Iowa Admin. Code r. 761-400.72

Current through Register Vol. 47, No. 5, September 4, 2024
Rule 761-400.72 - Electronic lien and title
(1) The department may authorize the use of an electronic lien and title (ELT) system to provide an electronic record of the certificate of title to a security interest holder, to subject a vehicle to an electronic lien, and to allow for the submission and receipt of forms related to security interests through electronic means.
a. The department shall authorize ELT providers for transmission of vehicle data, title data and forms necessary to process security interest transactions through electronic means. The department may establish application forms and approval processes as necessary for ELT providers.
b. The department may authorize an ELT lender to participate in the ELT system if the ELT lender has first established a service relationship with an authorized ELT provider. The department may establish application forms and approval processes as necessary for ELT lenders.
(2) For each individual transaction, an authorized ELT lender may choose to use either the ELT process or the paper security interest process as provided in Iowa Code section 321.50 and rules 761-400.8 (321) and 761-400.10 (321).
(3) If a security interest is released through ELT and there are no other secured parties, but the ELT lender does not request a paper title to be printed and provided to the owner, or the ELT lender does not otherwise provide a paper title to the owner, then the owner of the vehicle may apply to the county treasurer or the department for a certificate of title to be printed and provided to the owner by submitting an application form in the form and manner prescribed by the department.
a. If there is more than one owner of the vehicle, any owner may apply to the department or the county treasurer, as applicable, for the certificate of title to be printed and provided to whomever the owner specifies.
b. If an owner is deceased, the signatures and documents specified in subrules 400.14(4) and 400.14(5) shall be required. A person entitled to vehicle ownership under the laws of descent and distribution shall sign the required forms and shall insert the words "heir at law" following the signature on the application form.

This rule is intended to implement Iowa Code section 321.50.

Iowa Admin. Code r. 761-400.72

Adopted by IAB April 6, 2022/Volume XLIV, Number 20, effective 5/11/2022