Containing Materials in Schools and State Buildings Regulation found at LAC 33:III.Chapter 27; LAC 33:III.Chapter 51, Subchapter M; and differences in federal/state requirements where they apply and the effects, if any, on public and nonpublic schools, state and commercial or public buildings.
m. Field Trip: inclusion of a field exercise including a walk-through inspection; on-site discussion on information gathering and determination of sampling locations; on-site practice in physical assessment; classroom discussion of field exercise.
n. Course Review: review of key aspects of the training course.
2. Management Planners. All persons who prepare management plans for facilities regulated under LAC 33:III.Chapters 27 and 51, including but not limited to schools and state buildings shall be trained in accordance with this Section and accredited by the department. Possession of current and valid inspector accreditation shall be a prerequisite for admission to the management planner training course. All persons seeking accreditation as management planners shall complete an inspection training course as outlined above and a two-day management planning training course. The two-day training program shall include lectures, demonstration, course review, and a written examination. The use of audiovisual materials is recommended to complement lectures, where appropriate. The management planner training course shall adequately address the following topics.
a. Course Overview: the role of the management planner; operations and maintenance programs; setting work priorities; protecting building occupants.
b. Evaluation/Interpretation of Survey Results: review of TSCA Title II requirements for inspection and management plans as given in LAC 33:III.2723; summarized field data and laboratory results; comparison of field inspector's data sheet with laboratory results and site survey.
c. Hazard Assessment: amplification of the difference between physical assessment and hazard assessment; the role of the management planner in hazard assessment; explanation of significant damage, damage, potential damage, and potential significant damage; use of a description (or decision tree) code for assessment of ACM; assessment of friable ACM; relationship of accessibility, vibration sources, use of adjoining space, and air plenums and other factors to hazard assessment.
d. Legal Implications: liability; insurance issues specific to planners; liabilities associated with interim control measures, in-house maintenance, repair, and removal; use of results from previously performed inspections.
e. Evaluation and Selection of Control Options: overview of encapsulation, enclosure, interim operations and maintenance, and removal; advantages and disadvantages of each method; response actions described via a decision tree or other appropriate method; work practices for each response action; staging and prioritizing of work in both vacant and occupied buildings; the need for containment barriers and decontamination in response actions.
f. Roles of Other Professionals: use of industrial hygienists, engineers, and architects in developing technical specifications for response actions; any requirements that may exist for architect sign-off of plans; team approach to design of high-quality job specifications.
g. Developing an Operations and Maintenance (O and M) Plan: purpose of the plan; discussion of applicable EPA guidance documents; what actions should be taken by custodial staff; proper cleaning procedures; steam cleaning and high-efficiency particulate aerosol (HEPA) vacuuming; reducing disturbance of ACM; scheduling O and M for off-hours; rescheduling or canceling renovation in areas with ACM; boiler room maintenance; disposal of ACM; in-house procedures for ACM-bridging and penetrating encapsulants; pipe fittings; metal sleeves; polyvinyl chloride (PVC), canvas, and wet wraps; muslin with straps; fiber mesh cloth; mineral wool, and insulating cement; discussion of employee protection programs and staff training; case study in developing an O and M plan (development, implementation process, and problems that have been experienced).
h. Regulatory Review: focusing on the OSHA asbestos construction standard 29 CFR 1926.1101 et seq.; LAC 33:III.Chapter 51, Subchapter M; LAC 33:III.Chapter 27; EPA worker protection rule in 40 CFR 763, subpart G.
i. Recordkeeping for the Management Planner: use of field inspector's data sheet along with laboratory results; ongoing recordkeeping as a means of tracking asbestos disturbance; procedures for recordkeeping.
j. Assembling and Submitting the Management Plan: plan requirements in LAC 33:III.2723; the management plan as a planning tool; the proper completion and submittal of required elements for management plans, Form AAC-8.
k. Financing Abatement Actions: economic analysis and cost estimates; development of cost estimates; present costs of abatement versus future operations and maintenance costs; Asbestos School Hazard Abatement Act grants and loans.
l. Course Review: review of key aspects of the training course.

NOTE: Persons who perform the management planner role in public and commercial buildings are not required to be accredited. However, persons may find this training and accreditation helpful in preparing them to design or administer asbestos operations and maintenance programs for public and commercial buildings.

3. Abatement Project Designers. A person shall be trained in accordance with this Section and accredited by the department as a project designer to design any of the following activities with respect to RACM in facilities regulated under LAC 33:III.Chapters 27 and 51, including but not limited to a school or state building: a response action other than a SSSD maintenance activity, a maintenance activity that disturbs friable ACBM other than a SSSD maintenance activity, or a response action for a major fiber release episode. All persons seeking accreditation as abatement project designers shall complete a three-day abatement project designer training course as outlined below. The three-day abatement project designer training program shall include lectures, demonstrations, a field trip, course review, and a written examination. The use of audiovisual materials to complement lecturers, where appropriate, is recommended. The three-day abatement project designer training course shall adequately address the following topics.
a. Background Information on Asbestos: identification of asbestos; examples and discussion of the uses and locations of asbestos in buildings; physical appearance of asbestos.
b. Potential Health Effects Related to Asbestos Exposure: nature of asbestos-related diseases; routes of exposure; dose-response relationships and the lack of a safe exposure level; the synergistic effect between cigarette smoking and asbestos exposure; the latency period of asbestos-related diseases; a discussion of the relationship between asbestos exposure and asbestosis, lung cancer, mesothelioma, and cancer of other organs.
c. Overview of Abatement Construction Projects: abatement as a portion of a renovation project; OSHA requirements for notification of other contractors on a multi-employer site (29 CFR 1926.1101(d)).
d. Safety System Design Specifications: construction and maintenance of containment barriers and decontamination enclosure systems; positioning of warning signs; electrical and ventilation system lock-out; proper working techniques for minimizing fiber release; entry and exit procedures for the work area; use of wet methods; use of negative pressure exhaust ventilation equipment; use of high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) vacuums; proper cleanup and disposal of asbestos; work practices as they apply to encapsulation, enclosure, and repair; use of glove bags and a demonstration of glove-bag use.
e. Field Trip: visit to an abatement site or other suitable building site, including on-site discussions of abatement design, building walk-through inspection, and discussion of rationale for the concept of functional spaces during the walk-through.
f. Employee Personal Protective Equipment: the classes and characteristics of respirator types; limitations of respirators; proper selection, inspection, donning, use, maintenance, and storage procedures; methods for field testing of the facepiece-to-face seal (positive and negative pressure fitting tests); qualitative and quantitative fit testing procedures; variability between field and laboratory protection factors; factors that alter respirator fit (e.g., facial hair); components of a proper respiratory protection program; selection and use of personal protective clothing, including use, storage, and handling of nondisposable clothing; regulations covering personal protective equipment.
g. Additional Safety Hazards: hazards encountered during abatement activities and how to deal with them, including electrical hazards, heat stress, air contaminants other than asbestos, fire, and explosion hazards.
h. Fiber Aerodynamics and Control: aerodynamic characteristics of asbestos fibers; importance of proper containment barriers; settling time for asbestos fibers; wet methods in abatement; aggressive air monitoring after abatement; aggressive air movement and negative pressure exhaust ventilation as a cleanup method.
i. Designing Abatement Solutions: discussions of removal, enclosure, and encapsulation methods; asbestos waste disposal.
j. Final Clearance Process: discussion of the need for a written sampling rationale for aggressive final air clearance; requirements of a complete visual inspection; the relationship of the visual inspection to final air clearance; and discussion of the use of TEM analysis in the final clearance process.
k. Budgeting/Cost Estimation: development of cost estimates; present costs of abatement versus future operations and maintenance costs; setting priorities for abatement jobs to reduce cost.
l. Writing Abatement Specifications: preparation of and need for a written project design; means and methods specifications versus performance specifications; design of abatement in occupied buildings; modification of guide specifications to fit a particular building; worker and building occupant health/medical considerations; replacement of ACM with nonasbestos substitutes; clearance of work area after abatement; air monitoring for clearance.
m. Preparing Abatement Drawings: significance and need for drawings, use of as-built drawings; use of inspection photographs and on-site reports; methods of preparing abatement drawings; diagramming containment barriers; relationship of drawings to design specifications; particular problems with abatement drawings.
n. Contract Preparation and Administration
o. Legal/Liabilities/Defenses: insurance considerations; bonding; hold harmless clauses; use of abatement contractor's liability insurance; claims-made versus occurrence policies.
p. Replacement: replacement of asbestos with asbestos-free substitutes.
q. Roles of Other Consultants: development of technical specification sections by industrial hygienists or engineers; the multidisciplinary team approach to abatement design.
r. Occupied Buildings: special design procedures required in occupied buildings; education of occupants; extra monitoring recommendations; staging of work to minimize occupant exposure; scheduling of renovation to minimize exposure.
s. Relevant Federal, State, and Local Regulatory Requirements: procedures and standards, including:
i. requirements of TSCA title II;
ii. LAC 33:III.Chapter 51, Subchapter M, Asbestos;
iii. LAC 33:III.Chapter 27, Asbestos-Containing Material in Schools and Public Buildings;
iv. OSHA standards for permissible exposure to airborne concentrations of asbestos fibers and respiratory protection (29 CFR 1910.1001(c) or 29 CFR 1926.1101(c), whichever is applicable);
v. Worker protection rule, in 40 CFR 763, subpart G; and
vi. OSHA asbestos construction standard in 29 CFR 1926.1101 et seq., and OSHA hazard communication standard found at 29 CFR 1910.1200.
t. Course Review: a review of key aspects of the training course.
4. Asbestos Abatement Contractor/Supervisors. A person shall be trained in accordance with this Section and accredited by the department as a contractor/supervisor to supervise any of the following activities with respect to RACM in facilities regulated under LAC 33:III.Chapters 27 and 51, including but not limited to a school or state building,: a response action other than a SSSD activity, a maintenance activity that disturbs RACM other than a SSSD activity, or a response action for a major fiber release episode. All persons seeking accreditation as asbestos abatement supervisors shall complete a five-day training course as outlined below. The training course shall include lectures, demonstrations, at least 14 training hours of hands-on training, individual respirator fit testing, course review, and a written examination. The hands-on training shall include abatement work activities to include working with asbestos-substitute materials, the use of glove bags and protective clothing, proper bagging and wrapping, and constructing a decontamination unit. The use of audiovisual materials is recommended to complement lectures, where appropriate. For purposes of Louisiana state accreditation, asbestos abatement supervisors include those persons who provide supervision and direction to workers engaged in asbestos removal, encapsulation, enclosure, or repair. Supervisors may include those individuals with the position title of foreman, working foreman, or leadman pursuant to collective bargaining agreements. At least one supervisor is required to be at the worksite at all times while work is in progress. Asbestos workers must have access to accredited supervisors throughout the duration of the project. Contracted air-monitoring personnel shall be trained in accordance with this Section and accredited as contractor/supervisor. Hands-on training shall permit supervisors to have actual experience performing tasks associated with asbestos abatement. The supervisor's training course shall adequately address the following topics.
a. The Physical Characteristics of Asbestos and Asbestos-Containing Materials: identification of asbestos; aerodynamic characteristics; typical uses; physical appearance; a review of hazard assessment considerations; summary of abatement control options.
b. Potential Health Effects Related to Asbestos Exposure: the nature of asbestos-related diseases; routes of exposure; dose-response relationships and the lack of a safe exposure level; synergism between cigarette smoking and asbestos exposure; latency period for disease.
c. Employee Personal Protective Equipment: classes and characteristics of respirator types; limitations of respirators and their proper selection, inspection, donning, use, maintenance, and storage procedures; methods for field testing of the facepiece-to-face seal (positive and negative pressure fitting tests); qualitative and quantitative fit testing procedures; variability between field and laboratory protection factors; factors that alter respirator fit (e.g., facial hair); the components of a proper respiratory protection program; selection and use of personal protective clothing, including use, storage, and handling of nondisposable clothing; regulations covering personal protective equipment.
d. State-of-the-Art Work Practices: proper work practices for asbestos abatement activities, including descriptions of proper construction and maintenance of barriers and decontamination enclosure systems; positioning of warning signs; electrical and ventilation system lockout; proper working techniques for minimizing fiber release; use of wet methods; use of negative pressure ventilation equipment; use of high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) vacuums; proper cleanup and disposal procedures, including bagging and wrapping; work practices for removal, encapsulation, enclosure, and repair; emergency procedures for sudden releases; potential exposure situations; transport and disposal procedures; recommended and prohibited work practices. Discussion of new abatement-related techniques and methodologies may be included.
e. Personal Hygiene: entry and exit procedures for the work area; use of showers; avoidance of eating, drinking, smoking, and chewing (gum or tobacco) in the work area. Potential exposures, such as family exposure, shall also be included.
f. Additional Safety Hazards: hazards encountered during abatement activities and how to deal with them, including electrical hazards, heat stress, air contaminants other than asbestos, fire and explosion hazards, scaffold and ladder hazards, slips, trips, and falls, and confined spaces.
g. Medical Monitoring: OSHA and EPA Worker protection rule requirements for physical examinations, including a pulmonary function test, chest x-rays, and a medical history for each employee.
h. Air Monitoring: procedures to determine airborne concentrations of asbestos fibers, including a description of aggressive sampling, sampling equipment and methods, reasons for air monitoring, types of samples, and interpretation of results, specifically from analysis performed by polarized light, phase-contrast, and electron microscopy analyses.
i. Relevant Federal, State, and Local Regulatory Requirements: procedures and standards, including:
i. requirements of TSCA title II;
ii. LAC 33:III.Chapter 51, Subchapter M. Asbestos;
iii. LAC 33:III.Chapter 27, Asbestos-Containing Material in Schools and State Buildings regulation;
iv. OSHA standards for permissible exposure to airborne concentrations of asbestos fibers (29 CFR 1910.1001(c)), 29 CFR 1926.1101(c) and respiratory protection (29 CFR 1910.134 et seq.);
v. OSHA asbestos construction standard (29 CFR 1926.1101 et seq.; and
vi.40 CFR 763, subpart G, worker protection rule.
j. Respiratory protection programs and medical surveillance programs:
i. OSHA standards for respiratory protection (29 CFR 1910.134 et seq.);
ii. OSHA protection factors for respirators (29 CFR 1910.1001(g) et seq. and medical surveillance (29 CFR 1926.1101(m); and
iii. EPA protection factors for respirators (40 CFR 763.122).
k. Insurance and Liability Issues: contractor issues; worker's compensation coverage and exclusions; third-party liabilities and defenses; insurance coverage and exclusions.
l. Recordkeeping for Asbestos Abatement Projects: records required by federal, state, and local regulations; records recommended for legal and insurance purposes.
m. Supervisory Techniques for Asbestos Abatement Activities: supervisory practices to enforce and reinforce the required work practices and discourage unsafe work practices.
n. Contract Specifications: discussion of key elements that are included in contract specifications.
o. Course Review: review of key aspects of the training course.
5. Asbestos Abatement Workers. A person shall be trained in accordance with this Section and accredited as a worker by the department to carry out any of the following activities with respect to RACM in facilities regulated under LAC 33:III.Chapters 27 and 51, including but not limited to a school or state building: response action other than a SSSD activity, a maintenance activity that disturbs RACM other than a SSSD activity, or a response action for a major fiber release episode. All persons seeking accreditation as asbestos abatement workers shall complete at least a four-day training course as outlined below. The worker training course shall include lectures, demonstrations, at least 14 training hours of hands-on training, individual respirator fit testing, course review, and an examination. The hands-on training shall include abatement work activities to include working with asbestos-substitute materials, the use of glove bags and protective clothing, proper bagging and wrapping, and constructing a decontamination unit. The use of audiovisual materials is recommended to complement lectures, where appropriate. Hands-on training shall permit workers to have actual experience performing tasks associated with asbestos abatement. A person who is otherwise accredited as a contractor/supervisor may perform in the role of a worker without possessing separate accreditation as a worker. The training course shall adequately address the following topics.
a. Physical Characteristics of Asbestos: identification of asbestos, aerodynamic characteristics, typical uses, and physical appearance, and a summary of abatement control options.
b. Potential Health Effects Related to Asbestos Exposure: the nature of asbestos-related diseases, routes of exposure, dose-response relationships, and the lack of a safe exposure level; synergism between cigarette smoking and asbestos exposure; latency period for disease and a discussion of the relationship of asbestos exposure to asbestosis, lung cancer, mesothelioma, and cancers of other organs.
c. Employee Personal Protective Equipment: classes and characteristics of respirator types; limitations of respirators and their proper selection, inspection, donning, use, maintenance, and storage procedures; methods for field testing of the facepiece-to-face seal (positive and negative pressure fitting tests); qualitative and quantitative fit testing procedures; variability between field and laboratory protection factors; factors that alter respirator fit (e.g., facial hair); the components of a proper respiratory protection program; selection and use of personal protective clothing; use, storage, and handling of nondisposable clothing; and regulations covering personal protective equipment.
d. State-of-the-Art Work Practices: proper work practices for asbestos abatement activities including descriptions of proper construction and maintenance of barriers and decontamination enclosure systems; positioning of warning signs; electrical and ventilation system lockout; proper working techniques for minimizing fiber release; use of wet methods; use of negative pressure ventilation equipment; use of high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) vacuums; proper cleanup and disposal procedures including wrapping and bagging; work practices for removal, encapsulation, enclosure, and repair, emergency procedures for sudden releases; potential exposure situations; transport and disposal procedures; and recommended and prohibited work practices.
e. Personal Hygiene: entry and exit procedures for the work area; use of showers; avoidance of eating, drinking, smoking, and chewing (gum or tobacco) in the work area; potential exposures, such as family exposure.
f. Additional Safety Hazards: hazards encountered during abatement activities and how to deal with them, including electrical hazards, heat stress, air contaminants other than asbestos, fire and explosion hazards, scaffold and ladder hazards, slips, trips, falls, and confined spaces.
g. Medical Monitoring: OSHA and EPA Worker Protection Rule requirements for a pulmonary function test, chest x-rays, and a medical history for each employee.
h. Air Monitoring: procedures to determine airborne concentrations of asbestos fibers, focusing on how personal air sampling is performed and the reasons for it.
i. Relevant Federal, State and Local Regulatory Requirements, Procedures, and Standards: particular attention directed at relevant EPA, OSHA, and state regulations concerning asbestos abatement workers.
j. Establishment of respiratory protection programs.
k. Course Review: review of key aspects of the training course.
C. Examination. A closed-book examination shall be given to all persons seeking accreditation who have completed an initial training course. A person seeking accreditation in a specific discipline shall pass the examination for that discipline prior to receiving a training certificate. For example, a person seeking accreditation as an inspector must pass the inspector's accreditation examination given by the training provider. Each examination shall adequately cover the topics included in the training course for that discipline. Persons who pass and fulfill other associated requirements will receive a certificate indicating that they are trained in a specific discipline. The following are the requirements for examinations in each area:
1. inspectors:
a. 50 multiple choice questions;
b. passing score - 70 percent;
2. management planners:
a. 50 multiple choice questions;
b. passing score - 70 percent;
3. abatement project designers:
a. 100 multiple choice questions;
b. passing score - 70 percent;
4. asbestos abatement contractors and supervisors:
a. 100 multiple choice questions;
b. passing score - 70 percent;
5. asbestos abatement workers:
a. 50 multiple choice questions;
b. passing score - 70 percent.
D. Refresher Training Courses. The refresher course shall be specific to each discipline. Refresher courses shall be conducted as separate and distinct courses and not combined with any other training during the period of the refresher course.
1. For all disciplines except inspectors, a one-day annual refresher training course is required for reaccreditation.
2. Refresher courses for inspectors shall be a half-day length.
3. Management planners shall attend the inspector refresher course, plus an additional half-day on management planning.
4. For each discipline, the refresher course shall review and discuss changes in federal and state regulations, developments in state-of-the-art procedures, and a review of key aspects of the initial training courses.
5. After completing the annual refresher course, persons shall have their training extended an additional year. If a refresher course is not completed within two years of the last course completion date, the initial training course has to be retaken for reaccreditation.
E. Qualifications. In addition to training and an examination, inspectors, management planners, and abatement project designers shall meet the requirements listed below.
1. Inspectors. Qualifications-possess a high school diploma or GED.
2. Management Planners. Qualifications:
a. a certification, registration, or license to practice as an architect, professional engineer, or certified industrial hygienist;
b. bachelor's degree in a related scientific field; or
c. a bachelor's degree and five years experience related to assessments and abatement projects in schools and state buildings as an accredited asbestos inspector.
3. Abatement Project Designer. Qualifications:
a. a certification, registration or license to practice as an architect, professional engineer, or certified industrial hygienist.
F. Accreditation of Agents
1. Accreditation is required for:
a. persons who inspect for the presence of asbestos in facilities regulated under LAC 33:III.Chapters 27 and 51, including but not limited to schools and/or state buildings;
b. persons who develop management plans for schools and/or state buildings, or those buildings used or leased by the state;
c. persons who design or carry out response actions for facilities regulated under LAC 33:III.Chapters 27 and 51, including but not limited to schools and/or state buildings involving RACM (other than SSSD);
d. persons contracted to perform air monitoring in facilities regulated under LAC 33:III.Chapters 27 and 51, including but not limited to schools and state buildings;
e. persons contracted to strip, remove, or otherwise handle or disturb RACM in facilities regulated under LAC 33:III.Chapters 27 and 51, including but not limited to schools, or state buildings.
2. Application for Accreditation. The applicant for accreditation shall submit the following items:
a. the latest version of a completed and legible asbestos accreditation affidavit, Form AAC-1 (which may be obtained from the Office of Environmental Services or through the department's website) that contains:
i. the applicant's name, address, telephone number, fax number, and email address;
ii. the applicant's driver's license or state identification number and the issuing state;
iii. the name, address, telephone number, fax number, and email address of the applicant's employer;
iv. an identification of the disciplines in which accreditation is sought;
v. Form AAC-1 statement of regulation possession, knowledge and enforceability;
vi. the applicant's previous agency interest number (AI #), if applicable; and
vii. the applicant's signature and the date of application;
b. a copy of the current class training certificate. First-time applicants shall also submit copies of initial training and all subsequent refresher (update) certificates;
i. the training course(s) shall have at least contingent approval from EPA or be approved by a state authorized by the EPA to approve training courses;
ii. applicants seeking accreditation from Louisiana that received current training from providers recognized by EPA or an EPA-authorized state not recognized by Louisiana shall also submit proof of a current two-hour training course in current Louisiana regulations from a Louisiana RATP (reciprocity);
c. applications for inspector, management planner, and project designer shall include, where applicable:
i. a copy of a high school diploma, general educational development (GED) certificate or documentation of the highest level of education achieved (including as necessary, a bachelor's degree in a related field);
ii. a copy of proof of certification registration or license to practice as an architect, certified industrial hygienist, or a professional engineer;
d. applicable fees as noted in LAC 33:III.223;
e. a 1" x 1 1/4" photograph of the applicant's face (front view) labeled with their name.
3. The completed application with applicable fees (LAC 33:III.223) shall be sent to the Office of Environmental Services.
4. Persons shall be considered accredited upon receipt of a certificate of accreditation or identification card issued by the department.
5. Approved Applications
a. Accreditation numbers shall be issued to all approved agents.
b. A qualified individual seeking accreditation shall be issued accreditation certificates, which expire one year after the last day of his or her most recent training course.
6. Renewal of Accreditation
a. To renew accreditation, all persons shall submit an application in accordance with the requirements of Paragraph F.2 of this Appendix.
b. A qualified individual shall maintain continuous accreditation provided the individual submits the required documents at least 30 days prior to his or her expiration/renewal date.
i. If an individual seeking reaccreditation has received refresher training within 90 days prior to his or her existing expiration/renewal date, his or her accreditation shall be extended for one year from the existing expiration/renewal date.
ii. If an individual seeking reaccreditation has received refresher training earlier than 90 days prior to his or her existing expiration/renewal date, his or her new expiration/renewal date will be one year after the last day of his or her most current training.
c. If a qualified individual does not submit an application for renewal within the time provided in Subparagraph F.6.b of this Appendix, his or her accreditation will lapse at the expiration of the term of the accreditation. A qualified individual may be reaccredited upon an application for renewal in accordance with Subparagraph F.6.a of this Appendix. The accreditation expiration/renewal date will be one year after the last day of his or her most current training, provided the applicant has received refresher training within two years of the last course completion date. If a refresher is not taken within two years of the last course completion date, the initial training course shall be required for reaccreditation in accordance with Paragraph D.5 of this Appendix.
7. Agents who are supervisor accredited are responsible for ensuring that maintenance personnel in schools and state buildings are properly trained as defined in LAC 33:III.2721 and that workers trained to meet LAC 33:III.2739.B.3 are accredited.
8. Revocation of Accreditation. Accredited agents may have accreditation revoked for:
a. failure to comply with or direct others to comply with LAC 33:III.Chapters 27 and 51, and other applicable federal, state, and local regulations;
b. failure to notify the Office of Environmental Services of changes in status;
c. failure to operate safely and/or protect the environment;
d. failure to allow a department representative to inspect and review sites and documentation;
e. failure to submit valid and accurate accreditation application documents and/or training documents;
f. performing work requiring accreditation at a job site without evidence of required accreditation which shall include, but not be limited to, current DEQ-issued identification cards or accreditation certificates being available for inspection by the administrative authority at the worksite;
g. permitting the duplication or use of one's own accreditation certificate by another;
h. performing work for which accreditation has not been received; and
i. obtaining training from a training provider that does not have approval to offer training for the particular discipline from either EPA or from a state authorized by EPA that has an accreditation plan at least as stringent as the EPA model accreditation plan (MAP).
9. Revocation of accreditation shall be effective for no less than one year.
10. Prohibitions
a. The alteration or possession of altered certificates is prohibited.
b. The submission of any false statement, representation, or certification in any form, application, report, plan, or any other document filed or required to be submitted to/or maintained by the department is prohibited.
c. A student shall not participate both as a student and as a principal trainer in their own asbestos training courses for certification, and shall not sign their own training certificate.
G. RATP and Principal Trainers. RATPs and principal trainers shall be recognized by the department prior to conducting training of approved courses in Louisiana. Principal trainers who conduct asbestos courses in Louisiana shall do so in association with a RATP recognized by the department.
1. Asbestos training providers requesting recognition shall provide the following:
a. the latest version of the asbestos training provider recognition application, Form AAC-3, (which may be obtained from the Office of Environmental Services or through the department's website) requesting approval to train asbestos agents;
b. the latest version of the asbestos trainer recognition application, Form AAC-4, with resumes for principal trainers;
c. two or more principal trainers shall be listed for each initial training course; and
d. appropriate fees (LAC 33:III.223).
2. The asbestos training provider recognition application shall, at a minimum, include the following:
a. the name, address, telephone number, and email address of the training provider's primary offices and the representative serving as the contact for the provider for the scheduling of training courses and for other training activities;
b. the signature of a responsible official for the training provider; and
c. information on the specific courses including:
i. course discipline (e.g., worker, contractor/supervisor, inspector, etc.);
ii. course type (i.e., initial or refresher);
iii. the language in which the course will be taught;
iv. all addresses of the physical locations where courses will be held during the year;
v. a description of the facility where the classes will be held (e.g., warehouse, industrial building, etc.);
vi. copies of the latest version of training materials including texts, syllabi, and outlines, but not including exams:
(a). if the latest version of training material was submitted with the last application, a note to that effect is sufficient;
(b). the training material shall be provided in the language it will be taught; and
(c). the department reserves the right to request a copy of the training material at any time;
vii. a detailed statement about the development of the examination used in the course. The statement shall include, but is not limited to:
(a). the number of questions for each exam;
(b). the topics covered in the exam; and
(c). the number of questions specifically relating to Louisiana regulations; and
viii. a detailed statement clearly indicating how the course meets the requirements of this Appendix for:
(a). length of training days;
(b). amount and type of hands-on training;
(c). examination (e.g., length, format, passing score);
(d). topics covered in the course;
(e). a copy of an example training completion certificate; and
(f). a copy of the EPA letter recognizing approval of the training provider's course or approval from a state authorized by EPA to approve training courses, if applicable.
3. Trainers seeking recognition shall submit:
a. the latest version of the asbestos trainer recognition form, AAC-4;
b. appropriate fees (LAC 33:III.223);
c. a resume indicating proof of experience in the subjects they will teach which includes the following experience requirements:
i. a degree or training certification in the subject being taught; and
ii. experience in the field for two or more years;
d. a person experienced as a supervisor/contractor is also considered experienced as a worker.
4. Training Providers and Trainers Recognition
a. Training providers and trainers shall be considered recognized upon written confirmation from the department or upon receipt of a certificate of recognition from the department.
b. Training recognition numbers will be issued to all recognized training providers and principal trainers. The recognition is effective for one year from the date issued.
c. Recognition of training providers and trainers may be renewed annually by submitting the latest revision of Forms AAC-3 and AAC-4 respectively along with all appropriate updates to the information required for the application and the applicable fees to the department.
5. Applications for training provider and trainer recognition may be denied for:
a. incomplete applications;
b. inaccurate or falsified information;
c. incomplete supporting documentation;
d. failure to comply with applicable federal, state, and local regulations, which includes nonpayment of fees or a history of noncompliance with LAC 33:III.Chapters 27 and 51; and
e. at the discretion of the department based on past compliance history.
6. Training courses will be given contingent approval based upon the review of course materials and inclusion of those topics required under Subsection B of this Appendix when applicable. Full approval may be given upon completion of an audit of the courses.
7. Recognition for a training course may be denied if the training provider fails to:
a. comply with the course requirements outlined in LAC 33:III.274.B; and
b. comply with the notification requirements outlined in LAC 33:III.2741.B.
8. Compliance and Enforcement. A recognized training provider or recognized trainer may have their recognition withdrawn or revoked for one or more years according to one or more of the following criteria:
a. failure to issue certificates which includes the information required by these regulations;
b. failure to ensure that the training materials are applicable to the class taught, and are included in the latest material submitted to the department as part of the initial or renewal application;
c. failure to ensure that the training material includes the most current version of the DEQ forms, obtained from the department website;
d. failure to ensure that the Office of Environmental Services is informed of any change in status of the training organization, such as pending fines, notices of violation, changes in principal trainer status, etc;
e. failure to ensure that a timely notification of courses that will be taught, including where, when, and who will conduct the class, or that a cancellation of classes is received by the Office of Environmental Services before the class should have commenced;
f. failure to ensure that an accurate, timely, and complete roster is received by the Office of Environmental Services;
g. misrepresentation of the extent of a training course's approval by a state or EPA;
h. failure to submit required information or notifications in a timely manner;
i. failure to maintain requisite records;
j. falsification of recognition or accreditation records, trainer qualifications, or other information;
k. falsification of any information regarding the principal trainer and course location on the notification or roster;
l. misrepresenting the contents of a training course to the department and/or the student population;
m. making false or misleading statements to the department, EPA, or another state in its application for recognition;
n. failure to adhere to the training standards and requirements of the agent accreditation plan and the EPA MAP; and/or
o. failure to meet any of the requirements of this Appendix.
9. Three violations of any of the requirements of this Subsection will result in the training provider or principal trainer permanently losing their recognition to teach courses in Louisiana.

La. Admin. Code tit. 33, § III-2799

Promulgated by the Department of Environmental Quality, Office of Air Quality and Nuclear Energy, Air Quality Division, LR 15:735 (September 1989), amended LR 16:397 (May 1990), LR 16:1057 (December 1990), amended by the Office of Air Quality and Radiation Protection, Air Quality Division, LR 20:649 (June 1994), LR 22:700 (August 1996), amended by the Office of Environmental Assessment, Environmental Planning Division, LR 26:2458 (November 2000), amended by the Office of Environmental Assessment, LR 30:2022 (September 2004), LR 30:2803 (December 2004), amended by the Office of the Secretary, Legal Affairs Division, LR 31:2444 (October 2005), LR 33:2090 (October 2007), amended by the Office of the Secretary, Legal Division, LR 40:510 (March 2014).
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 30:2344 and 40:1749.1.