Each facility subject to this regulation shall remain subject so long as this regulation remains in effect or until the facility's VOC potential contaminant emission rate is demonstrated, to the satisfaction of the department, to be always less than three tons per year.
VOC, lbs / gal. of solids applied = (EL) / (TE)(VS)
EL = the coating characteristics established by this regulation, expressed as pounds of VOC per gallon of coating, less water and exempt VOC;
TE = baseline transfer efficiency as defined at K.A.R. 28-19-61, expressed as a decimal;
VS = volume fraction of solids in EL, expressed as a decimal, where the density of coating solvents is assumed to be 7.36 pounds per gallon
VOC, lbs / gal. of solids applied = (AC) (1-E) / (vs)(te)
AC = pounds of VOC per gallon of the coating as delivered to the coating application system, less exempt VOC and water;
E = the demonstrated efficiency of installed vapor processing system determined by the actual vapor collection system efficiency multiplied by the actual VOC emissions control device efficiency, expressed as a decimal;
vs = volume fraction of solids of the coating as delivered to the coating application system, expressed as a decimal. For water-borne coatings the volume fraction of solids is determined without water;
te = the actual demonstrated transfer efficiency of the coating application system, expressed as a decimal.
Kan. Admin. Regs. § 28-19-73